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Afghanistan may take military action against Pakistan: Min.

Sahi kaha is chutiye ne :omghaha:
whose failure is this that we don't have good relations with our neighbors.
None of your business. Read my signature and you'll understand why i replied @pakdefender that way.
Hey u say one word about my country,then Im dead involved and by the way u started the whole thing.If u didn't like it then be careful with your words next time otherwise you ll be dealing with me.I hope you'll get my point. ;)
whose failure is this that we don't have good relations with our neighbors.
Dude our neighbors are full of crap I don't think its my people's fault.They'll get what they really deserve. :cool: ;)
Take out your enemy aka ttp with your assets in afghan why military attack across border ? It only concludes that your assets are existing in your fine dreams ..or you are not smart enough
Definitely not people's fault but our leaders who control our foreign policy. They may be political or military leadership. Supporting Taliban type militants has not produced good results. Its better to learn from our mistakes.
Ok agreed ..what about supporting let or jud ?
I seriously cannot wait for PA to bomb that sh*thole
I have said it before & saying it again fencing & mining the afghan border is no more an option, its a bloody "necessity" the sooner its done the better it is
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I have said it before & saying it again fencing & mining the afghan border is no more an option, its a bloody "necessity" the sooner its done he better it is

This will cost $16 billion.

It would be much cheaper to drop a couple of Abdalis on their heads. Would be like a history lesson for them.
First Murdered there own Leaders and Handed there indipendent country to soviet union.(Saur Revolution of Afghanistan)
Then started Fighting each other for Power.(PDPK Vs Mujahideen)
Then The winning Side Started Fighting with each other.(Inter Mujahideen Fighting)
Then Loosing Side hosted USA and come to power on there shoulders.(Northern Alliance against Gulbadeen and Taliban)

No at the time that USA is leaving, they are trying to creatw tension with there very next neibour on saying of a distant neibour.

Whats wrong with these Afghans?

Mostly controlled by warlords and warlords business is to take sides for wealth.
Afghan Taliban rely on the drug trade, extortion and assassinations for funds. Otherwise they are just peasants.

They do not have concept of loyalty or honour.

The Samurai had honour and integrity but these people are the lowest of the lowest in human civilization.

I can't believe our culture is so weak in FATA thats allowed these fools to influence our people.
Be Afraid ... Be Very Very Afraid....
This will cost $16 billion.

It would be much cheaper to drop a couple of Abdalis on their heads. Would be like a history lesson for them.
trust me that $16 billion can save Pakistan's life from this poison of an open border, its like a shot of anti venom for the country which has been bitten by this poisonous snake of a open border
Mad bull raheel shareef has opened a new front beside hafiz gul bahadur.
Afghan soldiers and police, are different from pakistani soldiers. If you notice their clashes with taliban, they offer fierce gun battles and would die but wont back away or surrender. Even their police, are no less than soldiers. What they lack is proper air support, i guess. Although i dont think pakistan would invade afghanistan, its stupid and impossible, but lets suppose it happens, then there is chance that Afghan taliban (except haqqani network) and Afghan security forces would forget their war with each other and would prepare themeselves to deal with invader.
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