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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

Vassnti...Must be pissing the Afghanis off that they get attcked for not handing over osama and it was Pakistan that had him.

You have posted some 1131 posts/comments, and read a thousand times that Pakistan 30,000-35,000 Army/Armed Force and Civilians have been the Casualties of WOT and yet you have the audacity to call on Pakistan as the culprit.

That was one of the worst assessments on your part and a very very poor post.

Let talk about the word's highest paid Intelligence Organizations CIA AND MI4. Where was CIA/FBI on the day of 9/11, where was india on the day of 26/11, where was British Intelligence when bomb struck. Take a thousand steps back and come back again talk to us about OBL and this War.
Don't forget Pakiatan has handed over many of top most wanted Men to US, And all of them belonged to AQ. Make sense out of it Why would Pakistan give AQ men to US and the man who's organization and orders were carried out by those men handed over to US why would OBL after that cooperate with Pakistan. Simple questions.

After all you hindustanis are all delusional in your thoughts when it comes to Pakistan. Don't make fool out of yourself, make some sense and come up with better posts.

Oh and mr. vassnti, for the past 30+ years, Pakistan have stationed and raised fed 5 Million afghanis in Pakistan, do you happen to question if they are the cause of internal terrorism in Pakistan or you do take each one of them clean. Put your head to work.

i agree with some of the points raised by you (refugees/no. of people killed)

but if u analyse it properly u will know the mistakes committed by pakistan. it supported taliban regime in afghanistan wen the whole world was against it. the same talibani regime which housed the dreaded osama and many other criminals. why did u have to support them. because it suited u national interests.

now wen america threatened to send u back to middle ages u decided to abandon them. naturally it will bounce back on u. pakistan is suffering because of its faulty policies of mixing religion with poiltics and encouraging culture of jehad. dont blame others for u r current situation.
hsb guy, I am not liable to give you any source or link, we have lost as many as 30/35000, even if I downgrade the number it is not less then 10,000 which in itself is a greater number. Lastly I am not interested in talking to you disillusion hindustanis with twisted thoughts. And if you are not agreeing with the WOT death figures lets me ask you do you happen to agree out of 5 million afghanis some of them could have taken part in all sorts of terrorism in Pakistan.

Throws off your "we" in dustbin I don't care about neighbor in the east, I don't give a fk about it. You and people like you have Absolutely No answers to when I asked about cia/fbi and mi4 and 9/11, british bombing and oh not to forgot 26/11 and all your allies and your intelligence failure.

No body is denying that zia-ul-haq's shaking hands with US in soviet war has promoted terrorism with-in this region, But it would be unfair to drag Pakistan into it as a culprit who is actively perusing talibans and AQ for the past 11 years. Refer to soviet war documentary that completely open US forced jihad and the concept and provided funds and support. Please read my EARLIER POST about your Intelligence and cia.fbi and mi4 and so on...don't the finger pointing doesn't always go towards Pakistan.
The official statement from the Government of Afghanistan ;

I repeat that the sacrifices of the Afghan nation be recognized and not taken lightly and reiterate that the war on terror is not in the houses and villages of Afghan people, but in sanctuaries and training camps elsewhere, so this war should be taken to where terrorism exists and nurtured.

they is right on their money this time -- the WoT is not in the villages of Afghanistan but in the sanctuaries elsewhere
these Afghans trying to patronize us, this all bullcrap was started there
HAHAHAHA Afghanis are not even worth talking about nuclear weapons. These Afghani politicians/army cant even control their country. 1/10th of their country is controlled by NATO and US and the rest is controlled by Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network.

Is there even a building in Afghanistan. What a joke this country is.

Just wait when US leaves Afghanistan and see what happens to these Afghani politicians and ANA.
these Afghans trying to patronize us, this all bullcrap was started there

That is what you have been made to believe. All this in fact started in the windmill quest of Gen. Zia and then encores have been galore to arrive in today's situation when there has been the most stark expose of the sheer bigotry of Pakistani army and ISI. Why do you think there has been no statement from any of these entities to address the matter of OBL presence or their napping while US seals got in across the breadth of Pakistan, had their fun and left?

If there is anyone who has been taking your country for a ride, it is your army. The Afgans are anyway paying the price of your generals deeds with blood. Just that you are able to empathize with the situation now better.
HAHAHAHA Afghanis are not even worth talking about nuclear weapons. These Afghani politicians/army cant even control their country. 1/4th of their country is controlled by NATO and US and the rest is controlled by Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network.

Is there even a building in Afghanistan. What a joke this country is.

They certainly do not lay a false claim to controlling their country so that is not the point. They do not claim to be the vangaurds of all things strategic and the ummah and what not. They realize their situation and only want it to improve. However, nothing is away from the fact when the Afgans highlight that the actual battle is to be fought not with the stooges in Afganistan, it is to be fought with the masters in Pakistan. Is there anything funny there? Do you really see anyone laughing at them since the Pakistani guest of honor was despatched to his fate?
I was shocked on the reaction of Afghanistan and India. Both countries have always tried to defame Pakistan.
Afghanistan is a Muslim country but she always defame Pakistan. But still best of luck for Afghanistan.
How can these Afghanis take care of Afgahnistan - which has been a literal playground of powers - should be the key question here..come on guys..USA vs Russia, Pakistan vs India, god knows who else vs someone...is this a country or football ground..we should as well rename it to Footballistan or sportsistan and make world largest stadiums in there

I dont see anything better with Pakistan either. Everyday passes and i see a new embarassment for pakistan. Even pakistanis themselves dont trust PA and ISI anymore the way they used to do. Ameircans came to Pak, did a high profile operation and left without pakistan knowing a thing untill Obama announced the whole details.
35000 people and 3000 soldiers in Pakistan were killed in war against terrorism. But Afghanistan and India didn't praised Pakistan.
Now the both countries want to get benefit from the situation.
I dont see anything better with Pakistan either. Everyday passes and i see a new embarassment for pakistan. Even pakistanis themselves dont trust PA and ISI anymore the way they used to do. Ameircans came to Pak, did a high profile operation and left without pakistan knowing a thing untill Obama announced the whole details.

Are you serious? Are you seriously comparing Pakistan to Afghanistan? Do you even have an Air Force in Afghanistan? You have troops from more than a dozen countries ruling your capital while rag men are controlling the rest of your country. Maybe you should compare your country to Somalia but dont dare compare your country to Pakistan. Afghanistan is not even worth discussing about.
Are you serious? Are you seriously comparing Pakistan to Afghanistan? Do you even have an Air Force in Afghanistan? You have troops from more than a dozen countries ruling your capital while rag men are controlling the rest of your country. Maybe you should compare your country to Somalia but dont dare compare your country to Pakistan. Afghanistan is not even worth discussing about.

And when did i claim that we have an advanced country? Never. Yes, our situation is really miserable and that is sad. As per air force, you guys have got air force, tell me what is the point of having them? Instead of having those expensive toys for nothing, you could have spent that amount of money to lift many poor pakistanis from poverty or spend on education which is having a poor state.
@ Ahmad
We are not against Afghanistan as we have historic, Islamic, regional, economical, political, security and brotherhood relations. Plus we dont need to compare Afghanistan and Pakistan.
But, tell me, what you have get by raising hue and cry against Pakistan?
@ Ahmad
We are not against Afghanistan as we have historic, Islamic, regional, economical, political, security and brotherhood relations. Plus we dont need to compare Afghanistan and Pakistan.
But, tell me, what you have get by raising hue and cry against Pakistan?

There is nothing against pakistan.
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