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Afghanistan questions US policies on Pakistan.


first like i said before this so called credible man has no crediblity outside washington,LONDON he is not even accepted by his own people outside kabul!!!

as for us stopiing supporting taliban what is the USA currently saying?? hasn't it started the whole drama of good taliban bad taliban???

what have all the allies and USA achieved in 9 years?? what proof have they provided of pakistan ISI directly helping taliban EVERYTHING IS JUST CLAIMS & BLAMES!
You want them to get to action? Just pray they don't. :rofl:
You're the only neighbouring country immediately to Afghanistan, all supply routes through former USSR are monitored by Russia meaning that whether it is Taliban or NATO they'd have to use your territory for their purpose whether supported or not by your government.

The point is your territory is being used and the current situation in your country is because of this bullying and their supporting by rogue elements. Try to put a clamp on it.

What supplies are you talking about? Weapons supply? You don't need the supply to come from Pakistan as there's a large black market for these weapons already in the region.
looks like both Cameron and Karzai are on a suicide mission ... both did a suicide bombing on the interests of their respective countries.
Well Mr Afghan President, the reason why no-one has invaded Pakistan is. NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUKES AND LOTS OF NUKES!!!!!!
And how would Pakistan 'nuke' US and NATO in case it is attacked? Your missiles don't have half the range to any of their countries and neither are you conventionally strong. Your nuclear missiles are designed for us whereas US is on the other side of the world alongside half of NATO countries.

If NATO conducts combat operations in your territory, your retaliation at this point would mean your blessings and support of terrorists. It would give your country a wrong image.

The bottomline is your nukes cannot do jack to NATO when they can't reach half the way. The simple reason why you are not attacked now is because NATO needs you as supply route.
India is very unlikely to directly hit Pakistan and they do not have the intention either. Finance has taken over war as the priority in India as the top most priority. There are people in India who do not agree with this idea but their voices are largely ignored by the policy makers in New Delhi. India is gradually becoming a business nation than a warrior one which is of course a good thing. Businessmen do not want war and they want to make money instead.

Your are right to a certain extent. India would not like to engage itself in open War at this point of time and they would not have to. India is growing rapidly Economically as well as Militarily & it would not like to put any brake until it reaches at a comfortable level from where India can dictate terms. :cheers:
Pakistan Seeks Clarification On Karzai's Remarks !

ISLAMABAD, July 29, 2010 (AFP) - Pakistan said Thursday it was seeking clarification of "incomprehensible" remarks by Afghan President Hamid Karzai calling for tougher Western action against militant sanctuaries.

Asked by reporters about remarks made by Karzai and his national security adviser Rangeen Dadfar Spanta, foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said their comments were "incomprehensible".

"We have asked our ambassador in Kabul to seek clarification as to why these remarks have been made," he said.

Karzai did not explicitly mention Pakistan by name, but said the war against terrorism was a war in "the sanctuaries, funding centres and training places of terrorism which are outside Afghanistan".

"Whether we are able to destroy these sanctuaries or not is another question. We will try what we can.... Our international allies have this ability, but the question is why they are not doing it?"

Basit said the Afghan government officials had based their remarks on thousands of secret US military files leaked earlier this week by website WikiLeaks and that the files amounted to raw intelligence and disinformation.

"It is a matter of disinformation so you cannot draw right conclusions from misguided reports," he said.
I would like to question the Afghani military and governments own commitment to stabilising and securing its own borders, for they are having the numbers to strike in Oruzgan Province, but refuse to do so.

I would also like to question their commitment to reducing the production and export of poppy crop and poppy by-products into Pakistan, but the refuse to do so.

We should also question their commitment to regional security and stability when then clearly know the larger picture but refuse to expect it.

We should ask the Afghani government why to this day despite pressure from the ILO and UNHCR, they have not initiated the voluntary repatriation program for their citizens seeking refuge in Pakistan, citizens i may add who prefer to stay in Pakistan because to quote " Afghanistan has nothing for us".

We should ask why has the Afghan government not extended its counter terrorist unit and drug interdiction teams along the Pak-Afghan border, despite repeated requests from Islamabad to do so.

They question Pakistan's commitment:

Lets talk facts.

Pakistan’s commitment to the war on terror:

Pakistan has deployed 140,000 troops along the FATA areas: DAWN.COM | Front Page | Pakistan has moved 100,000 troops from Indian border: Pentagon

To date the total number of British Troops killed in Iraq since the begining of the operations is totalling at 324: BBC News - Two UK soldiers shot dead in Afghanistan rescue bid

Now compare that figure to Pakistani military casulties suffered from Jan - July and the figure stands at: 394 : Souce: <<:::(PIPS) Welcome to Pak Institute For Peace Studies:::>>

Now consider the civilian casualties since Jan 2010 to July 2010 and the figure stands at an astounding 2557: Source: <<:::(PIPS) Welcome to Pak Institute For Peace Studies:::>>

You have people like Shukria Barakzai spout nonsensical alligations against Pakistan, when the very same woman was hosted by Pakistan during her exile from Afghanistan.

There are countless such politicians/observers and analysts of Afghan origin who were hosted as brothers and sisters in Pakistan, now these very same people who called "Pakistan their home away from home, back stab Pakistan to suit their own selfish ends".

Pakistan’s commitment to our Afghan friends:


1. 28,000 Afghans have studied in Pakistani schools, colleges and universities in the past 30 years; Islamabad has longstanding policy of educating the children of Afghan refugees

2. About 500,000 Afghan children attend schools in Pakistan

3. A state of the art Allama Iqbal Faculty at Kabul University is completed. The Government of Pakistan is furnishing the Iqbal Faculty building.

4. The building of Sir Syed Science Faculty Block is near completion in Nangarhar University, Jalalabad

5. The structure of Liaqat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty in Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif is almost complete.

6. Rehman Baba High School in Kabul was completed, where 1200 students are currently enrolled.

7. Donated buses for the students of Kabul University.

Trade and Economy:

1. Every single day in 2009, 52,000 Afghans entered Pakistan for business, education and tourism

2. Pakistan was also instrumental in facilitating the launch of several industries in Afghanistan after 2001. For example: State-owned National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was the first foreign bank to operate in Afghanistan after 9/11. Two private Pakistani banks followed NBP to Afghanistan. The emerging banking sector of Afghanistan was heavily depended on Pakistan’s human resource in its initial phase.

3. The telecommunication industry of Afghanistan drew Pakistani manpower, or Afghans trained in Pakistan, in its nascent stage.

4. State-owned Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pioneered the opening of Afghanistan to international air traffic. It was the first foreign airline to start operations to Kabul after 9/11. Ariana Afghan Airlines uses Pakistan’s civil aviation training facilities.

5. Robust trade and economic interaction is another important feature of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Pakistan is the largest trading partner of Afghanistan while Afghanistan is Pakistan’s third largest export market.

6. Pakistan has provided transit trade facility to Afghanistan for decades without any reciprocity. The two countries are presently engaged in negotiating an improved Transit Trade Agreement to further facilitate Afghan transit trade through Pakistan.

7. To enhance Kabul’s connectivity to the world, Pakistan plans to improve its road links and develop rail connections with Afghanistan.

Healthcare and Welfare:

1. A sprawling Jinnah Hospital Complex with ten towers is under construction in Kabul. It will provide the most modern health facility in the country.

2. Civil work on Nishter Kidney Hospital in Jalalabad is completed. Afghan doctors, paramedics and technicians to run this facility are also trained in Pakistan.

3. A 200 bed Naib Aminullah Khan Logari Hospital is under construction in Logar.

4. Donated mobile field hospitals and ambulances to several provinces.

Civil Works and Infrastructure:

1. Construction of Torkham-Jalalabad Road in eastern Afghanistan is completed.

2. On request of the Afghan Government, Pakistan has undertaken to convert Torkham-Jalalabad road in a dual carriage highway. About 60 percent work is already completed on this project.

3. Built three intra-city roads in Jalalabad.

4. Provided earth-moving and road building machinery to various provinces.

5. Donated fifty buses for public transportation.

6. Provided cash assistance to the Afghan Government.

Arts, culture and Heritage:

1. A sad casualty of foreign occupation and long civil war was the performing art tradition of Afghanistan. Pakistan was instrumental in preserving some of this tradition: many performing artists took refuge, or grew professionally, during their stay in Pakistani cities. Today, a large number of Afghan artists have close links, and wide following, in Pakistan.

Yet still the question Pakistan, do they forget the 1980’s, do they forget our generosity and brotherhood during their darkest time? Do they forget the 5.5 million refugees we hosted and treated as Kin?

If any sensible afghan is surfing this forum, please try to understand, we are fully committed to fighting an internal insurgency, we do not have the time or the resources to play around with such fanciful wet dreams.

A word of caution to our Afghan friends: Make new friends, but don’t forget the old. The new are the silver, the old are the gold.
looks like both Cameron and Karzai are on a suicide mission ... both did a suicide bombing on the interests of their respective countries.

So what leverage you have on UK and AF interests?

Bullying! isn't it?

Adding: I think Rescuranger has given good answer for the time being as far as AF is concerned.
Why? Because Pakistan has a military and is doing a great job on its own. Just because his country has been pathetic as crap since the dawn of time, doesn't mean he can go and try to push the blame on someone else.
I would like to question the Afghani military and governments own commitment to stabilising and securing its own borders, for they are having the numbers to strike in Oruzgan Province, but refuse to do so.

I would also like to question their commitment to reducing the production and export of poppy crop and poppy by-products into Pakistan, but the refuse to do so.

We should also question their commitment to regional security and stability when then clearly know the larger picture but refuse to expect it.

We should ask the Afghani government why to this day despite pressure from the ILO and UNHCR, they have not initiated the voluntary repatriation program for their citizens seeking refuge in Pakistan, citizens i may add who prefer to stay in Pakistan because to quote " Afghanistan has nothing for us".

We should ask why has the Afghan government not extended its counter terrorist unit and drug interdiction teams along the Pak-Afghan border, despite repeated requests from Islamabad to do so.

They question Pakistan's commitment:

Lets talk facts.

Pakistan’s commitment to the war on terror:

Pakistan has deployed 140,000 troops along the FATA areas: DAWN.COM | Front Page | Pakistan has moved 100,000 troops from Indian border: Pentagon

To date the total number of British Troops killed in Iraq since the begining of the operations is totalling at 324: BBC News - Two UK soldiers shot dead in Afghanistan rescue bid

Now compare that figure to Pakistani military casulties suffered from Jan - July and the figure stands at: 394 : Souce: <<:::(PIPS) Welcome to Pak Institute For Peace Studies:::>>

Now consider the civilian casualties since Jan 2010 to July 2010 and the figure stands at an astounding 2557: Source: <<:::(PIPS) Welcome to Pak Institute For Peace Studies:::>>

You have people like Shukria Barakzai spout nonsensical alligations against Pakistan, when the very same woman was hosted by Pakistan during her exile from Afghanistan.

There are countless such politicians/observers and analysts of Afghan origin who were hosted as brothers and sisters in Pakistan, now these very same people who called "Pakistan their home away from home, back stab Pakistan to suit their own selfish ends".

Pakistan’s commitment to our Afghan friends:


1. 28,000 Afghans have studied in Pakistani schools, colleges and universities in the past 30 years; Islamabad has longstanding policy of educating the children of Afghan refugees

2. About 500,000 Afghan children attend schools in Pakistan

3. A state of the art Allama Iqbal Faculty at Kabul University is completed. The Government of Pakistan is furnishing the Iqbal Faculty building.

4. The building of Sir Syed Science Faculty Block is near completion in Nangarhar University, Jalalabad

5. The structure of Liaqat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty in Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif is almost complete.

6. Rehman Baba High School in Kabul was completed, where 1200 students are currently enrolled.

7. Donated buses for the students of Kabul University.

Trade and Economy:

1. Every single day in 2009, 52,000 Afghans entered Pakistan for business, education and tourism

2. Pakistan was also instrumental in facilitating the launch of several industries in Afghanistan after 2001. For example: State-owned National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was the first foreign bank to operate in Afghanistan after 9/11. Two private Pakistani banks followed NBP to Afghanistan. The emerging banking sector of Afghanistan was heavily depended on Pakistan’s human resource in its initial phase.

3. The telecommunication industry of Afghanistan drew Pakistani manpower, or Afghans trained in Pakistan, in its nascent stage.

4. State-owned Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pioneered the opening of Afghanistan to international air traffic. It was the first foreign airline to start operations to Kabul after 9/11. Ariana Afghan Airlines uses Pakistan’s civil aviation training facilities.

5. Robust trade and economic interaction is another important feature of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Pakistan is the largest trading partner of Afghanistan while Afghanistan is Pakistan’s third largest export market.

6. Pakistan has provided transit trade facility to Afghanistan for decades without any reciprocity. The two countries are presently engaged in negotiating an improved Transit Trade Agreement to further facilitate Afghan transit trade through Pakistan.

7. To enhance Kabul’s connectivity to the world, Pakistan plans to improve its road links and develop rail connections with Afghanistan.

Healthcare and Welfare:

1. A sprawling Jinnah Hospital Complex with ten towers is under construction in Kabul. It will provide the most modern health facility in the country.

2. Civil work on Nishter Kidney Hospital in Jalalabad is completed. Afghan doctors, paramedics and technicians to run this facility are also trained in Pakistan.

3. A 200 bed Naib Aminullah Khan Logari Hospital is under construction in Logar.

4. Donated mobile field hospitals and ambulances to several provinces.

Civil Works and Infrastructure:

1. Construction of Torkham-Jalalabad Road in eastern Afghanistan is completed.

2. On request of the Afghan Government, Pakistan has undertaken to convert Torkham-Jalalabad road in a dual carriage highway. About 60 percent work is already completed on this project.

3. Built three intra-city roads in Jalalabad.

4. Provided earth-moving and road building machinery to various provinces.

5. Donated fifty buses for public transportation.

6. Provided cash assistance to the Afghan Government.

Arts, culture and Heritage:

1. A sad casualty of foreign occupation and long civil war was the performing art tradition of Afghanistan. Pakistan was instrumental in preserving some of this tradition: many performing artists took refuge, or grew professionally, during their stay in Pakistani cities. Today, a large number of Afghan artists have close links, and wide following, in Pakistan.

Yet still the question Pakistan, do they forget the 1980’s, do they forget our generosity and brotherhood during their darkest time? Do they forget the 5.5 million refugees we hosted and treated as Kin?

If any sensible afghan is surfing this forum, please try to understand, we are fully committed to fighting an internal insurgency, we do not have the time or the resources to play around with such fanciful wet dreams.

A word of caution to our Afghan friends: Make new friends, but don’t forget the old. The new are the silver, the old are the gold.

Well some choose to keep their heads buried in sand. Actually not just some, lots. When allegations are against them, they require proof, but when alleging, they do not present any proof. Hypocrites of the highest order with double standards all around.
afghan government better watch it truth is they can't afford to anger pakistan they can bark all they want this doesn't bother us at all pakistan doesn't even need to fire a single bullet they are completely dependant on us all pakistan has to do is close the borders and they will collapse.
Well, it just goes to show why the mayor of Kabul, erm President of Afghanistan, continues to fail to rule the country.

His remarks are childish and smack of opportunistic finger-pointing. He used the media's hysteria-du-jour to score cheap short-term political points, but in the process damaged medium-term relations with the one country that he depserately needs to bring peace and stability to his country.

This is not how a statesman behaves.
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