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Afghanistan may have 1 trillion dollar minerals potential

I was not aware I was being sarcastic, I am just curious do you prefer the Taliban or the American Occupation. Which would you prefer in Pakistan if you had to make a choice. Would you prefer International Aid to see the resources are developed in Afganistan if that is necessary for them to be developed or just remain in the ground.

Come on man, that post was not to you.
Apart from that it has drug buisness potential..and with Karzai placed in kabul it will reach new hights..
This could benefit Pakistan a lot since it has the shipping ports for not only shipping any minerals out. But bringing in equipment and construction materials to develop the mines. That's a lot of money and jobs for Pakistan.

And those that support the so called good Taliban simply becuase of Pakistan's Geo-political interests. Need to realize that Pakistan's interests are better served with a stable Afghanistan that provides a stable source of money and jobs for Pakistan.

It would also make Afghanistan much more dependent on Pakistan becuase of the transportation infrastructure and ports. Thereby negating any perceived Indian influence.

I believe the newly built Delaram road(by the indians) and a railway line(built by the iranians and they want to extend it to central asia) which is connecting afghanistan to iran might cut dependency on pakistan, at least afghan gov hopes so.
Pakistan has to be united and protect Baluchistan on all cost.

US will never Use Iranian route build by India and Indian second option will be Independent Baluchistan.

United Pakistan is the best route available for US but India will never like it as then India has to be good to Pakistan (give water).

Pakistan should assure USA China Russia and Israel that all will be allowed to use route from Pakistan to Afghanistan and stable Pakistan is the key to access that wealth.
Gentlemen and ladies,

WE are all in for a big surprise. And the surprise is that the u s may not leave afghanistan for ever. The reason being---it will be disclosed that there are possibly trillions of dollars worth of minerals found in afganistan---something beyond the wildest dreams of afghans and its neighbours. China, russia, iran----get ready for the new u s colony.

Pakistan---seems like your fortunes will continue to be linked with those of the americans. The is going to be some serious power posturing between india and pakistan---the u s, china and russia.

It takes 8 years, a millon lies, many sec defs, many a generals, regime changes and hundreds of thousand of deaths in afg and pakistan---what a treachery---how much of a deceit, what a setup. The question that needs to be asked and when did the u s know about all these deposits. Afghanistan being rich in minerals is not a news, it has been known for many a years about its large mineral reserves.

So that is what it was all about 8 years ago. For I have always wondered at the lackadaisical approach of american millitary in the earlier years of the war on terror. Not taking on the al qaeda head on, letting Mullah Omar escape from kandhar, letting northern alliance take charge of assaulting the taliban, letting OBL escape---so this was all basically a setup to get its foothold in afghanistan.

The U S looking at china buying land concessions like there is no tomorrow, oil and gas reserves, minerals and material exploration rights anywhere and everywhere in the world at a record pace, without prejudice and conscience. A soft, gentle, kinder and generous approach towards all kinds of regimes invovled---dictators---pariahs---democrtas if any---china got them all rounded up in a conference room---signed them up on the dotted line and the u s was left behind due to their own self imposed sanctions of not dealing with some countries.

So, when the oppurtunity knocked on the door for the u s, they took the unconventional route---unconventional for many but not for the americans, the russians the british.

If you just look back at the tv videos of the milltary tactics enforced, the interviews of the generals, the strategy involved, the interviews of the analysts---there was always something missing. There was a feeling of emptiness in the proceeding, there was a feeling of vaccuum----there was a feeling as if something has been left out intentionally.

The speeches looked as if they were empty of soul---the talk was there to take the revenge against al qaeda---but the actions lacked the conviction of someone who was bent upon seeking to annihilate the enemy.

Bottomline is that the u s of a needed control of rare minerals---an oppurtunity came in its way---OBL was right in a way when he said that u s will do nothing---well they would have done nothing---if the al qaeda and the taliban had not been sitting on the largest gold nugget in the history of mankind.
I believe the newly built Delaram road(by the indians) and a railway line(built by the iranians and they want to extend it to central asia) which is connecting afghanistan to iran might cut dependency on pakistan, at least afghan gov hopes so.

If India has to Chose between Iran and US , you will be disappointed in same way they let Iran down in Gas Pipe line to India.
US will never let present Iran to have share in its kill and India knows that.
i think after 15-20 yrs whole world will have to purchase oil frm u.s or by u.s permission.so they gave india nuclear deal.
Analysis: Afghan mine sector sparkles but problems abound

Analysis: Afghan mine sector sparkles but problems abound | Reuters

(Reuters) - Afghanistan has rich mineral deposits, from iron ore and copper to precious stones, but their potential is stifled by war, bad infrastructure and deep investor caution.

Experts say revenues could amount to hundreds of billions of dollars -- a statistic U.S. officials are honing in on given the cost of the nine-year war and Afghanistan's paltry economy -- but such a bounty is years, even decades away.

"Rather than being a wasteland, Afghanistan is a motherlode of mineral resources. The challenge is how to extract it and make sure it benefits all Afghans," said James Bever, director of the task force for Afghanistan and Pakistan at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

"Seven or eight or 10 years from now we may look back and say this was the big thing," said Bever.

Mining analysts say while Afghanistan's mineral potential is enticing, the risks are too big for most companies who worry their investments will be attacked by the Taliban or affected by the Afghan government's reputation for corruption.

"An established company would not want to go to its shareholders and say we want to invest in it," said Anthony Young of Dahlman Rose & Co, an investment bank in New York.

A giant copper contract was handed out in 2007 to a Chinese consortium for a deposit in the Aynak region south of Kabul.

The Afghan mining ministry is doing an international roadshow later this month to revive an iron ore tender scrapped in February, partly due to lack of interest and market instability at that time.

Chinese and Russian companies are expected to be among bidders for the iron ore tender for the Hajigak deposit west of Kabul, but many North American mining houses are likely to stay away and point to problems with the first copper contract.


The Canadian mining company Hunter Dickinson lost a bid for the copper deposit to China's top producer, Jiangxi Copper Co, and China Metallurgical Group Corp.

"Given the escalation of violence in the country, it turned out alright for us," said Robert Schafer, executive vice president of business at the Canadian firm.

Schafer said it would take a long time before the industry showed profits, pointing out that from the moment a discovery was made it usually took seven to 10 years before it could be seen as profitable and could take as long as two decades.

Other mining firms are also cautious, citing basic infrastructure issues, power and other problems.

"From our standpoint, power plants had to be built and there were lots of other things. Their expectations were a lot higher than the reality," said one mining industry source whose company looked into the copper bid. He declined to be named.

The World Bank has been working to improve Afghanistan's nascent mining sector and points to many gaps in the "value chain", including transforming the mines ministry.

"It has to be changed from a Soviet-style operating body to a regulatory apparatus or ministry as we would have in most countries," said Gary McMahon, a senior mining specialist at the World Bank.

"You are not going to see the majors (big mining firms) going into Afghanistan ... but there are mining companies which will say it is worth the risk," said McMahon, who was in Kabul last week to see Afghan officials.

There are also concerns over the mining law and whether the finder of a deposit has the right to exploit it.

"The government has the intent to make 'the right to mine' more in line with international practice," McMahon said.


The Pentagon believes Afghanistan's untapped mineral deposits may be worth more than $1 trillion and could help the country's economy and help U.S. efforts to bolster its war-battered government, a Pentagon spokesman said on Monday.

"It's certainly potentially good news, especially for Afghanistan," said Pentagon spokesman Colonel David Lapan.

Including the two well-known, world-class deposits of copper and iron ore, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has pinpointed 24 areas across Afghanistan which it says show most mineral potential, including magnesium, chromium, gold, nickel, mercury and lithium and other rare minerals used for mobile phones and other technology.

"Unfortunately it (rare minerals) is right in the middle of what the military call the kinetic (war) zone," said USGS expert Jack Medlin.

Air surveys have also shown oil and gas deposits which earlier Soviet studies highlighted. However, one in the Helmand basin that was expected to yield great potential may not be all it was cracked up to be, Medlin said.

There have also been enormous problems gathering accurate soil and rock samples because of the war and much data has not been verified, particularly in the Helmand area, he added.
If India has to Chose between Iran and US , you will be disappointed in same way they let Iran down in Gas Pipe line to India.
US will never let present Iran to have share in its kill and India knows that.


That is not all---india is letting go of iran---it will support the sanction fulltime. Today's news.
When lioness kills , Its the loin which eat first then lioness and cubs. While Tiger wait to have left over then jackals and fox. In the end vulchers and then small ants.

Every on gets their share from the kill.
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