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Agni Missiles: More than what meets the eye?

not a miniature warhead. Anyone can create a huge bomb similar to the one drop in Hiroshima. But not the ones in modern SLBM such as the ones in Trident III missile. India certainly do not have this capability as it conducted very few unclear tests.

Who made the 200KG warhead for Prithvi missile?
It certainly did not come from Mars....
not a miniature warhead. Anyone can create a huge bomb similar to the one drop in Hiroshima. But not the ones in modern SLBM such as the ones in Trident III missile. India certainly do not have this capability as it conducted very few unclear tests.

You are completely ignorant,Firstly miniature warhead refers to the one used in a tactical nukes,which are simply low yield nuclear weapons(potetial yield about a few Kio tons of TNT).This can be fired by LRBM's,airborne cruise missiles or even by artillery.Pakistan is rumored to be developing this and so do we.
Now the warhead used in Trident is MIRV and we certainly don't have this capability, but we are developing it.Just because we didn't conduct enough nuclear tests doesn't mean we can't develop this,Now a days all the nuclear test are conducted in labs using computer simulation.
you paranoia is sufficient proof .... its nice to see you a$$ on fire all the time. :laugh:
:rofl: When an Indian missile lifts off without blowing up, it's called a success and immediately "becomes operational." When it blows up in mid-air, it's a partial success! And then Indians delude themselves with articles like the OP, and a new imaginary Agni every year.
have published as much data as possible without
releasing proliferation-sensitive information,’’ Chidambaram said.

Chidambaram said that yield measurements were based mainly on advanced seismology
and radio chemistry. ‘‘Radio chemistry has been used in many areas,’’ he said.

Dismissing suggestions that computer simulation was no substitute for a real test,
Kakodkar said that the biggest gain of these tests was in the area of computer simulation

India already has teraflop computing power.
:rofl: When an Indian missile lifts off without blowing up, it's called a success and immediately "becomes operational." When it blows up in mid-air, it's a partial success! And then Indians delude themselves with articles like the OP, and a new imaginary Agni every year.

When HongWu hallucinates.. china renames a refurbished Mig-21 as J-10. :laugh:

When a new photoshopped pictures is ready ... china is deemed to have operationalised "new", "mega" weapon. :laugh:

When china rocket blows up, killiing civilians ... media is ordered to "shutup". :laugh:
It is heartening to see chinese people cry over Agnis.. :cheesy:

Maybe they are waiting for a similar news when their SLBM just exploded inside their own SSBN killing everyone in the process :woot:
When HongWu hallucinates.. china renames a refurbished Mig-21 as J-10. :laugh:

When a new photoshopped pictures is ready ... china is deemed to have operationalised "new", "mega" weapon. :laugh:

When china rocket blows up, killiing civilians ... media is ordered to "shutup". :laugh:

Theses Chini guys has no freedom in their own country…. Here they are enjoying some…. Now I understand why CPC did not give them even basic human rights…So Please guys ignore them.
“Computer simulation capability to predict the yields of nuclear weapons — fission, boosted
fission and two-stage thermonuclear — related to the designs of the devices tested by us has now been established,” he said, adding that “a great deal of further scientific and technical development work has taken place since May 1998”.

Mr. Chidambaram said:
“The fission device was emplaced in rhyolite medium whereas the fusion device was
emplaced in the pink granite medium. The medium for the Pokhran-I test was shale
and sandstone. The geology in the Pokhran region is inhomogeneous. The
propagation of the shock wave is affected by every interface. 3-D simulation
calculations of the rock mechanical effects, done by BARC scientists, after
considering all these factors accounted for the observed effects in the thermonuclear

Mr. Chidambaram stated, “The tail of the fission neutron spectrum extends
to beyond the excitation energy of these reactions. But the fusion neutrons are of 14
MeV. That is why isotopes like Mn-54 and Na-22 are found in significant [not trace]
quantities in the rock samples from the thermonuclear device site rock samples.”

“If one sees the gamma-ray spectrum of a typical rock sample of the thermonuclear
test site, published in refereed journals by BARC scientists, sharp peaks for these
radioisotopes are seen, not just bumps in the background! In the Mn-54/Ce-144
ratios from the samples of the two test sites, reproduced by R. Ramachandran in his
Frontline article of 25th September 2009, this ratio for the thermonuclear test
samples is seen as a high multiple of the ratio for the fission test samples.”

Chidambaram, the architect of Pokhran-II, said that several yield measurements had confirmed the yields from the tests. He added that noted US seismologist Jack Evernden had made estimations of the tests taking into consideration geological and seismological differences between the test sites and they tallied with India’s results. Chidambaram stressed that several research papers have been written on the test results and have been peer-reviewed in reputed international journals.

‘We have not given details of composition of materials used nor their quantities, due
to proliferation sensitivity,’ Chidambaram, who is the principal scientific adviser to
the government, said. No one outside the design team could comment accurately about the strength of the tests, he added.

Chidambaram stressed that several research papers have been written on
the test results and have been peer-reviewed in reputed international journals. Now, he said,
India also has the computer simulation capability to predict the yields of nuclear weapons -
fission, boosted fission and two-state thermonuclear - of designs related to the May 1998 tests.
He pointed out that even Iyengar had agreed with the yield of the tests.

Chidambaram wondered how, without the knowledge of the design, the nature of fission-fusion break-up and quantity of thermo-nuclear material, Iyengar could calculate the efficiency the fuel burnt as 10 percent.

"No one outside the design team had the data to calculate fission-fusion yield break-up or any
other significant parameter related to fusion burn," he said. The size of the crater depended on
the depth of burial of the nuclear device and nature of the rock medium.

This should be clear now from the above scientific arguments that Thermo device worked as planed.

Give credit where it is due. Chinese people are clever and disciplined a lot. But they have developed a superiority complex lately, that they are the best. Japanese on the other hand are humble and more intellectual than Chinese.
i posted with backup facts. none of you so far post anything decent other than attacking me. is that all you people capable of? lol

that is all fine.What you are saying has indeed some truth into it.When a senior Indian Scientist,who was a part of that project says the second stage fizzled out then the matter is indeed serious.
But then again,we dont have the luxury to carry out thousands of nuclear tests(Yes, US and the USSR carried out thousands of nuclear tests before they perfect that technology). We have carried out two sets of tests,amidst lots of international pressure,but eventually we have a nuclear device that can be mounted in a missile,may be a nuclear device if not thermonuclear.
Under the highly unlike scenario of a nuclear war,even such a device is more than enough to cause a havoc.It took about 15 KT to destroy a big city like Hiroshima.
Indian Scientist,who was a part of that project says the second stage fizzled out then the matter is indeed serious

Why is it serious when the fellow in question was not a member of design team AND did not know the quantity of input (Fuel)?
And strange enough - agreed with the yield.
Under the highly unlike scenario of a nuclear war,even such a device is more than enough to cause a havoc.It took about 15 KT to destroy a big city like Hiroshima.

Above analogy is poor in today's world of Thermo Nukes running in mega tones....

If the adversary (China MT) knows that India can only damage its single arm, and China, on the other hand can kill the whole body (India with 15 KT) there would be more likely hood of nuclear adventurism than less.

Its like a revolver vs Cannon situation.

15 KT fire crackers dont count in this 21st century.
The advancement India has made in the BM field can be verified easily by comparing Agni 2 and Agni 4 .

Both have almost similar dimensions , weight and payload but A4 has twice the range of A2.
Who made the 200KG warhead for Prithvi missile?
It certainly did not come from Mars....

Yes, but the yield is much less compare to the P5 200 KG warhead. For example, India has atom bomb similar to that of Hiroshima. The P5 has thermonuclear bombs. India has A bomb, the others have hydrogen bombs. As India has yet shown that it has a proven hydrogen bomb.
Yes, but the yield is much less compare to the P5 200 KG warhead. For example, India has atom bomb similar to that of Hiroshima. The P5 has thermonuclear bombs. India has A bomb, the others have hydrogen bombs. As India has yet shown that it has a proven hydrogen bomb.

MIRV, 450KG warhead X 4 units X 200 KT Yield = 0.8 MT Yield.
But when detonated at 100 KM apart, it has more damaging effect than a single warhead of one MT design.

As India has yet shown that it has a proven hydrogen bomb

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/234161-agni-missiles-more-than-what-meets-eye-4.html#ixzz2KVtLvJSY

Start the war for that with India.
And I promise - it would be proven over Nanjing and Beijing....lol
This should be clear now from the above scientific arguments that Thermo device worked as planed.

Give credit where it is due. Chinese people are clever and disciplined a lot. But they have developed a superiority complex lately, that they are the best. Japanese on the other hand are humble and more intellectual than Chinese.

Superiority complex is an extension of Inferiority complex .....in any case most chinese posters here are part of their 50 cents propaganda army so no need to take them seriously.

The real danger is from the Europeans/Americans seeking to first deny us Nukes and then discredit us when we have succeeded. As long as we don't take this particular group seriously we have nothing to fear.
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