Arabs and Muslims in the West(or at least US) are not the active in politics due to fear of controversy or legal trouble. Even if they manage to get more influence in the future. They would for the most part stay on same page with standard US foreign policy that is formulated based on our interests. They can't go against our interests or advocate an ethical foreign policy let alone implement one. More importantly, ethically driven people will not grow out of the current culture in America. Best way to influence would be to influence the culture. Jews influence the culture in negative ways, they have promoted all kinds of bizarre unnatural stuff that keeps people busy but also shapes their character. That is what they rely on. They are dominant politically. They are dominant culturally. Arabs and Muslims in the West become secularized too. So to me I just don't see any signs of anything. Maybe in future.
I think this would be true for your country, and some Gulf nations, but not all Arab nations. Nevertheless we are all tired of violence, but we need to get a message across to our leaderships and keep encouraging/advising them. Social media could be very useful here. Even just tweeting at our leaders in mass would send them a message. But, then you have other Arabs probably cursing everyone on the way and accuse them of being enemies and what not. Or those tweets could you get in trouble if there is a small showing.
We should find ways to get attention of our leaders via social media. Keep everything peaceful. They don't need to do anything for Palestinians, they have much more than just that to worry about. They need to make us an effective and reasonable and prideful people again. Many Arabs are frustrated for reasons other than Palestine. So we might as well make an effort together as ordinary civilians.
There are lots of crisis's to deal with in Arab and Muslim world. I think some of those are tied to each other. So we can't just focus on Palestine and take concrete steps for Palestine. I want to see everyone prosper and be secure and be good towards each other. I don't want people who can barely help themselves(poor nations or war ridden nations) to try to outdo themselves and contribute in any way. But, for concrete steps, there are many Arab political analysts who outline many options for our leaders but they just aren't listening. It's as if we don't have consultants or think tanks within our governments.
Arabs in Europe are probably much more active than the 3.5 million or so Arabs in the US. In several EU countries there are ministers, mayors of major cities of Arab descent who are occasionally quite vocal when it comes to affairs in the Arab and Muslim world. My point is just that a combined effort is needed and everyone should do his or her own part in a way. Stick together. Speak with one voice or as few as possible.
Arabs, even if secularized, can speak about such topics. They don't necessarily need to be non-secular to speak against Israeli policies or Western hypocrisy in the Arab world or Western support for dubious Arab regimes.
I think it is truth for KSA, GCC states, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and a few other countries. The rest are mainly in turmoil or unstable and thus have their own to look after currently. What I mean is just that we cannot expect huge changes to occur here and now. That will be a long-term process. A process that must be handled carefully by everyone involved be it regimes in power, people, clerics, people of power and influence etc. I hope you understand what I am referring to here.
Even in Palestine itself (West Bank) people who want a more direct line against Israel or a more direct response, will be fought by Abbas and his supporters. Or silenced. I think that you have alluded to the same once and talked about it in detail if I am not wrong here.
Social media is already very emotional if you take a look. From all corners.
I disagree. I think that we should all contribute in some ways. Not necessarily financially but even people in struggling Arab countries can voice their opinions via social media, contact their leaders via social media, stage demonstrations, write articles etc. If just a small minority would do that it would make a big difference just by looking at our combined numbers.
Of course in a ideal world, all Muslim countries, tomorrow morning, would boycott the US economically and make use of the comments of displeasure. I don't see such an intention and that is what makes me ask myself, what can be really done?
Anyway this did not come as a surprise at all. ALL US presidents in recent memory have been saying what Trump just finally signed. It should not really come as a surprise for anyone. With all due respect, those people who fought that the US were a honest broker in the peace process, where fooling themselves. I have been saying time and time again that Palestine and Arabs/Muslims are not only "fighting" Israel here but the US first and foremost and their allies. That's what makes this conflict so difficult. And obviously this serves Israel's interests and they do everything i their power for this to continue while Arab and Muslim countries do not have this leverage.
My point is just that we really need to develop some kind of strategy and act upon it. There is no common front right now and each state pursues its own policies and interests and within each state you have different opinions. It should not be that hard for solidarity to triumph and thus trust to be built and from there on working towards a common goal. I really don't see another solution. The military option, I see as unrealistic currently.
The Palestinian cause is a lost cause now, they couldn’t be united in the last 70 years of struggle, just see the situation in Gaza..! Is there anything more to say.
If they can’t get it right for so many decades then they surely don’t deserve a state of their own.
The neighbouring Arab countries should also be fully responsible for this situation. They couldn’t even sort out their own countries mess yet they want to solve the Palestinian problem...? Now look at these Arabs, their country and people are in total mess.
Troll post of no value. You are just writing unfunded nonsense that you have not substantiated with anything and speaking from a position of ignorance and most likely bias. Useless post. It's funny that Israel is judged by different standards. Not surprised though. It's all a part of the demonization that the media has been feeding you. Apparently Palestinians and Arabs in general do not deserve the rights that are accorded others in general and which are defended by others (international community). However the second an Israeli citizen is killed, the entire West is trying to beat each other in who gives the biggest condolence and in the quickest fashion. It's a joke. However what history has proven us, is that such behavior won't last forever.
This is not about pro-Israel or anti-Israel, this is about right or wrong. It is wrong that Palestinians have been oppressed for those many decades and denied basic rights such as the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. You cannot argue against this if you are objective. It's simple as that. Palestinians should not pay for the sins of Germans and Europeans.
And don't give me this nonsense of might is right. By this logic we can say that the US should nuke all of India tomorrow morning and the few surviving Indians would be in the wrong if they demanded justice. Or that the colonization by the Brits of India and the subsequent mass-murder (Bengali famine to mention a few examples) was right just because it was done by a stronger party. If we first begin to accept such things we might as well destroy this planet in advance because what's the point?