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Afghanistan may have 1 trillion dollar minerals potential


We never had any problem with you seeking justice---taking charge and executing the al qaeda and their cohorts----. But it is 8 years now---you have killed close to a million muslims---when al qaeda was trapped--you let them slip out the net, at tora bora---you let Mullah Umar slip out of Kandhar.

If it was your revenge---then it was onto you to have taken the revenge---that was your moral obligation to the 3000 dead---but you failed your moral obligation miserably----you hired cut throats and murderers---the northern alliance to do your job---you were living so high and mighty---you lived and felt so clean---that you didnot want to kill the murderers of your very own by your own hands.

Even your special forces men following Bin Laden at tora bora also chickened out and ran back to save their live lest they got hurt-----SHAME ON YOUR SOLDIERS.

AT LEAST THEY COULD HAVE MADE THE CHARGE LIKE THAT OF THE 'LIGHT BRIGADE'----and would have died in the cause of glory to the american flag as warriors do---when the time came to take Bin Laden out----but they hid behind the skirts of the orders---yes the orders and cavalry never showed up to take down bin laden.

I give credit to that man Gary Brooks Faulkner---a man by himself---with a handgun---a knife and a sword---in the hindu kush mountains all alone----to take the revenge---DIE IN SHAME AMERICAN SPECIAL FORCES---DIE IN SHAME if you have any.

Captain America---sir---when it happens on your watch---it is your responsibility---whenyou take the credit for all the good---then whatever the sh-it that accumulates---will be dumped on you as well. You just can't pickup the roses and claim the scent---you got to claim the stench coming from the cadavers that you buried in the hole.

Every Muslim that dies in the Islamic world is not caused by the USA or its responsibility, religious extremist like the Taliban are pulling the Islamic world and Pakistan back into the dark of the middleages.....the USA and much of the rest of the world is not going peacefully. Any one that questions the courage of American Soldiers is a fool..
It is a fact that each ton of sea water contains one milligram of GOLD,
BUT the catch-22 is the cost,which outweighs the return,according to the calculations of Joseph Stiglitz ,an economist and noble prize winner,as well as that of Linda Bilmesa Harvard professor,it has cost the Americans a cool $ 10 Trillion for the Afghan-iraq venture,to extract hypothetically these $1 trillion,underground minerals, spread over years and years,the cost like the sea water gold extraction, will,outweigh the return.
:hitwall: Old data reconstructed by Orange media to suit the news and befool some people.

Have a heart China was there before you for those bids in the past.
China would be a good choice for Afghanistan in this regard.

Their Cos and workers are far officiant and have a good reputation.

Lady any body has the good quote is going to win the bid..even if it is China or India..and its beneficial for Afgans any way ..Because of the competition Afganistan is going to gain than any one there...
Every Muslim that dies in the Islamic world is not caused by the USA or its responsibility, religious extremist like the Taliban are pulling the Islamic world and Pakistan back into the dark of the middleages.....the USA and much of the rest of the world is not going peacefully. Any one that questions the courage of American Soldiers is a fool..


Those that died on your watch are your responsibility---I didn't make an open statement about that.

Those special forces aty tora bora---if they had read " THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE"---would have been a different story.

If the u s was so bent upon revenge---then these special forces soldiers should have laid their lives down for the cause and put Tommy Franks and Rummy to shame---that was their oppurtunity---they had to oppurtunity to re-write history with their blood and sdacrifice---they chose to remain ordinary. FOR AMERICA they should have done it---at least it would have bropught some honor and dignity to the cause they were fighting for.

Every soldier has courage when they have the support of first world technology at their finger tips---all the support of air warfare a call away---but when it came to one on one---they wanted to wait for the orders from the headquarters---and yes---I doubt their courage----and if they don't kill me first---I will say it on their faces as well.

Now someone go tell that to Gen Sharon--(who is in a comma now)----tell him not to cross the suez to cutoff the egyptian army because the HQ said not to---would have been a different story.

Bottomline is that 8 years is long enough time to complete a job---after that it is a failure---.

History will tell the truth----it will stay as another failure on your crown and there will come a time---when nations won't bbe afraid of the united states and will openly condemn this aggression.


This aggression in afg has gone way past that point.

I also would not have supported any u s politician if they had not gone into afg to seek revenge---but the problem is that it was neither a revenge war---it just became a peashoot---the revenge got handed over to cut-throats and scavengers. Once it got to that point---U S lost all its credibility and compassion for its loss.

If you are not man enough and your soldiers not men enough to take out the al qaeda on day one two and three----then-----.
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Those that died on your watch are your responsibility---I didn't make an open statement about that.

Those special forces aty tora bora---if they had read " THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE"---would have been a different story.

If the u s was so bent upon revenge---then these special forces soldiers should have laid their lives down for the cause and put Tommy Franks and Rummy to shame---that was their oppurtunity---they had to oppurtunity to re-write history with their blood and sdacrifice---they chose to remain ordinary. FOR AMERICA they should have done it---at least it would have bropught some honor and dignity to the cause they were fighting for.

Every soldier has courage when they have the support of first world technology at their finger tips---all the support of air warfare a call away---but when it came to one on one---they wanted to wait for the orders from the headquarters---and yes---I doubt their courage----and if they don't kill me first---I will say it on their faces as well.

Now someone go tell that to Gen Sharon--(who is in a comma now)----tell him not to cross the suez to cutoff the egyptian army because the HQ said not to---would have been a different story.

Bottomline is that 8 years is long enough time to complete a job---after that it is a failure---.

History will tell the truth----it will stay as another failure on your crown and there will come a time---when nations won't bbe afraid of the united states and will openly condemn this aggression.


This aggression in afg has gone way past that point.

I also would not have supported any u s politician if they had not gone into afg to seek revenge---but the problem is that it was neither a revenge war---it just became a peashoot---the revenge got handed over to cut-throats and scavengers. Once it got to that point---U S lost all its credibility and compassion for its loss.

If you are not man enough and your soldiers not men enough to take out the al qaeda on day one two and three----then-----.

"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."
Mao Tse-Tung

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Jimi Hendrix

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
Abraham Lincoln

“The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while”
Albert Einstein

Revenge-- The U.S. or any other nation has the right to seek revenge but there is a difference between revenge and ruthlessness. As soon as NATO, ISAF and large numbers of the U.S. troops went in, it was visible to the blind that the intentions of the policy makers were different than strictly going after Al Qaeda. I do not buy your theory about the failure of special forces. Even if the special forces failed, it would not have taken eight years to find Osama Bin Laden and still they are not successful. The U.S intended to stay long in this region and I have said this many times; the U.S. is not withdrawing from Afghanistan in the near future. The U.S took revenge of three thousand people killed on 9/11 but Iraqis and Afghans will seek revenge from the U.S. of millions of lives lost. The children, women, boys, men everyone of every age group died. What about that?
Death is like a magnet which attracts you. Similarly, the U.S. is going closer; day by day and month by month. Isn't it interesting to see the demise of several empires and super powers in last two hundred years? French, British, Ottoman, German, Soviet, Japan and now the U.S.
Oh, we are still trying to live in peace!
To me the people responsible for all the deaths and misery are the Islamic Extremist and all those that support them that murdred 3000 americans in cold blood on 911 and caused the death of hundreds of thousand since then., not the USA. Perhaps you are right and this is the start of never ending war that will last for generations.

I see it more as a conflict between the modren world an those that want to destroy the modren world and live in a premitive backward barbaric religious world where their religion is supreme and women are denied education.
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To me the people responsible for all the deaths and misery are the Islamic Extremist and all those that support them that murdred 3000 americans in cold blood on 911 and hundreds of thousand since then., not the USA. Perhaps you are right and this is the start of never ending war that will last for generations.

I see it more as a conflict between the modren world an those that want to destroy the modren world and live in a premitive backward barbaric religious world.

and this barbaric religious world include the zionists, extremist jewish settlers as well as some other extremist groups in the US. Sadly the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not the only ones, they have their counter parts in the other side of the world too.
and this barbaric religious world include the zionists, extremist jewish settlers as well as some other extremist groups in the US. Sadly the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not the only ones, they have their counter parts in the other side of the world too.

I agree with you, but in the case of the Taliban
What we have is the confrontation of two civilisations: a modern and liberated one clashing with another one trailing behind by a couple of centuries due to lack of education and science, still stuck in superstitions, under the grip of primitive beliefs and which has not yet accomplished the fundamental step of separating church and state.

I dont think we can make any compromise with such people.
^^nobody is arguing with you on how the taliban is. they are evil, simple as that.
An Afghan mining official has said untapped minerals in the war-torn country are worth at least 3 trillion dollars - triple a recent U.S. estimate.

Minister of Mines, Wahidullah Shahrani, said he's going to Britian next week to discuss how to attract foreign investors to mine one of the world's largest iron ore deposits in Bamiyan province.

He said in addition to iron ore, Afghanistan also has deposits of copper, coal and rare earth metals, such as lithium.

Precious metals like gold, along with gemstones, construction materials and significant deposits of oil and gas are also present in various parts of the country.
To me the people responsible for all the deaths and misery are the Islamic Extremist and all those that support them that murdred 3000 americans in cold blood on 911 and caused the death of hundreds of thousand since then., not the USA. Perhaps you are right and this is the start of never ending war that will last for generations.

To us the 9/11 is caused by Christian, Jewish extremists who had killed thousands of Palestinians, who have killed hundreds in Kwait, Iraq War by instigating it. As they say every action has a reaction.'

The Crusade against Muslims have entered generations already

I see it more as a conflict between the modren world an those that want to destroy the modren world and live in a premitive backward barbaric religious world where their religion is supreme and women are denied education.

Oh dont tell me that US is only modern world and the entire Muslim block is backward.

China/Sweden and many other countries are as modern as anyone can be so why then Muslims are not jealous of them ??

And dont tell me that in US women have all rights and i am posting my comments here while sitting in caves
An Afghan mining official has said untapped minerals in the war-torn country are worth at least 3 trillion dollars - triple a recent U.S. estimate.

Minister of Mines, Wahidullah Shahrani, said he's going to Britian next week to discuss how to attract foreign investors to mine one of the world's largest iron ore deposits in Bamiyan province.

He said in addition to iron ore, Afghanistan also has deposits of copper, coal and rare earth metals, such as lithium.

Precious metals like gold, along with gemstones, construction materials and significant deposits of oil and gas are also present in various parts of the country.

:undecided: Britain ???? what makes the choice ??
KABUL, June 17, 2010 (AFP) - Afghanistan's mining minister said Thursday that mineral deposits in his country could be worth up to three trillion dollars, tripling a US estimate from earlier this week.

The results of the US geological survey released this week by American officials said Afghanistan had huge reserves of lithium, iron, copper, gold, niobium, mercury, cobalt and other minerals worth nearly one trillion dollars.

"A very conservative estimate has been one trillion. Our estimation is more than that... the idea is it could be up to three trillion dollars," Afghan mining minister Waheedullah Shahrani told a news conference.

When asked what his estimate was based on, the minister said: "the visibility of the minerals".

There are also bigger than expected reserves of oil and gas, mostly in northern Afghanistan, Shahrani said, and one of the deposits in Kunduz province would be offered for exploration next year.

"The new findings show that there are five new oil and gas blocks in Afghanistan. The biggest of them is the Afghan-Tajik basin in the province of Kunduz. We'll put this up for tender next year," he said.

Shahrani has already said the country would organise a roadshow to promote opportunities for foreign investors on June 25 in London.

The US survey found Afghanistan's potential lithium deposits are as large of those of Bolivia, which has the world's largest known reserves of the lightweight metal, used to make batteries for mobile phones and laptops.

The biggest mining contract Afghanistan has ever signed is that of Aynak, a huge copper mine awarded to a Chinese company last year. The minister said the work on Aynak, just south of Kabul, was underway.

But he acknowledged the war-torn nation, still gripped by a deadly Islamist insurgency led by the Taliban, had a long way to go before it could tap its underground wealth.

"Developing mines will take a long time," he said, admitting Afghanistan lacked the basic infrastructure for major mining investments.

The United States has also said it could take years to develop the industry, and acknowledged that Afghanistan, widely considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world, would be challenged to ensure profits did not enrich only a few.
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