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Afghanistan fire 25 mortar shells in Pakistan: Officials.

You are envy of iranians on this? Man you love every thing about Iran, its your mecca after all.

They did a good job handling people like the ones who backstab and bring crime and drugs; the people you seem to sympathize the most with.

Assuming you aren't a false flagger (which we all know you are) - why don't you pack your bags and scram and go move across the border and see how accepted and how 'beneficial' it would be for you. And find a good mental hospital while on the way.
You have just landed on Pakistan. Just interview some punjabis and ask them what Pakistani pashtuns are famous for?. Check out their mobiles and read pathans jokes in sms. They would even tell you the specific region in KPK which is centre of bacha bazi....do you know most of the drivers in pakistan belong to which community, and in which practice they are usually involved?...dont point finger at others when rest of fingers are pointing towards you, be quiet and dont raise this bacha bazi topic here.

Rubbish. It is not real practice here. Do a single google search and you will find which nation this is native to. The only people who brought that horrid culture to our Pak Sarzameen are Afghans. This is a link to Afghanistan's biggest secret. I am sure Admin Khan and Toramana who brainwashed you practice this which is why they love that land so much.

Bacha Bazi: Afghanistan’s darkest secret « RAWA News

See you are attacking Pakistani Pashtuns for Afghanistan. I suspected you the moment you said that about Maseeds because of whom 2/5th of Kashmir is of Pashtuns which is = Pakistanis. Where are you from Luffy? Why you are attacking our people? Why u hate Pakistan and Pakistani Pashtuns so much. I can help you. Everyone changes after so many explanations. You are the same. What is the problem? Did you go through a traumatic experience? There is a report that every racist goes through trauma some time which makes him the way he is.

Also stop bringing other races into everything to perpetuate the myth and to justify your loyalty to terror country. Today races have melded with each other so much no one can tell who is who. Look at the Rohilla Pashtuns (from what is now UP-Lucknow surroundings) and Niazi's. Look at the Gujjar's who speak Pashto like anyone. You have no standing after you tried to make Indian allies and easily swallowed insult to Pashtuns.

Pashto film industry of pakistan is purely "damtob", i am ashamed of them. Afghans should be proud of the fact that they are not polluted by this.

Exactly what mr shadow governor said. Exact words proving you are no better. He call us beghairat, heera mandi culture-thats the words he had for lar Pashtuns.

We saved these people. They wouldn't even have a garbage dump to go to if not for us and now they dare to talk against us? So what one or two cheap/bakwas movies are made-better than having nothing. Afghans have nothing to be proud of-lar Pashtuns give them the history they have and the cultural hub of all Pashtuns is Peshawar or in fact after that even my Karachi. In last 60 years Karachi became a Pashtun city with Pashtuns making major part and dominating transport. In Afghanistan the other ethnic groups are dominating the Pashtuns. Ask the Afghans which Tajik has control over transport and aviation ministry in Afghanistan.

Peshawer was not a cultural hub of pashtuns. It was a hindko city, heavily influx of Afghans, tribals and pashtuns from other parts of KPK , pashtunize it....Contributions and influence of afghans on peshawer culture of today is recognized by every one.

Lol. Even the hindkowan's speak Pashto while Pashtuns know not a word of Hindko. Exactly. That is a total lie. Don't you dare curse the capital of Pakhtunkhwa. How dare you insult the most advanced Pashtun city just to insult us? Afghanistan has nothing and is successively ruled by various powers since 1893 when Pashtun land was partitioned and we escaped them. Pakistan is our nation and Pashtunkhwa within it is our home.

Luffy, where are you from? This seems like an insidious campaign from your side to brainwash Pakistani Pashtuns. Stop this crusade and tell the truth. Gigawatt told you Maseeds are looters and you said nothing. A Pakistani says bomb Afghanistan and you are fighting with him? I am a wannabe Pashtun maybe having 15% or if I go with what my friend said today 50% Pashtun blood but I have more ghairat than you not to insult my people. I am a Pashtun and so do a lot of Hindkowan's you are cursing call themselves... only reason they are worried is because of people like you.
@Abu Zolfiqar We can debate all day long to prove who is "Holier Than Thou" but both you and me know, we both are culprits. Its just about who gets caught and who doesn't. Both are Criminals.

One may spend time in jail while other live with all the riches.

Not really mate.. Chor woh hota hai, jo pakda jaaye.. Chori woh hoti hai, jo saabit ho...

Guess which movie ??
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They did a good job handling people like the ones who backstab and bring crime and drugs; the people you seem to sympathize the most with.

Assuming you aren't a false flagger (which we all know you are) - why don't you pack your bags and scram and go move across the border and see how accepted and how 'beneficial' it would be for you. And find a good mental hospital while on the way.

False flagger? I remember in my initial days on this forum you were very confident that i am an indian false flagger. Now you are saying that i am Afghan false flagger.....
And you shouldnt tell me to pack my bags and go to afghanistan. You yourself packed your bags and ran away to a foriegn country, while i am in pakistan taking care of humanity.
By the where is your that artificial cool behaviour, i seem to have flare up your temper.
You are going to educate me? Chalo tumari class ley laita hun. I lied for a purpose that cinimas are present only in peshawer, the fact is they are present in every small city, from abbotabad from to DI khan. You went along with my lie, boy you have no clue about your FATA or KPK. There is no Afghan film industry in peshawer and karachi you are talking about , the pashto films of Pakistan are produced in lahore...

There are a huge number of Pashto films produced in Peshawar. The first Pashto film Shehr Bano and Yousaf Khan was produced only in Peshawar no where else. Stop spouting your rubbish.

And before raising finger on me, first revise yourself. You are living in abroad, belonging to mommy daddy burger family. You yourself said that younger generations of your family and relatives are unable to speak pashto, they can only speak urdu and english as they live in islamabad, lahore etc. Your own pashto is destroyed, your post in pakhto was heavily mixed with urdu words. Should i embaress you by posting that pakhto post of your here and teach you the proper pashto?
Dont try to act smart or cool with me next time.

I will give you the last piece of logic left for a poorly developed mind like yours. This hatred for other races (despite love for India and Afghanistan) is not worth it. You talk about inconsequential things as Pashtuns in your Afghanistan can't speak a word of Pashto and always need Dari which is a Persian tongue to survive.

I will give you an example of how stupid all of this is. Today night when I was talking to a Pashtun friend he said if you have a princess married in family then you are 50% Pashtun instead of 15%... I thought about it and maybe he was saying it to make me feel better being the little wannabe I am but anyway proves a simple point. No one is pure Pashtun anymore.

For example look at Rohillas. They were in Lucknow surrounding areas and totally merged. Now the Rohillas that moved to Pakistan call themselves Muhajir. So basically what I told darkinsky and many others was that when they hate Pashtuns and dislike them they are insulting Muhajirs themselves because lots of Muhajirs are even Pashtuns who have lost Pashto. If you think about it just some movement has changed their "ethnicity" and its very stupid thing which I try to explain to them.

In the same way when you insult Muhajirs you are insulting lots of Pashtuns as well because a lot of families that moved have Pashtun background and considering the Muhajir is not a proper identity they are Pashtuns. But it is a label (Muhajir) they want to maintain so you are insulting fellow Pashtuns.

So this is all useless. There is no defending Pashtuns today. You yourself are trying to build alliances. Indians insult Pashtuns you have no issues but other Pakistanis do it, it becomes a huge problem. You are looking to create fights. You were fighting with darkinsky just because he said bomb afghanistan and you had replied before to it as well but when gigawatt called you looter your blood didn't boil. Its basically your own mindset, your own hatred which is blinding you. You insult me constantly for being weak Pashtun or an unproven one but you don't understand simple things.

Luffy that is why I am telling you now just do me a favour. Tell me either where you are from or give Admin Khan's information so that we can give it to the Pakistan police.

يا دا وكړه يا هغه يو له دوو څخه
Right after PA stepped in with their support.. Well, it did have a few good years after that.. But then , if you go for the honey, be ready for the bee sting as well.. That's what Pakistan is getting now..We all know how a failed attempt to extract honey from a bee hive goes ;)

there's a difference between actual "support" versus "acceptance" and "diplomatic recognition" and this is something you indians have failed to understand even a decade onwards

if they relied solely on Pakistan for support believe me much would be left to be desired........by the way, other countries recognized and "supported" the taleban regime as well.

of course given the cross-over of tribes between "Af-Pak" it is inevitable that there would be Afghan taleban sympathizers or relatives on both sides of the porous border - that's a natural phenomenon.

despite NATO/ISAF trillions of dollars expenditure on the mission and "troops surge" --the talebs still hold considerable power in the country; meaning they have more than enough local support

stop giving us all the credit all the time
there's a difference between actual "support" versus "acceptance" and "diplomatic recognition" and this is something you indians have failed to understand even a decade onwards
Nah! You guys are just ducking the credit now. Taliban could have never captured Kabul if Pak did not step in with material and tactical support

if they relied solely on Pakistan for support believe me much would be left to be desired........by the way, other countries recognized and "supported" the taleban regime as well.
If I remember right, at the time of famous "will bomb you back to stone age" call to Musharraf, Pakistan was the only country which was recognizing the taliban regime in Afg.

stop giving us all the credit all the time
Hey, One should always give credit, where its due ;)
What's going to happen in 2014, the US will find out just how useless the ANA is when they depart.

Recent incidents doesn't show ANA is useless. :lol: Now you guys have border firings from two fronts.
and will probably delay the departing ;)

they seem to be giving mixed signals.....some say that they will still maintain a force of about 15 - 20k soldiers to play a "peace-keeping" role while DoD chief L. Panetta makes other claims

it's all in the air

US 'fully committed' in Afghanistan, Panetta says. But no troops after 2014? - Yahoo! News

Recent incidents doesn't show ANA is useless. :lol: Now you guys have border firings from two fronts.

well the hostility from the east was responded to (and the world saw indian beliggerance on full display) while on the western sector every mortar coming our way is responded to in kind (even many tribal lashkars now are known to track down and target 'militant' Afghan intruders)

Pakistan's army is a large conventional one; ANA is a pipsqueak compared to the PA. Even in the middle of battles they have guys who are stoned off their mind on opium and cannabis. I think they should first focus on saving their azzes in the coming years versus worrying about PA! This would be in Afghans own interests, given that every time they engaged in hostile acts against Pakistan it was poor Afghans who suffered the most (all we had to do is close the border)
Nah! You guys are just ducking the credit now. Taliban could have never captured Kabul if Pak did not step in with material and tactical support

i don't agree with you; i suggest you learn the political dynamics and the history of the country first

logistically it would be a nightmare if they had to rely on Islamabad solely to survive; they have and had plenty of local backing and support

If I remember right, at the time of famous "will bomb you back to stone age" call to Musharraf, Pakistan was the only country which was recognizing the taliban regime in Afg.

curiously, Mr. Armitage denies having said that (i dont know what the true story is)...by the way, it wasn't a "call to Musharraf"; it was a 1 on 1 meeting between Armitage and the DG-ISI (who was already in DC at the time before the 9/11 attacks)

you should know your facts first.

by the way --- he was addressing al qaeda; not the Afghan taleban

Armitage Refutes Musharraf's Claim - CBS News

Hey, One should always give credit, where its due ;)

exactly.....so stop flattering us so much
i don't agree with you; i suggest you learn the political dynamics and the history of the country first

Well, we can always agree to disagree.. Unless you convince me otherwise :)

curiously, Mr. Armitage denies having said that (i dont know what the true story is)...by the way, it wasn't a "call to Musharraf"; it was a 1 on 1 meeting between Armitage and the DG-ISI (who was already in DC at the time before the 9/11 attacks)

you should know your facts first.

So now are we taking the words of American Officials over Pakistani leaders'

Are we extending the same treatment to what Mullen said about ISI using terrorists as its veritable arm ?

by the way --- he was addressing al qaeda; not the Afghan taleban

Well, you mentioned that other countries had recognized taleban's govt in afg, to which i say after 9/11 it was only Pak that still recognized taliban govt..

exactly.....so stop flattering us so much
I think you are being over modest about Pak role in Afg :D
Well, we can always agree to disagree.. Unless you convince me otherwise :)

the onus is actually on you, since you made the initial claim

So now are we taking the words of American Officials over Pakistani leaders'

Are we extending the same treatment to what Mullen said about ISI using terrorists as its veritable arm ?

you indians here are so predictable :laugh:

i clearly told you that i dont have the facts, nor was I in the room at the time so it's a bit hard for me to say

as for Mullen, i believe he was referring to the Haqqani network (with whom they also have ties and communication)

Well, you mentioned that other countries had recognized taleban's govt in afg, to which i say after 9/11 it was only Pak that still recognized taliban govt..

correct; because it was an established relationship and relationships don't just get shattered at the snap of a finger......given your vast experience with the tamil tigers and other armed outfits i'd have expected indian like you to understand that

ironically, over a decade later it appears they will be back in power - which is why Americans are running to us asking to help with the reconciliation process

I think you are being over modest about Pak role in Afg :D

and I think you are being overly 'promiscuous' when discussing said "role" :D

False flagger? I remember in my initial days on this forum you were very confident that i am an indian false flagger. Now you are saying that i am Afghan false flagger.....
And you shouldnt tell me to pack my bags and go to afghanistan. You yourself packed your bags and ran away to a foriegn country, while i am in pakistan taking care of humanity.
By the where is your that artificial cool behaviour, i seem to have flare up your temper.

i packed two suitcases and one beat up old carry on bag to pursue further studies; not to "run away"

something about "taking care of humanity" ? :rofl:

use your real flags; people will take you a bit more seriously......it's never good to hide, [even from yourself]
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