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Ahmadinejad says Iran building three-stage rocket

Either reducing tentions... Iran is heading fr a real Head on wid enemies.... Its thr right to protect themselves but now it seems more f a Thunder dan shower...Keep boasting everysingle psoff wnt lead em fr newhr.... shud opt a path fr keep moving quietly,dan thumping d bush ( nt dat 1) al d time ll provoke d prays nothin else.
It is quite a big jump from thier Umid adventure last year. 700 KG payload up into space 1000 KM away would definitely give a major boost in Iran to satellite communication and transmission, telephony, border and maritime monitoring, weather forecasting and a BIG HEADACHE to arch foe Israel. :)

Why would a 1500 lb bomb be a problem to Israel,,even if Iran had a 1000 of them it would not take out more then a quarter of square mile of Israel if they are using conventional war heads. If they were to use nukes or gas Israel is going to destroy Iran, and most likely the rest of the middle east, I dont see the point.
Why would a 1500 lb bomb be a problem to Israel,,even if Iran had a 1000 of them it would not take out more then a quarter of square mile of Israel if they are using conventional war heads. If they were to use nukes or gas Israel is going to destroy Iran, and most likely the rest of the middle east, I dont see the point.

Whether you don't want to confess that you saw a point or are really unable to see the point; both ways it is good for Iran. :)
Whether you don't want to confess that you saw a point or are really unable to see the point; both ways it is good for Iran. :)

I really dont see the point, perhaps you can explain to me. In the even of a nuclear or WMD exchange, neither side is going to have that much problem attacking the other.
Iran doesn't disappoint that's for sure! They try and get in about 1 - 2 scientific, and engineering claims a week. And with such a loyal fanboi base swooning (swooning = To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy) at each announcement, It is a sight to behold.
Iran doesn't disappoint that's for sure! They try and get in about 1 - 2 scientific, and engineering claims a week. And with such a loyal fanboi base swooning (swooning = To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy) at each announcement, It is a sight to behold.

Actually Iran is quite powerfull.The US has not attacked Iran so far because they fear that they might get humiliated.I read an article which mentioned that some generals in the US army have made it clear that they will quit if the US attacks Iran.
So their space port will be on Uncle Sam radar for some fireworks. Uncle sam is capitalizing well on this oppurtunity to sell weapons. Even the bankrupt state of UAE is lining up massive orders.
yes they knew it iran is not either Iraq or Afg....."This grape ll turn out to b Sour" fr em.
Actually Iran is quite powerfull.The US has not attacked Iran so far because they fear that they might get humiliated.I read an article which mentioned that some generals in the US army have made it clear that they will quit if the US attacks Iran.

If you are going to quote articles then you need to link them.
Actually Iran is quite powerfull.The US has not attacked Iran so far because they fear that they might get humiliated.I read an article which mentioned that some generals in the US army have made it clear that they will quit if the US attacks Iran.

I doubt if Iran would be any more of a problem then Iraq, 30 years of Sanctions, No USSR that gave them massive numbers of weapons and tanks, no air force. Military divided between a conventional military and the revolutionary guard. Poltical unrest, lot of Iranians are going to be thinking, USA came in got rid of Saddam regime and left, maybe thats what we need to get rid of the nutcases in iran.

An occupation of Iran would be real bear.
With Iraq USA had to travel 7000 miles, now we are there, I would give the Iranian Military about a month befor US troops were in Tehran.
I doubt if Iran would be any more of a problem then Iraq, 30 years of Sanctions, No USSR that gave them massive numbers of weapons and tanks, no air force. Military divided between a conventional military and the revolutionary guard. Poltical unrest, lot of Iranians are going to be thinking, USA came in got rid of Saddam regime and left, maybe thats what we need to get rid of the nutcases in iran.

An occupation of Iran would be real bear.
With Iraq USA had to travel 7000 miles, now we are there, I would give the Iranian Military about a month befor US troops were in Tehran.

There is no doubt that sanctions have affected Iranian military strength.But they have made their own versions of foreign missiles and other weapons systems and they are pretty decent.If US attacks Iran the entire country will stand against the US .Iraq was nothing compared to Iran.Iran actually has its defence industries whereas Iraq had outdated weapons.

Iran is not gonna be a walk in the park and the US understands it very well.
I doubt if Iran would be any more of a problem then Iraq, 30 years of Sanctions, No USSR that gave them massive numbers of weapons and tanks, no air force. Military divided between a conventional military and the revolutionary guard. Poltical unrest, lot of Iranians are going to be thinking, USA came in got rid of Saddam regime and left, maybe thats what we need to get rid of the nutcases in iran.

An occupation of Iran would be real bear.
With Iraq USA had to travel 7000 miles, now we are there, I would give the Iranian Military about a month befor US troops were in Tehran.

u sound very confident.Do u have any idea abt how big Iran is.Occupation of Iran is out of bounce for the US.Confrontations if any will be limited to surgical strikes.
u sound very confident.Do u have any idea abt how big Iran is.Occupation of Iran is out of bounce for the US.Confrontations if any will be limited to surgical strikes.

I don't think the U.S. plans on invading Iran. Airstrikes would be all that is needed.
I don't think the U.S. plans on invading Iran. Airstrikes would be all that is needed.

Theres no plans other then the War Game Plans that have pretty well done for ever possible situation that might ever take place. This is just a for fun what if.

Iran already has a missile armament capable of wreaking havoc, but its air, sea, and ground forces are out of date and badly in need of maintenance, according to a survey of websites devoted to military topics.

Jane’s Defense Weekly offers this overall assessment of Iran’s military:

"Iran’s armed forces are limited, despite their size, by a very poor maintenance record caused by lack of spare parts and very poor training, There is little doubt that, at the moment, Iran is not capable of presenting any credible external threat and conventional force projection is almost certainly limited to within its own borders."

GlobalFirepower, a military statistics website, which cites the CIA as one of its sources, ranks Iran 18th in military power worldwide behind Turkey (10), Israel (11), Pakistan (15), and Egypt (17) but ahead of Saudi Arabia (24), Iraq (37), Afghanistan (40),and Lebanon (42).

According to this site, Iran’s defense budget was $6,300,000,000 and it currently has 540,000 active military personnel.

I doubt if Irans missiles are any more dangerous then Saddams WMD.

I dont think people understand the power an force multiplier of smart bombs. Once Irans Air Power weapons like this would come into play.
CBU-105, is seeing its first action ever in combat, and according to the U.S. Air Force, it is especially deadly.

"It's a fearsome weapon," said John Pike, the head of globalsecurity.org and an ABC NEWS consultant. "If an armored convoy is moving down a road, an attack by this cluster bomb unit would basically stop that armored assault in its tracks."

Dividing and Dividing Again

As the bomb falls, it splits open in midair — and releases 10 smaller units, each of which descends under a small white parachute.

As they approach the ground, those units split as well, each one ejecting four armor-piercing explosives. The result, say sources: one bomb drop causes 40 explosions, spread out over 15 acres or more.

The CBU-105 is a heat-seeking weapon. Its sensors look for engines of tanks, personnel carriers and other sources of high temperature. As the bombs descend, they can be steered by small fins, to get closer to their targets, and to counteract the force of the wind. The bombs are less sophisticated than weapons guided by satellites or lasers, but analysts say they can do a lot more damage.

"With a cluster bomb like this," says Pike, "a single B-52 can destroy an entire armored division, whereas in the past you had to send out dozens of airplanes that might have to drop hundreds of bombs to achieve the same effect."

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