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Aga Khan on Arabic as National Language of Pakistan

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yes it was taught. i am not sure, but i think it has a place in pakistani universities too. i have even seen persian language teaching sessions on PTV too.

You are right. My father took Persian as an optional subject when he was doing B.A.
If what was the other part of the former British Empire of India had made Urdu its national language, there would have been a great argument for Pakistan doing ditto. It could have been a linguistic and important point of contact with the vast Republic of the South. I am the last man on earth to desire to break any bridge of contact and understanding between Pakistan and its immense neighbour. Not only Urdu but even Hindustani has been replaced by Hindi throughout Bharat as the national language. The people of Bharat were perfectly justified to choose any language which the majority considered most appropriate and historically justified to be their national language. The majority there has the right to choose what was most suitable for them as the official language of the country.

This paragraph is totally wrong, let me explain.

1st, India does not have any national language. Hindi and English are official languages of Govt. Of Inida in which it's official works being done, however every states are eligible to select their own official language, if a states has an official language other than Hindi, she will communicate with GoI in English.

2nd, Urdu is an officially recognized language of India and also official language of Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh.

3rd, Urdu and Hindi being offshoots of Hindusthani, are almost same as each other.
yes i now it, we have seem arabic news in ptv too, so dont get so excited lol...

and you can learn even german in the pak university, they have range of choices for language subjects..

dont take an offensive position, i am not asking you to be in favour of persian, if you like it or not, it doesnt matter, farsi have many admirers and speakers which can take care of it.. as a matter of fact i believe that urdo is the only language which can serve paksianis well, you can see that in my previous posts.
I won't go far as making it a national language, but I definitely would want it among the elective or even compulsory subjects from school level (for the Muslim students) so as to better understand their religion and the Holy Book.

Well i am not in favour of it. We already study Urdu and English at school and college level. Why burden ourselves with another language?
English is good enough for foreign communication and we can study the translated version of Quran.
Besides Arabic was compulsory from 6-8 classes when i was a primary student. Don't know if it is still the case. I still remember that in my class noone liked to study Arabic and now my classmates, including me, don't remember a single word now. So what's the point in burdening kids?
Well i am not in favour of it. We already study Urdu and English at school and college level. Why burden ourselves with another language?
English is good enough for foreign communication and we can study the translated version of Quran.
Besides Arabic was compulsory from 6-8 classes when i was a primary student. Don't know if it is still the case. I still remember that in my class noone liked to study Arabic and now my classmates, including me, don't remember a single word now. So what's the point in burdening kids?

the system of education in pakistan is very bad, though we put too much hard work we learn the least, O-A-level staudents learn more with much less hard work, the prob is not leaarning but system of education..
U guys have four different indigenous languages in Urdu,Sindhi,Balochi and Pashto....

If there is a national language it should be among these 4..not an alien language..

p.s.: I as an Indian is not required to post these..but just my thoughts.

Actually that would make it worse, Since there would be further difference on the basis of why one race's language was preferred and not the other.
And I wonder why you ignored your own country doing the same before suggesting this for us??:what:
Load of Crap, Change the name of Pakistan to Pak-arab-istan :disagree:

Now we should abandon our language in name of fake delusional Muslim Brotherhood, learning it is all right but National Language, NO WAY!!
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the system of education in pakistan is very bad, though we put too much hard work we learn the least, O-A-level staudents learn more with much less hard work, the prob is not leaarning but system of education..

Are you saying that educational system is somehow responsible for the lack of interest in Arabic language?
It's true that educational system is flawed but children naturally take interest in Urdu and English unlike Arabic. But that is just my experience. Maybe i am wrong.
No need to change national language, i have great respect for arabic coz it is the language of Holy Quran.

But atleast we can make it as compulsory subject in school and colleges, so that when our childern read Quran they can understand it better and easily.

Before the british the official language of india was arabic and farsi, it help indian muslims to connect with there arab and persian brother's much better.

Most of the scholarly books of muslim's r written in Arabic and Persian, so it will help our future generation to connect with our glorious past.

Write now our generation is only connected with FB and twitter.

So it will help to be able to read and understand Arabic.
How about Pakistani people start learning about their real culture and perhaps learn Dari which was the dominant language in that area for so long, most of you may know it as Persian. Or perhaps making more popular languages in the country official such as Punjabi or Pashto?

And i wish people would quit using Farsi, its called Dari, this is how Urdu was created, from Dari not Farsi.
"O Mankind! Most certainly, it is
We( God almighty) who have Created you all From a single (pair) Of a male and a female,
And it is we who Have made you into Nations and tribes,
That ye may recognise each other (Not that ye may despise each other).
Verily, the noblest of you In the sight of Allah Is (he who is) the most
Righteous of you."
Holy Quran 49:13

And yes I agree, Arabic should be a language that is taught in the educational system of Pakistan, as it will help us understand the meaning of the Quran, because the English translation is not as EXACT as Arabic.

We should NOT forget URDU, a lot of Pakis in USA/UAE have stopped speaking Urdu and it is a shame :[
How about Pakistani people start learning about their real culture and perhaps learn Dari which was the dominant language in that area for so long, most of you may know it as Persian. Or perhaps making more popular languages in the country official such as Punjabi or Pashto?

And i wish people would quit using Farsi, its called Dari, this is how Urdu was created, from Dari not Farsi.

My grandfather knows how to speak, write and read in Dari/Farsi (what's difference?:what:)! You have a good point, we should return to the true language of our region!
How about Pakistani people start learning about their real culture and perhaps learn Dari which was the dominant language in that area for so long, most of you may know it as Persian. Or perhaps making more popular languages in the country official such as Punjabi or Pashto?

And i wish people would quit using Farsi, its called Dari, this is how Urdu was created, from Dari not Farsi.

urdu was not created from farsi or dari
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