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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

A retried helicopter? What class that be? Brand new , any further foolish question?
retired ***** foolish MACBOOK auto correct english..

Russia Air Force Handbook - Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications - Google Books

Russia's Mi-24 Battle Helicopter - English pravda.ru
In October 2007, the Russian Air Force announced it would replace its 250 Mi-24 helicopter gunships with 300 more modern Mi-28s and possibly Ka-50s by 2015

Its like Other country replacing its F-16 in 2050 with more advance fighter plane and you being f-16 in 2050 and claiming a coup and start beating chest.
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MI 35 na................................... I don't have problem:partay:

jab mere Dushmano u will buy Su 35 from Russia than I will shootout Myself (Just Joking:p:).
cool hope it will help in COIN for PA
take out those scum once and for ALLL..please also add hafsex sayeed in list too

200 ?
for COIN ?
russia is replacing its 250 odd Mi24/35 copter for more advance version, i think he thinking of taking those old 2nd hand haloes...
So if the NESCOM guys "dont" have a FnF missile .. maybe our brother Turkiye can help us with tht? and do share about any info regarding Crit or Mizrak etc missiles tht were offered... tht would be helpful.. and very appreciated..

Bro, Mizrak is a family which contains many different kind of missile developments for different missions.

Mizrak-D2: 30km (Maverick and Penguin equivalent)
Mizrak-D1: 17km
Mizrak-U: 8km
Mizrak-O: 4m
Mizrak-TEKHAT2: 3km

What Turkey offers to Pakistan with Ataks, is Mizrak-U series. Mizak-U has two different variant as well.

IIR guided Mizrak-U is a fire-forget, fire-update missile, While Mizrak-UL is lazer guided variant like Russian equivalents which is cheaper than IIR variant. Mizrak-U is the main missile system of T129 Atak. It has two engagement modes. "Top attack" is used to destroy moving target which may be hided behind an obstacle during missile voyage, While "direct attack" aims to engage targets with a straigth course line.

From right to left: Mizrak-U(Silver head is IIR guided, small white head is lazer guided one), Cirit smart pod, Underwing gun with 3 Cirit pod.

Along with T129 Atak, Turkey is planning to use different platforms for COIN missions as well. TAI is developing Hurkus-C variant armed with Mizrak and Cirit missiles as an equivalent of Brazil SuperTucano for that mission and It will be revealed to market in a short time.


There are plenty of areas two brother countriy can collaborate to fight against blood thursty animals who looks like human-being. Hope the future will lead more strategic ties between two countries.
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The situation is really complicated but What I understood from latest developments;

It was exposed that Pakistan and Turkey were talking about a likely deal for T129 Atak. The delegation from Pakistan came to Turkey and checked production facilities. Atak performed a flightshow. It is understood that The cost became an issue and Some financial solutions were offered. According to serious sources, TAI offered local production of some Atak parts along with assembly in Pakistan.



Most probably, In a time When India orders Apache gunships as a threat to Pakistan, It is understood that T129A COIN configuration Pakistan checked in Turkey, doesn't fullfill the all requirements of Pakistan. What Pakistani officials demand, is T129B1 or B2 full COIN+Anti-Tank+Anti-Aircraft configuration variant which have all electronic warfare sensors like a fighter with AA missiles and long range surveillance/detection radars on them so Planned delivery of first B1 variants to Pakistan, After a likely deal will be signed, will delay 1-2 years more so Pakistan armed forces required a cheaper and less number stop-gap solution to fight against Taliban. With this way, Not only urgent requirements were met, but also a politic advantages have been gained with approaching to Russia which is known as India's biggest partner, Despite India's objection.

The problem is US interference & they have stopped Turkey from finalizing the deal. The reason US made engines.

With recent Cobra crash in Multan, PA now seriously needs to think about MI 28 Havoc's & replace the old dying fleet of Cobras ASAP.
russia is replacing its 250 odd Mi24/35 copter for more advance version, i think he thinking of taking those old 2nd hand haloes...

Pakistan is ordering the latest modernized version of Mi-35 , same as the Russians are ordering for their forces , nothing old or Soviet era versions . Should clear the long held myths about the " second hand helicopters " .

India's defence links with Russia are under strain following Moscow's recent decision to supply Mi-35 'Hind E' attack helicopters to Pakistan. India unhappy at Russia's Mi-35 sale to Pakistan - IHS Jane's 360

The Mi-35M is a multi-role combat helicopter manufactured by Rostvertol, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters. Production of the Mi-35M commenced in 2005. It is an export variant of Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter. Primarily designed for attack and military transport missions, the helicopter delivers superior flight performance and manoeuvrability than its predecessor. The Mi-35M is one of the modern combat helicopters in the Russian Air Force inventory. It is also operated by the armed forces of Venezuela, Brazil and Azerbaijan. Based on the Mi-24 Hind, the Mi-35M incorporates several improvements including shortened stub wings, a new rotor system, modern avionics, upgraded turboshaft engines and a hydraulic system. The cockpit and vital components of the helicopter are significantly armoured. "It can be deployed in combat missions across the world in various geographies with high-temperature and high-altitude environments." It features round-the-clock combat capabilities for conducting missions during day and night. It is also capable of operating from unprepared and poorly equipped airfields. "The aircraft integrates modern high-precision weaponry for destroying ground-based armoured targets and providing air support for ground missions." Mi-35M (Hind E) Attack Helicopters - Airforce Technology

Pakistan is ordering the latest modernized version of Mi-35 , same as the Russians are ordering for their forces , nothing old or Soviet era versions . Should clear the long held myths about the " second hand helicopters "

Some corrections:
The MI35M..rather m1 to be very specific is the export version, with few changes to the Mi24PN, which is the domestic version for the Rus Af. Back in 2004, 14 Mi-24PNs were delivered to them ,and it was this version the ruskies planned to upgrade all of their existing MI-24s to.

However, around the same time , the dormant mi28N started to mature and was getting ready for serial production...
Russia's Defense Ministry has said it is planning to procure between 45 and 67 Mi-28Ns, and to fully replace the Mi-24 Hind helicopters with Mi-28Ns in the Armed Forces by 2015.

Russian Air Force to Get 60 Mi-28UB Helicopters by 2020 | Defense | RIA Novosti

I dont think Russian are ordering anymore of the Hinds in any config, It shall continue to be offered as custom export versions to willing nations such as seen with the Brazilians and the Venezuelans and maybe now you folks too.
I saw a documentary on that. that was truly awesome the way they handled the whole situation, I think the kidnappers killed one of the Russian abductee but the remaining three were set free.


Let me give you an example who the russians are---in the 70's when the PLO was high on hijackings & kidnappings---they kidnapped some russians---& demanded release of some colleagues ( terrorists ) in russian jail---. The PLO had done it to other european countries---but they did not know that you don't do it to the kgb----well kgb did release the wanted plo terrs----they came in bags---throats slit-- test-cles cut & stuck in the mouths---pen-ises cut & stuck in the ars-ses of the palestinian terrorists----. Plo never touched a russian or hijacked a russian aircraft.

Same thing before the sochi olympics---the chechens were sent a message---a total annihilation of their race---all men slaughterede & women & girls-( just use your imagination )---.

So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.

Remember---MI 35 is a game changer. You can't buy game changers for money. Something else is happening---so just go with the flow.

Kido it's not like "mother of all deals" that takes fucking 15 years of farting with no shit in sight. Get lost, we don't give a crap to you guys and you want cash?

Who wants to bet hard cash with me that the helicopter deal will NEVER happen? Not even come close.
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Russia eases weapons policy for Pakistan « PakDef Military Consortium

News on Monday June 2 that Russia will ease its informal restrictions on selling Pakistan defence equipment is to be welcomed, as is the news that this may mean acquisition of the Mi-35 Hind. It is perhaps a result of the Russian reaction to the crises in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, where it has responded by adopting a more pragmatic foreign policy in which it appears Pakistan cannot be ignored.

It is uncertain if this will mean a totally balanced Russian relationship with India (its erstwhile South Asian strategic partner) and Pakistan. That is probably not the case, but it likely means an end to the days when India was able to blackmail Russia into not supplying defence equipment to Pakistan. India is actively seeking to diversify away from a reliance on Russian arms, and though this may or may not be successful, a string of Indian defence deals with Western and Israeli companies at the expense of Russian ones means Moscow is less inclined to be swayed by Indian pressure. This is despite Indo-Russian defence collaboration projects such as PAKFA for which India is still the main financer. Indo-Russian defence collaboration is therefore likely to remain reasonably strong regardless of developments with Pakistan.

It is important to clarify that there was no formal embargo as such on the sale of Russian defence equipment to Pakistan, as direct sales of Mi-17 Hip helicopters, and indirect sales of Klimov RD-93 engines were previously made. However, there was reluctance to sell certain types of weaponry, so enquiries made by former COAS Gen Pervez Kayani for the sale of Mi-35s was neither accepted nor declined. At the time Pakistan was looking replace or supplement its aging Cobra fleet, and aimed to acquire the Turkish T129 (if onward supply of the US engines was cleared), or the AH-1Z (depending on Congressional approval). Sale of a more advanced Russian helicopter such as the Mi-28 Havoc may not have been forthcoming therefore, but the Mi-35 in the support role and especially for COIN and support of the special forces in COIN operations may have been less controversial for the Russians to have agreed to. With the change in policy, this deal may now go through. In this context whether the small number of grounded Mi-35s in Pakistan will be returned to service is unknown, but it has been an option that has been previously explored even if nothing resulted from it to date.

Russian defence equipment may not be as capable as some western equivalents, but it is robust, simple enough to operate, and more affordable, both to acquire and to support. Russian approval for defence sales may also help with Sino-Pakistani defence co-operation particularly in clearing the supply of Russian origin sub-systems in Chinese weapon systems. Therefore Pakistan may hope to directly purchase defence equipment such the Pantsir-S1 air defence system, RPG-29 anti-tank weapons (that could possibly be produced under license), and perhaps more Mi-17s. Indirect sales could namely be of the Saturn Al-31F turbofan that powers the FC-20 variant of the Chengdu J-10B that Pakistan may or may not acquire from China.

It is probable therefore that despite the very favourable Sino-Pakistani defence co-operation, Pakistan may look to Russia to acquire defence systems that China is not yet capable or ready of supplying even if the deals may not be very lucrative for Moscow.
Pakistan is ordering the latest modernized version of Mi-35 , same as the Russians are ordering for their forces , nothing old or Soviet era versions . Should clear the long held myths about the " second hand helicopters " .

India's defence links with Russia are under strain following Moscow's recent decision to supply Mi-35 'Hind E' attack helicopters to Pakistan. India unhappy at Russia's Mi-35 sale to Pakistan - IHS Jane's 360

The Mi-35M is a multi-role combat helicopter manufactured by Rostvertol, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters. Production of the Mi-35M commenced in 2005. It is an export variant of Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter. Primarily designed for attack and military transport missions, the helicopter delivers superior flight performance and manoeuvrability than its predecessor. The Mi-35M is one of the modern combat helicopters in the Russian Air Force inventory. It is also operated by the armed forces of Venezuela, Brazil and Azerbaijan. Based on the Mi-24 Hind, the Mi-35M incorporates several improvements including shortened stub wings, a new rotor system, modern avionics, upgraded turboshaft engines and a hydraulic system. The cockpit and vital components of the helicopter are significantly armoured. "It can be deployed in combat missions across the world in various geographies with high-temperature and high-altitude environments." It features round-the-clock combat capabilities for conducting missions during day and night. It is also capable of operating from unprepared and poorly equipped airfields. "The aircraft integrates modern high-precision weaponry for destroying ground-based armoured targets and providing air support for ground missions." Mi-35M (Hind E) Attack Helicopters - Airforce Technology

MI-24 export version is MI-35 , Russia is replacing its MI-24/35 fleet with MI-28N and KA-52.
MI-24 export version is MI-35 , Russia is replacing its MI-24/35 fleet with MI-28N and KA-52.

nope , MI-35M is a pretty new heli and not an export version of Mi-24
Russia is still buying Mi-35Ms along with Mi-28s and KA-52s
nope , MI-35M is a pretty new heli and not an export version of Mi-24
Russia is still buying Mi-35Ms along with Mi-28s and KA-52s
All export version is called Mi-35 and internal version is called Mi24.... only 60+ new order and replacing 250+ Mi-24. All this because New Mi35 is stop gap measure. as MI-28 and Ka-52 can't make huge number in shot span of time.

Mil Mi-24 variants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mi-35 The export version of the Mi-24V.
All export version is called Mi-35 and internal version is called Mi24.... only 60+ new order and replacing 250+ Mi-24. All this because New Mi35 is stop gap measure. as MI-28 and Ka-52 can't make huge number in shot span of time.

Mil Mi-24 variants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mi-35 The export version of the Mi-24V.

educate yourself
MI-35M is a basically new heli and how can it be export version if Russia themselves are getting the same version
and nope again Russians still prefer Mi-35M due to the ability of supporting special forces and able to evacuate them quickly

also you do realize Mi-35 and Mi-28 are made by the same company right
so a stop gap measure doesn't make sense as they would just manufacture Mi-28s instead of 35s
educate yourself
MI-35M is a basically new heli and how can it be export version if Russia themselves are getting the same version
and nope again Russians still prefer Mi-35M due to the ability of supporting special forces and able to evacuate them quickly

also you do realize Mi-35 and Mi-28 are made by the same company right
so a stop gap measure doesn't make sense as they would just manufacture Mi-28s instead of 35s

Oh man , Russia call them Mi24 and when it exported it named MI-35 , i hope you got it.
Have you know about Jigs n fixture etc etc ? they cost very much to make new one.
I dont think Russian are ordering anymore of the Hinds in any config, It shall continue to be offered as custom export versions to willing nations such as seen with the Brazilians and the Venezuelans and maybe now you folks too.

Implementation of Bondarev’s promise would give Russia 130 Mi-28s by 2020, alongside 140+ Ka-52s. That would more than replace the current Mi-24 Hind fleet, and Russia has also ordered 60+ modernized Mi-35M Hinds to help fill in the gaps. -DefenseIndustryDaily 2011
Russia Improving its Mi-28 Attack Helicopter Fleet

Besides upgrading some of its existing fleet of Mi24 , Russians are ordering the modernized Hinds to serve alongside them . The problem with aging Mi-24 fleet in service with the Kremlin is that most of its dates back to the old Soviet Union days and as such suffers from long completed shelf life , structural fatigue , old technology and aging airframe , it makes little sense to upgrade them . The M version is also structurally very different .
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