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Afia Siddiqui sentenced to 86 years

Pakistani Media is the biggest traitor especially JEW TV.
We should ban all of them and go back to good old days of PTV1 and 2.
There is releative rise in terrorism in contrast to media freedom. Did someone noticed the hint?
Lets summarize the facts(correct me if I am wrong)
Fact 1: Dr. Afia is no Pakistani but America Citizen
Fact 2: Dr. Afia is accused of attempt to murder
Fact 3: Dr. Afia is sentenced to 86 years in Prison (is it 86 years in a row or 86 years combined?)
Fact 4: Dr. Afia was arrested from Pakistan wrongfully (As I understand Interpol is suppose to bring in People who are in other countries)
Fact 5: Dr. Afia attempted to Murder after she was arrested? (correct me on this)
Pakistan wants Dr. Aafia Siddiqui repatriated
Friday, 24 Sep, 2010

KARACHI: Pakistan's prime minister called a female scientist convicted of trying to kill US interrogators in Afghanistan ''the daughter of the nation'' on Friday and vowed to campaign for her release from an American jail.

Yousuf Raza Gilani's comments appeared to be an attempt to manage public anger over the 86-year sentence handed down to Aafia Siddiqui. The plight of the American-trained Pakistani scientist and mother has struck a chord among religious groups and ordinary Pakistanis, many of whom are convinced of her innocence.

She was sentenced Thursday in a New York court. The punishment prompted demonstrations in at least two cities, with much of the anger directed at the already unpopular Pakistani government for failing to somehow intervene in her case.

Pakistani authorities Friday were braced for more protests.

Gilani said he had recently lobbied US officials for Siddiqui's release to "improve the US image in Pakistan."

''We all are united, and we want the daughter of the nation to come back to Pakistan,'' he told parliament, which unanimously adopted a resolution demanding Aafia's ''repatriation.''

''I fought for her, my lawyer fought for her and now I will take up this matter on a political level,'' he said.

Siddiqui, 38, was caught in Afghanistan in 2008. She was found guilty of seizing a weapon from one of her captors and trying to shoot US authorities who were interrogating her there.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the government would petition the US administration to review the sentence on a “humanitarian basis” and request that Siddiqui be handed over to Pakistan and dealt with under Pakistani law.

Asked under what circumstances Siddiqui could return home, the foreign ministry said Obama could pardon her, or an agreement could be reached for her to serve at least part of her sentence in Pakistan.

Many Pakistanis believe claims by her supporters that the US abducted Siddiqui long before that and kept her in a secret prison for years as it pursued its fight against global terrorism. US officials deny those claims, though they had listed Siddiqui as a suspect wanted for alleged links to al-Qaeda before her arrest. – AP
Americans are trying their level best to destroy Pakistan image softly and slowly and with the help of this they are trying to show that Pakistan is a terrorist country. We should say no to USA for good. We have our best best friend China and with them we can develop our country nicely without any conditions i don't know why govt always runs behind USA like dogs. We should face the fact that they want to destroy our country they could have done it easily if we didn't have nukes that's the only reason why they are scared of attacking us directly, so they are doing it like this frame Pakistan. I pray for Dr. Afia Siddiqui and she comes back home INSHAALLAH AMEEN.

They run after USA like dogs because they are dogs... and the USA is their master...

Its all in service of Capitalism... oh sorry... in God we trust :D
PTI to start protest campaign against sentence to Aafia

LAHORE – Pakistan Tehre-ek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan while strongly condemning the 86-year sentence to Dr Aafia Siddiqui announced that his party would launch a countrywide protest campaign against the US court sentence.
Addressing a news conference at his residence here Friday, Imran said that the US court verdict against the innocent Aafia would further the hatred against the Americans in Pakistan. He said that the nation would never compromise with the US on the fate of their daughter.
He said that protection of life and property of the citizens was the government’s responsibility and likewise that of overseas Pakistanis, but in the case of Dr Aafia it seemed that the government did nothing and just made hollow claims.
“Aafia is the daughter of the nation, and all-out efforts should be made for her early return,” Imran averred, announcing that his party would continue its struggle till the return of the daughter of the nation.
The rulers should feel ashamed that they could not convince the Americans for the release of Dr Aafia, even though Pakistan had been working as frontline state with the US in the war on terror.
When asked about the change in the current set up, Imran Khan said that midterm polls were the only way to save the democracy. He also said if the political forces really wanted to save the democratic system they should realize the fact that the midterm polls were the key to the solution.
“The politics of double standards should be ended now,” he added.
The PTI Chairman further said that the incumbent political set up had failed to deliver at every front and change of guard was necessary to save not only the democracy but the country as well.
Replying to another query, Imran Khan said that the government continuing its policy of delaying tactics to avoid the orders of superior judiciary, while the stated policies of the current set up would not prove fruitful for it.

PTI to start protest campaign against sentence to Aafia | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Pakistani's are a funny bunch, its funny how our media and right wing nut jobs completely ignore the hundreds of other women who are in jails or Pakistani's who are in prison around the world... but of course anytime Europe, USA or any other country gets involved in apprehending criminals.. all of a sudden that person becomes a hero in our country.

There are over 6000 Pakistani's jailed around the world most in Saudi and Arab countries, including hundreds of women are they not daughters of Pakistan.. I am starting to loathe our media more and more
Pakistani's are a funny bunch, its funny how our media and right wing nut jobs completely ignore the hundreds of other women who are in jails or Pakistani's who are in prison around the world... but of course anytime Europe, USA or any other country gets involved in apprehending criminals.. all of a sudden that person becomes a hero in our country.

There are over 6000 Pakistani's jailed around the world most in Saudi and Arab countries, including hundreds of women are they not daughters of Pakistan.. I am starting to loathe our media more and more

so what you suggest is we(media) should keep its mouth shut for what injustice happened to Dr Afia?
This is funny, some people ar saying she's american, at the same time they are involved and want to campaign for her release.

If its an american matter, keep quiet and make that point.
so what you suggest is we(media) should keep its mouth shut for what injustice happened to Dr Afia?

Injustice ?... Justice was given to a terrorist its that simple (Although i do believe that 86 years is a bit harsh).

No you don't need to keep your mouths shut, that will be the LAST thing I would ever want but you media folks ACTUALLY need to bring out the true story rather than play the xenophobic 'Daughter of Pakistan' BS card and installing unneeded and unecessary emotions in our emotionally driven society.

First of all why the hell do YOU guys care? She moved to Texas in 1990 and became an American citizen and has been living in the states for more than a decade. Why is it all of a sudden Pakistan's responsibility to look out for her? A US citizen wanting to attack the US is US's responsibility not ours period... we have nothing to do with this.

Why did this woman leave her REAL husband and went ahead and married the dreaded Al-Qaeda Terrorist Khalid Sheik Muhammad who masterminded 911? This MIT graduate should have know better no? What exactly was she doing in Afghanistan in 2008 feeding and schooling children? Hell no!!.. Fact is instead of going all 'Daughter of Pakistan' whilst ignoring the hundreds of other women who are jailed around the world and thousands of Pakistanis who are jailed around the world especially in Arab countries is completely unnecessary and uncalled for.. and you guys are not doing journalism any favor by trying to win ratings by showing what the people want to hear rather than what people NEED to hear... The US isn't stupid and it doesn't need to just put people in prison because it loves to. All you guys have been doing is spinning stories that the entire case was fabricated by the US to punish Miss Afia is frankly stretching things way to much and unnecessarily

Aif you didn't read my previous post i suggest you still read this if you have any respect for journalism.

A critical analysis of Aafia Siddiqui’s case – by Anas Abbas|Let Us Build Pakistan
so what you suggest is we(media) should keep its mouth shut for what injustice happened to Dr Afia?

No people expect media to have a balance view. Rather than giving this issue an emotional colour, media should show both sides of the story. No doubt Afia was given harsh punishment but i expect media to investigate that why she was picked up in the first place? Media, rather than questioning her involvement with Al-Qaeda, is hell bent on proving her innocence. Do you think it's wise to play with the emotions of people when we are fighting extremism in our society? We can't afford another Faisal shehzad's episode.
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a women is being victim of US ego.
all the accusations on her are un realistic.
and because US says she is terrorist.... we agree on this gospel

I ask you if story narrated by americans is at all true.... is it justice to sentence 86 years for attempted murder???????????????????????
a women is being victim of US ego.
all the accusations on her are un realistic.
and because US says she is terrorist.... we agree on this gospel

I ask you if story narrated by americans is at all true.... is it justice to sentence 86 years for attempted murder???????????????????????

Afia has the option of appealing the decision. Instead she has refused any further proceedings. Now if she herself doesn't want help then no one can do anything about it. Shouting down her own lawyers and ranting about xenophobic conspiracies is not helpful for her case. Her attitude is arrogant and defiant, and her thinking is psychotic.
The biggest joke is that they allege that she was trying to shoot an American soldier who fired back... lol

Americans think the whole world is a fool and eats McDonalds...

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