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After bridge collapse, false ceiling of CWG venue falls

No Indian politician or official claimed that ISI was behind the bridge collapse. The only liars here are those who claim nonsense stuff based on satire and humour. And the only fools are those who believe such stuff and continue to argue even after their mistake has been pointed out.

don't flame this thread troller... baby. :rofl::rofl:. i think mod has something to do for this.
don't flame this thread troller... baby. :rofl::rofl:. i think mod has something to do for this.

A mature person accepts a mistake when it is pointed out. You do not seem to fall in that category.

Anyhow, who started flaming the thread by typing untruths without verifying?

Were all those bridges were for CWG and brand new?

Were all those bridges were for CWG and brand new?

Even Delhi's CWG pedestrian bridge was not brand new as it was not completely build.

Rather It was under construction and because of a accident on project site some jacks holding it get slipped and bridge got destroyed.

And a accident can happen anywhere and are common in every big projects.

The bridge have not fallen due to low quality or material but due to accident when constructing it.
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