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Ahmadi man gunned down in Lahore

Okay, i would rather do my own independent research on this matter.

I know off the man, i have met him twice. A very decent fellow, and by no means weak. He was quite powerful with well connected family members and friends. The people who had him murdered issued the hit after a business dispute, but tried to spin it as a religious issue.
i have a dbt , dnt knw if i could ask it or not.... how coul one differentiate b/w a shia and sunni is it like caste system that we have in hinduism ? y does sunnis and shias hve a clash b/w them ?? cause we dnt hear news of such type here in india..

tahnks in advance..
Whats so special with this report......... many people of many different backgrounds all over Pakistan are being killed for one reason to another.

i have a dbt , dnt knw if i could ask it or not.... how coul one differentiate b/w a shia and sunni is it like caste system that we have in hinduism ? y does sunnis and shias hve a clash b/w them ?? cause we dnt hear news of such type here in india..

tahnks in advance..

Silly people who have little to no knowledge about Islam decide to call themselves Sunni, Shia, Wahabbi, Sufi, Salafi, Ismaili etc etc etc....... If they had a slight bit of knowledge of Islam then these things would and should not exist.
Its the wahabis damn it, They've been butchering any one who doesn't agree with them. I keep saying ban all wahabi funding and expel all Saudi backed clerics but no one listens to me:sad:.

Wahabis kill berelvi, shias, ahmadis Christians everyone. Damn ban them from Pakistan and see half of Pakistan's problems are solved. Pakistan needs Ataturk II, I pray that the next Chief of army staff is Ataturk type person so we can get rid of the mullahs once and for all and truly prosper.

I know off the man, i have met him twice. A very decent fellow, and by no means weak. He was quite powerful with well connected family members and friends. The people who had him murdered issued the hit after a business dispute, but tried to spin it as a religious issue.

They gave it a religious flavour as you say it because they know they can get back up from mullahs. Mullahs are the problem dammit.
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