All Indians had to do was not be too stupid
India was always a communal shithole, we all knew that but their governments were good at spinning a secular, democratic narrative
This was the WORST thing for Pakistan, we were fine with Hindutva extremist enemies, what we had trouble with is a communal shithole India that could portray itself as a yearning secular democracy
it confused both Indians internally including Indian Muslims and minorities and people internationally
honestly another decade or two and it would have become difficult simply against that narrative
Then in 2014 came our hero, the man and ideology that would do for us EXACTLY what we needed
create divisions and hatred within India and reveal its face outside India giving us a handle to beat India with
Indian Muslims and minorities finally understood Pakistan, our own liberals could no longer point to secular India and we could say to the world LOOK this is why we are preparing for war
Imran Khan especially took up the mantle of pointing India out as a hindutva extremist communal shithole
The best thing is the Indians have become so deluded that the more you tell them, the more they will vote for hindutva and divide India

The Indian Trump

out of interest what's Colonel Adnan Sami upto