Is this what they teach you in shakhas?
Nope we study in schools and colleges unlike ya’ll where millions study in Madrassas.
India is the "world's largest economy" because you have so much damn people
R.I.P Logic
Create more babies, and grow your economy as well. Your economy has hardly grown at all for half a decade whereas your population in the same time grew from 20.8 crores to 23 crores.
Indonesia’s population is similar to you, they’re also an Islamic country with more than 4 times bigger GDP than you yet much more richer all by themselves and they don’t go to IMF everyday.
Or how Maharashtra, an Indian state’s GDP is 1.5 times your entire country with half the population?
your GDP per capita (which really matters) is one of the lowest in the world.
Yours is almost half of ours if you aren’t aware, much of Asian developing countries have one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world which is improving every year unlike yours.
When common Indians live under the poverty line in subhuman conditions and India ranks low in every parameter out there, what's the use in a "large economy" that only benefits a select few?
More than half of India has access to internet and are very well able to afford it, can find a lot of poverty.
As for subhuman conditions, your quality of life index is 103 compared to 124.4 of India
And India’s economic growth doesn’t benefit a select few unlike your wonderland where real estate mafia benefits from economic growth coz thats the only sector that you’re shown progress in. With economic growth come huge factories and corporate parks in India creating jobs for millions which drives further growth in demand and supply.
Indians should really read up on basic economics
We read and thats why we only went to IMF once and today are one of the most successful economies in the subcontinent and in Asia unlike some rich neighbours who’re demanding for 23rd bailout package and at the same time cursing IMF as “evil organisation sucking money out of poor countries and making us their economic hostage”. We don’t need economics lessons from such peeps.
A poor man who pretends to be something he's not and has the gall to mock others for their poor condition deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule.
You should be something yourself to ridicule others, much of fast developing Asian economies have low per capita income but are focussing on growing it fast unlike you who’ve always been busy mocking others on issues on which you’re worse off yourself. Reason why world is serious about investing in India and not your wonderland.
Looks like I really poked some holes in your fragile ego, now let's take a look at the GDP per capita of the mighty, developing, and fast growing economy of SUPAPOWA India.
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Even war torn shitholes like Iraq and Ukraine outperform you
Thats 2020 data genius, this year its $2500+, and Iraq has oil to sell and Ukraine has European markets next to them, but its difficult to explain to geniuses like you.