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After Rihanna, Greta Thunberg joins spate of celebrities extending support to #FarmersProtest

Firstly, it is not nice making fun of someone's mental condition by calling them retard.

Secondly, Greta is more sensible than most people.
She's a retard with many mental issues, this is an open fact.

Anyway, farm reforms to ho kar hi rahenge, screw these greedy bastards. As I said before, they have no support from the people. Lefties and congress supporters are a small and every shrinking minority in today's India.
She's a retard with many mental issues, this is an open fact.

Anyway, farm reforms to ho kar hi rahenge, screw these greedy bastards. As I said before, they have no support from the people. Lefties and congress supporters are a small and every shrinking minority in today's India.

Retard calling someone a retard.
All Indians had to do was not be too stupid

India was always a communal shithole, we all knew that but their governments were good at spinning a secular, democratic narrative

This was the WORST thing for Pakistan, we were fine with Hindutva extremist enemies, what we had trouble with is a communal shithole India that could portray itself as a yearning secular democracy
it confused both Indians internally including Indian Muslims and minorities and people internationally

honestly another decade or two and it would have become difficult simply against that narrative

Then in 2014 came our hero, the man and ideology that would do for us EXACTLY what we needed
create divisions and hatred within India and reveal its face outside India giving us a handle to beat India with
Indian Muslims and minorities finally understood Pakistan, our own liberals could no longer point to secular India and we could say to the world LOOK this is why we are preparing for war

Imran Khan especially took up the mantle of pointing India out as a hindutva extremist communal shithole

The best thing is the Indians have become so deluded that the more you tell them, the more they will vote for hindutva and divide India😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪
The Indian Trump👍👍
out of interest what's Colonel Adnan Sami upto
Once the ISI sasjissh is fully executed we should give Pride of Performance award to Modi Gee :D
The best thing is the Indians have become so deluded that the more you tell them, the more they will vote for hindutva and divide India😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪
On the contrary, India is united under Modi like never before.

You have to be a special kind of idiot to think anti CAA protests and these farm reform protests have any support from the people.

Don't believe me ? Wait till we elect the BJP with an even bigger mandate next time the generals come around. General elections, that is, for this is India, not Pakistan. :laugh:
and the biden admin is exactly that!
Demented Biden I doubt has even half a brain cell working, but the American establishment recognizes pro free market reforms when it sees them.
On the contrary, India is united under Modi like never before.

You have to be a special kind of idiot to think anti CAA protests and these farm reform protests have any support from the people.

Don't believe me ? Wait till we elect the BJP with an even bigger mandate next time the generals come around. General elections, that is, for this is India, not Pakistan. :laugh:
Oh yeah we all know, first a false flag, then a false bravado, then a failed attempt to teach pakistan a lesson, followed by "agar F22 hotay" and eventually Modi Gee is leading us again.

We all want this. You guys have all our blessings.
She's a retard with many mental issues, this is an open fact.

As I said, she's more sensible than most people. Ronald Reagan called Gaddafi as "The mad dog of the Middle East" but neither Gaddafi was a two-legged dog nor was he mad. It is to be seriously considered if successive American presidents have been warmongering psychopaths.

Anyway, farm reforms to ho kar hi rahenge, screw these greedy bastards.

Greedy ?

As I said before, they have no support from the people.

Kangana Ranaut and this woman are not the entire people. As long as there is even one person who opposes capitalism and right-wing regressive rhetoric it is good.

Lefties and congress supporters are a small and every shrinking minority in today's India.

They should buck up.
To mai nachu??
No you should remember how you were interested in other countries internal issues.. now that celebs from same country made a statement about india you are crying 🤣
indian celeb calling them terrorists and chyna... lol

Don't believe me ? Wait till we elect the BJP with an even bigger mandate next time the generals come around. General elections, that is, for this is India, not Pakistan. :laugh:

This is EXACTLY what I have written in my post😂😂😂😂😂👍👍🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Trump could have won the elections just like Modi but the reason why he was so devastating for the USA was that he tore apart America, he made Americans hate each other so much that it became dangerous for the state

Modi has done the same
I am in no way denying you bakhts will have a tremendous electoral victory.
Modi got 31% of votes in 2014, 37% in 2019, maybe more next time but IT'S EXACTLY what we want, a belligerent hindutva state that goes after Indian Muslims, Sikhs, xtians, liberals, secular Hindus and gives them no option

Because we would not be dealing with a united country we would be directly dealing with a hindutva entity who hundreds of millions of Indians will equally hate and stand against
Modi got 31% of votes in 2014, 37% in 2019, maybe more next time
That's the way our representative parliamentary democracy works. They would have crushed anyone even if it was an absolute popular vote system like popularity contests on TV.

a belligerent hindutva state that goes after Indian Muslims, Sikhs, xtians, liberals, secular Hindus....
the state hasn't gone against any of the groups mentioned.

we would not be dealing with a united country we would be directly dealing with a hindutva entity who hundreds of millions of Indians will equally hate and stand against
Sure, keep dreaming. As things stand, Kashmir is the only union territory of India where Pak has some traction with the populace.
That's the way our representative parliamentary democracy works. They would have crushed anyone even if it was an absolute popular vote system like popularity contests on TV.

the state hasn't gone against any of the groups mentioned.

Sure, keep dreaming. As things stand, Kashmir is the only union territory of India where Pak has some traction with the populace.

Yaar you are just lying to yourself

Hindutvawadiwadi might win the elections but it will divide and tear apart India forever

Pakistan dosent need to find traction with any Indian population, we just need to stand in our own way against our common hindutva extremist enemy
Yaar you are just lying to yourself

Hindutvawadiwadi might win the elections but it will divide and tear apart India forever

Pakistan dosent need to find traction with any Indian population, we just need to stand in our own way against our common hindutva extremist enemy
No I am not. Mind you, I am also not saying that Modi and this current lot are the best thing to ever have happened to this country, they have made mistakes, like all administrations invariably do, but overall their ideas and vision for the future are pretty good. Centre, not local governments and small time village panchayat politics, k ? They're good at the helm, baaki, some small-fry crew members may be a bit problematic and controversial, but that's ok. :P

It is the Congress and the left who have been the traditional dividing force in modern post 47 India. That they are now reduced to almost total irrelevance is a good thing, be nice if it can be seen through and Congress goes to <10 in the Lok Sabha :sarcastic:

Hindutva has no interest in Pakistan or any other part of the world, it is not an expansionist ideology.
Hindutva has no interest in Pakistan or any other part of the world, it is not an expansionist ideology.

It is extremism and it is doing to India what extremism does
No you should remember how you were interested in other countries internal issues.. now that celebs from same country made a statement about india you are crying 🤣
We have interest in there internal affairs, they have interest in our internal affairs. In between lie you, who hardly matter to us or them feeling left out lonely with pom pom in hands just in case master makes any move.
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