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Agni V Discussions

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Chinese Army (PLA) Hand Grenade Goes Wrong - MegaCombat

^^chinese army (PLA) hand grenade goes wrong!


Bhai Log..............

Just Heard on NDTV,

The unit cost of Agni 5 missile is rupees 25 to 30 Crore Rupees.

Thats about US $ 5 to 6 million per missile................. quite reasonable ..........


Almost all of our politicians can buy atleast one such missile for themselves now!
Any Idea when Pakistan will test its ICBM? Who knows some Pak army delegation is in talk with Bejing for one or two chinese made DF missile,which they will bring to pakistan will do a good paint work then will give it proper name (like Babur,Shahin,Hataf.. dont know what this time) and will test fly it somewhere from desert infront of Kiyani shaab.

no idea, but I am pretty sure Chinese can just give them the blue print of CJ-10 and cause some real headache for india.
mach 25 is when she reenter

But that makes it faster than the russian satan missile.
I am sorry I find it hard to believe. will you provide me with another link that says its speed.
It is a very good missile, but mach 25 is just hard to believe, maybe mach 15?
But that makes it faster than the russian satan missile.
I am sorry I find it hard to believe. will you provide me with another link that says its speed.
It is a very good missile, but mach 25 is just hard to believe, maybe mach 15?

Hey As far as I remember A3's speed is 4.5Km/s When it Re enters. So A5 must be faster
But that makes it faster than the russian satan missile.
I am sorry I find it hard to believe. will you provide me with another link that says its speed.
It is a very good missile, but mach 25 is just hard to believe, maybe mach 15?

it is mach 24 which is around 6+km/s while reentering. yes one of the fastest and most advanced guidance.
This is a 50 ton missile (as compared to the 47 ton Topol M).

Given Indian capabilities in solid propellant manufacturing, it is quite safe to say that 5000 km is not the max range.

Here is a video of a launch of the Prahaar tactical missile that is a nice demo of Indian propellant tech:

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22 Apr, 2012, 07.16AM IST,
Is Agni V the silver bullet that India was looking for?

By: Josy Joseph

In April 19, from a nondescript island off India's east coast, a 50-tonne monster made of assorted metals and classified chemicals blasted off, pierced the Earth's atmosphere, turned around, re-entered it, and plunged into the southern Indian Ocean with a thunderous thud.

Arguably, it was a small, yet, significant step for missile technology, but if you go by 24X7 TV and social media networks, the launch of Agni V from Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast was a giant leap for India. The prime minister congratulated the scientists of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) - an outfit often pulled up for perceived slowness in cutting-edge research - its scientists were paraded as national heroes; even China took note, making noises about cooperation, not competition.

So, now that the dust has settled well in Wheeler Island, it's time for a reality check. Is Agni V the silver bullet that India was looking for?

A 500-km Restraint

Well, the fundamental strategic reality is that no means of conventional catching-up will give India an edge in the world it exists in. For one, we just don't have the kind of money that a US or China has to pump into our defence lines. Then of course, there's the simple fact that we have an awful lot of catching up to do in the conventional space.

As for Agni V, let's begin with the range, its most celebrated aspect: all of China, most of Europe. That the range of Agni V was said to be 5,000 km, just 500 km short of the conventional minimum range for an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM), was a deliberate strategic restraint imposed by the Manmohan Singh government. It is among the many aspects of UPA government's strategy that is defining India's military projection, or the lack of it.

Continuing over-dependence on military imports, lack of major efforts to leapfrog technologies, over-zealous celebrations over achievements like Agni V and failure to achieve fresh goals in military research are defining India's military ideology that is woefully inadequate given the challenges.

But yes, the intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM), is a game changer in many ways. It is the most modern variation of the Agni family, providing a quicker response under India's no-first-strike policy, in case an adversary was to launch a nuclear attack.

Two More Tests

Agni V is a three-stage missile, each stage powered by solid propellants and with a canister-launch system, capabilities that make it a more agile system. It can be launched quicker than older missiles. It definitely is a very valuable land-based second-strike capability, a crucial component of the triad (on ground, air and sea) of nuclear capability towards which India is making definite strides.

The DRDO would carry out two more tests in about a year-and-half before the production of the missile would commence. It will then be handed over to the Strategic Command.

DRDO would now be working on equipping Agni V with multiple independent re-entry vehicles (MIRVs), which would allow launching several warheads on different targets from a single missile. MIRV would further firm up India's second-strike capability with a limited number of missiles.

It's chief VK Saraswat says there is no plan to cap India's missile programmes, although political sources have clearly indicated that for now the country wouldn't be looking at longer-range missile, which would officially usher India into the select ICBM club.

Real Reality Check

The euphoria over the success of Agni V, when put to a realistic assessment, shows a desperate effort to cover up for the bigger failures of India's indigenous military research, and its political inability to workout a definite roadmap for its peaceful rise next to China, in the post-Cold War era, where strategic focus has shifted to Asia with foreign powers from the US to UK manoeuvring in the nearby waters.

As a scientific achievement, the missile technology developed isn't any breakthrough on the global stage, given the fact that China, US and many European powers have much more advanced, longer-range and more sophisticated missiles in their armoury. While it is developing an anti-ballistic missile shield, India has failed to really address the immediate threat of a missile strike from Pakistan, or by rogue elements, where the response time would be just a few minutes.

Few Good Solutions

India's military research has failed to come up with unique solutions. In conventional military spend, India would never be able to match up to China and other global powers. While US spent 45.7% of the global military expenditure last year, China was second at 5.5%. India is way below at just 2.3%. China is galloping ahead, and is estimated to overtake the US by 2035.

A military strategy, to protect its autonomy and economic growth, cannot be mere development of longer-range missiles or other conventional weapons. It has to be unconventional technological leap, of achieving capabilities within the limited resources available.

That would call for determined efforts to bring in domestic industries and revamping of military research. That means a really radical change. This would require a firm political leadership, something the UPA government has failed to exhibit so far. Agni V isn't fiery enough for India.

(The writer is Senior Editor, Times of India)
Ten fact about Agni -V
by Nitin Gokhale | Updated: April 19, 2012 10:59 IST
India's first Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), Agni-V, was successfully test-fired today at 8:07 am from Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast. The test launch was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but weather played spoilsport. Here are the top 10 facts on the missile that has been designed and developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientists:

1). India will break into the exclusive ICBM club of six countries including the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China and France once the 50-tonne Agni-V is ready for induction by 2014-2015, although some others say unless India acquires an 8,000 km range missile, it cannot become a part of this club. But DRDO scientists are sticking to their claim.

2). The Agni series of missiles, including Agni-V, is crucial for India's defence vis-a-vis China since Beijing has upped the ante in recent times by deploying missiles in Tibet Autonomous Region bordering India.

3). Tipped to be a game changer by DRDO Chief Dr VK Saraswat, Agni-V will extend India's reach all over Asia, parts of Africa and parts of Europe.

4). Once fired, it cannot be stopped. It travels faster than a bullet and can carry 1,000 kilograms of nuclear weapons. It can be launched using a special canister. Why, it can even be launched from a roadside!

5). With a range of 5,000 km, Agni-V, once validated and inducted into the armed forces after several more tests, will be India's longest-range missile to carry a nuclear warhead. It will have the capacity to carry a nuclear warhead weighing over a tonne.

6). Agni-V will give India the technological know-how to launch many nuclear warheads using the same missile.

7). Agni-V can be configured to launch small satellites and can be used later even to shoot down enemy satellites in orbits.

8). The missile can be launched only after a decision by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).

9). Seventeen metres tall, Agni-V's three-stages are powered by solid propellants. The first rocket engine takes it to a height of about 40 kilometres. The second stage pushes it to about 150 kilometres. The third stage takes it to about 300 kilometres above the Earth. The missile finally reaches a height of about 800 kilometres.

10). This is India's first launch of a 5,000 kilometre range missile.
Oh stop these threads on Agni 5. Its bull ****! We all know we how far we lag behind.

Lets just return back to flat ground and work on improving our defence capabilities. No more chest thumping please....
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