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Afridi says anti-India comments ‘out of context’

Care to transalate that into English ?

Anyway I am not surprised that doom doom , err...boom boom is frustrated. Hell who would not if you loose a cool 4 or 5 crores for playing just 10 games. :lol:

He means Afridi disgraced their nation by losing to India.
jump from the 20th floor. What? Are you scared like indian log

OH bibi just because there were attack on sri lankan team in past dont mean that it will be repeated again and again. You also had terrorists attack in india in hotel where many foreign tourists stayed. Should that be an excuse for players to not play any match in india in future ..there are many indians diplomats living in pakistan
ou talked about disparity of participation between Indian forums. Do you hold the same opinion for the Americans, Bangladeshi's, Chinese, Turkish... Or is it just you have problems with Indian particpation.

Will you be saying to the chinese to go to your forum???:what:

I have no problems with the indian posters until and unless they stay in their limits, and stop being hypocrites. You come on Pakistani forum and call our military, people and sportsmen names, and you expect us to be polite and wish you good luck? Tell me a single Indian forum where Pakistanis have such freedom to express which you guys enjoy here? A little careful approach and mindful selection of words would not do any wrong.
We defeated Afridi and became!

:D :D
I m loving it!

And still thought World Cup trophy is fake, OMG! :lol:
I have no problems with the indian posters until and unless they stay in their limits, and stop being hypocrites. You come on Pakistani forum and call our military, people and sportsmen names, and you expect us to be polite and wish you good luck? Tell me a single Indian forum where Pakistanis have such freedom to express which you guys enjoy here? A little careful approach and mindful selection of words would not do any wrong.

Search the WDN itself, you will get a forum of us. You can have freedom of expression there. what say??;)
Oh god, this is the limit. For the sake of my mental health, I stopped reading after first five comments.

Why can people not realize the fact that he felt he was treated well in India, but at the same time his saying so will also threaten his own existence in Pakistan? There is no dearth of those who might want to take him down for just saying a word or two in favor of India.

This guy is a patriot of his country, why can't we let him have his freedom?

And if one can really pay attention to his words, he is not a two faced liar or anything near that. He helped Pakistan reach Semis, and now it sounds like people want to kill him because he doesn't want to spit out any unjust venom against India like those others do.

Good job Afridi, irrespective of nationality, sports enthusiasts are with you! :tup:
afridi didnt say india is bad, but he said, there can be no other more hospitable than pakistan muslims, so afridi is riht to the core he didnt say any anti india
He means Afridi disgraced their nation by losing to India.

.Excellent job doom doom err.boom boom.

Maybe we ought to give him him a charity place in IPL for that :lol:
Another delusional Indian! The fact my dear is that your forums don't allow pakistanis to post at all. Its as simple as it can get. You guys use slangs like P*rkis, Na-Pak fauj, and slurs against our religion.Surely takes some balls to de-humanize a nation on your own defence forums. Did you ever tried to have a look at Bharatrakshak? If not than go and visit it once.

lol for indians "balls" is the internet like posting on a pakistani forum from the safety and comfort of their homes where at the end of the day everyone is anonymous and we are nothing but screen names to each other i'm sorry but if thet is your criteria for being gutsy then you don't know the meaning of courage while for us pakistanis "balls" is not doing something on the internet but actions actually doing somehing in REAL LIFE like stepping out of our comfort zone into a country that tried to humilitate our players in the past and facing this hostiles country's team,hateful media campaign from them and surrounded by tens of thousands of hostile fans on their own turf now that indians is stepping out of your comfort zone !
Regardless of if the pakistani team lost we have no hard feelings against them or india for that matter they played better than us and beat us fair and square but our team showed courage and did well to get as far as they did despite the odds we can't win em all anyway and sure afridi is not perfect but that does not mean you can come here and insult our team captain .

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