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Featured Afghanistan Collapse Dissected: Key Reasons and Characters Involved in The Taliban Blitzkrieg

Any of you think that the afghanis that usa or western nations rescued from Afghanistan will be trained in different areas of governance and then sent back to form a western favouring government, whenever usa decides to put forces back in Afghanistan again.

Thats The modus operandi. In Hitlers book he even alluded saying UK and Others had government or parties in so called exile and individuals people never heard of before and often times forced upon a nation. Hitler has been proven correct on more than one occasion.
Thats The modus operandi. In Hitlers book he even alluded saying UK and Others had government or parties in so called exile and individuals people never heard of before and often times forced upon a nation. Hitler has been proven correct on more than one occasion.
Same fears from Malala as future PM of Pakistan.
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fatf will ruin pakistans economy in near future and now count 1 + 1 and you will see why or atleast i hope you might because it is directly connected to afghanistan and this victory and again pakistan did a failure to be a lackey of globalism in matters of its own security economy etc pp because the moment pakistan got involved with the globalist usury systems and their banks it sold out huge time
pakistan can not sell a stone to afghanistan without being bombarded with sanctions
interesting is how velayat e faqih again wins and since taliban are todays led by mullah´s iran iraq the same its pretty much interesting to see how and when pakistan might get a serious ulema which can outsmart the republican and military rule which usually is put in place in pakistan and isnt smart at all unfortunally

I beg to differ.

There is no chance left now that FATF could do anything to Pakistan. The time to avail the chance is gone.
I beg to differ.

There is no chance left now that FATF could do anything to Pakistan. The time to avail the chance is gone.
you signed so many treaties and you claim that it would be different so you only prove that you dont know the enemy of islam they will not leave you alone they will try to even hit pakistani nukes in the next decade and if you dont believe me than its your problem in fact pakistan should immediatly sign an agreement either with china russia or iran on anti air systems and not a few but many many many systems it should have no room for doubts which pakistan today can be hit by everybody it simply does have that much of a lack and this issue again comes back to the victory of islam in afghanistan the enemy of islam doesnt want pakistan to be nuclear armed its a truth accept it or dont accept it this is a reality taking shape right now they will do alot of damage to pakistan if you remain ignorant so forget fatf and the economic famine they plan to bring to you better think about how america will not leave before your nukes are gone because that is again a reality and a fact
you signed so many treaties and you claim that it would be different so you only prove that you dont know the enemy of islam they will not leave you alone they will try to even hit pakistani nukes in the next decade and if you dont believe me than its your problem in fact pakistan should immediatly sign an agreement either with china russia or iran on anti air systems and not a few but many many many systems it should have no room for doubts which pakistan today can be hit by everybody it simply does have that much of a lack and this issue again comes back to the victory of islam in afghanistan the enemy of islam doesnt want pakistan to be nuclear armed its a truth accept it or dont accept it this is a reality taking shape right now they will do alot of damage to pakistan if you remain ignorant so forget fatf and the economic famine they plan to bring to you better think about how america will not leave before your nukes are gone because that is again a reality and a fact

I agree with you in everything, except that the attack will come via FATF.
I agree with you in everything, except that the attack will come via FATF.
fatf is already an attack and if you think that giving up your financial information just as pakistan and getting sanctioned just as america seeks to do to pakistan will work together than believe us people in sanctioned nations that it wont fatf was a failure and i was against pakistan joining it from the beginning its just going to damage pak and yes it will damage pak unfortunally in economic field because the nature of your economy is opened to the enemy completely and they can damage exactly those areas which are giving pakistan alot of security in economy specially chinese relations they will try to attack in future but this is really something which you will wake up to when it happens the americans really have no morals they will do try exactly this
How comfortably the author denied the involvement of Pakistan and most importantly ISI in this debacle when everyone here knows that now there is no good or bad Taliban for ISI but on;ly good not liability but an asset to increase influence in the region via backdoor including Kashmir. Talibs are mercenaries they only know how to fight they can get paid well by ISI to take JNK job but nevermind.

History repeats itself the Taliban ISI is fostering now will lead to another zerb e azab type operation with Afghan Taliban
How comfortably the author denied the involvement of Pakistan and most importantly ISI in this debacle when everyone here knows that now there is no good or bad Taliban for ISI but on;ly good not liability but an asset to increase influence in the region via backdoor including Kashmir. Talibs are mercenaries they only know how to fight they can get paid well by ISI to take JNK job but nevermind.

History repeats itself the Taliban ISI is fostering now will lead to another zerb e azab type operation with Afghan Taliban
they also didnt talk about sepah e pasdaran quds force in this article who had also its hands in the collapse of american occupation what you should ask yourself how well things will work for you in your kashmir occupation
Well.... Panjshir has fallen and the government has just been announced. It seems like Taliban have made up their minds to not go for any inclusive government BS.

The biggest losers seems to be Rabbani/Masood/Abdullah who were dealing with Taliban and expected that they will get something in return. Panjshir most likely was left by Taliban as part of a deal. Rabbani/Masood were expecting to get their share in power after allowing Taliban to sweep entire North in 2 weeks. Hence their (unrealistic) demands of appointing 30% provincial governors in Afg etc.

Presence of Amarullah Saleh as well as pictures of zio Bernard Levy in Panjshir with Masood further angered the Taliban. In a show of power to the Taliban, Panjshiris tried to ignite rebellion in North which failed as only in Andarab district of Baghlan Province (bordering Panjshir) the local Tajiks answered the call.

The death of Taliban fighters in Andarab caused an outrage in the Taliban rank and file. Taliban leadership had to make a difficult decision. Either to make a deal with Northern warlords or maintain cohesion among their ranks.

For most of Taliban fighters and their commanders, who also happen to be hot headed and young (early 20's to late 20's), that attack was unacceptable. If they could fight US for 20 years, then what good is some 5000 odd militia hiding in some mountains in Panjshir. So Taliban leadership decided it best to wipe out the remaining resistance forces in Panjshir.

Also today, there were many protests (organized) all over Afghanistan. Maybe the next plan is to weaken the Taliban government using protests à la Color Revolution/Arab Spring/Morsi style.

The announcement of the cabinet indicates Taliban have decided to take it all for themselves and they plan on meeting force with force.

@Mangus Ortus Novem your comments?
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PakBrother mine,

Accurate sketch of the unfolding in Pajshir.. it was a farce by the Spoilers through their Frontmen Masood Jr. and the old RAW operative Saleh who was recruited by RAW in Tajikstan in the 90s. The rest we know.

To think that the EIA didn't know what form of government they wanted would be lack of understanding or rather being naive... Orientalism blinds the WesternThought.

The day Americans wanted to talk to them... till this annoucement of today the Talibs knew very well what they needed to do.

Frankly, the brilliant strategy of dragging the 'Negotiations' suited both the Americans and the Talibs... for their own agendas.

In a way the AmericanConfusion gave the Talibs ample time to lay the groundwork of the Reconquest of Aghanistan.... in a way if you look closely... Durranis come to mind... Abdali... tactics. @PanzerKiel @Blacklight @RescueRanger @Signalian @HRK @Arsalan

We can see the proof of the above in the 'blitzkrieg' of 'conquering' Afghanistan in 9 Plus 2 Days... The Fall of Kabul and the Escape of that vulgar Ghani validates this hypothesis.

One seneses that the Talibs somehow had in their Wargaming that Panjshir would become a problem... hence, instead of Forcing Conquest into the famed valley... the Talibs let the 'Resistence' to play its hand first...

Appointing a Tajik to lead the Crushing the Rebellion Campaign was a masterstroke... now the same person is head of the-to-be Afghan Army.

It can be argued that the letting Saleh's escape to Tajikstan was a mistake same as with Ghani.... because it will be permanent nusance for the new government... imagine all those interviews and tweets...

Besides Saleh was/is a goldmine of Indian and her Masters Operations within Aghanistan, Iran, China, Russia and Pakistan. Therefore, a Strategic Mistake.

that one is not at the ground or privy to the deals that the Talibs have done... but it still appears to be a mistake.

The SCO needs Afghanistan to be completely plugged i.e. no leakage towards any of the Stans, Iran, China and of course, Pakistan.

Therefore, the Talibs know that they have a Leverage, perhaps, The Leverage.

This is reflected in their choices of the interim cabinet. The EIA will expoilt it further. Since, a CivilWar in Afghanistan doesn't suit its neighbours unlike last time.

This brings us to the Spoilers and their on-the-ground-assets. This is something that can and will create headlines in the Western press and AsocialMedia.

What can the West concretely do:
Travel bans?

By not Killing their opponents the Talibs have created a Strategic Space
for themselves for the Future!

Example is Panjshir.

Even after conquering it... still the same Message/Style/Operation ... of Pardon for those who lay down their arms.

If seen closely the World and Neighbours have an AfghanistanProblem...

Talibans Do Not have the World as Problem. This plays to their advantage.

Indeed, today's AuratMarch was quite interesting.. a few fashionably clad ladies with designer glasses and bags... got the needed 'Headlines/Soundbites' and Tweets...

One can say with some certainty that the ladies were from the 'upper-class' or from those who benefited from 20yrs long Bonanza of FreeDollars...

Will it turn int to 'ColourRevolution' or KabuliSpring:

It depends.. what do the neighbours want... because running such an operation from Twitter is not gonna fly.
That said we do have ready-for-rent KhooniLibers, PTM and for-hire-MarassiMedia with foreign-paid 'jouranlists' in Pakistan to make some noises...

It is in China's Critical National Interests that Xinjiang, CPEC/BRI and $400bln-25yrs Deal with Iran comes to fruition.

Hence, Afghanistan.

The Talibs have been making the right noises about CPEC/BRI... Frankly, they have no other choice than be a good neighbour... now that the BazariKabulis have left the building. But they can play-hard-to-get as well.

By the looks of things EIA will adopt the Abdali-Model of Inclusive Government after further consalidation of power or better-said further solidifying their state-apparatus like the Intelligence, Law, Police and Revenue...

One tends to believe that the studied tolerance of the AuratMarches will be allowed for a few more weeks... after the Offficialisation of EIA Interim Gov things will change.

Let us not forget the Talibs know who the wanna-be-colour-revolutionaries are ... ditto for the beautifully dressed ladies.

Now that does it means for us, Pakistan?

Of course, we need a friendly AfghanGov at most or neutral at least. The SinoFactor favours the earlier.

To be honest I am rather ammazed at the potatoz-for-brains ministers and their statements....

How difficult could it be to be Quiet? Just work silently...

But then TeeVee and Pressers... the Khottacracy can't live without it.

The Current policy of PakGov regarding Afghanistan is stupid... to say the least.

Or is everyone Woke in PakGov or NationalSecurityEstablishment theses days?

OurPolicy should be:
We are closely monitoring the situation and urge all Afghans to find a Peaceful solution... for the Betterment of the AfghanPeople.
Pakistan stands with OurAfghanBrothers as they seek to Rebuild their Goverment and State...which has seen Nothing but Violence for past 40+yrs.

And repeat this statement ... but no... Rainbouw and Unicorns...

What is done is done... lamentation are useless in mortal affairs... only must be done infront of the Divine!

So, in short.. the Stans want to use our ports because its faster and cheaper for them. We can buy cheap cotton and gas from them... and also, we can capture the market space that is still not covered by China.

Of course, there remains a danger of Panjshir 2.0 or such in other provinces... but EIA is now better equipped Courtesy Da Americanz!

In all this process Pakistan got NOTHING concrete in return from the Great Escape from Kabulistan. NOTHING.

A SoftState is shy of its own shadow... appologetic that it even exists... desperate for pat-on-the-back and a few Woke BrowniePoints.

But then The Momentum of History is marching and Pakistan cannot Escape the Acceleration!


P.S. For now these countries want this from Afghanistan:

  • CTO Security and no export of terrorism to Russia's underbelly
  • No-more drugs or heroin to Russia from Aghanistan
  • Be the PipelineMonopoly from Stans to Pakistan/SouthAsia
  • Create GasOPEC to counter OPEC
  • With The Escape from Kabul of the Empire... Russian Influence and security... thus giving Russia more leverage in EU via gas
  • If Ukraine becomes more anti-Russia.. Russia now can create the pretext for annexation of the Russian part of Ukraine ala Crimea
  • Secure ME with the Exit of the Americans thus requiring ZERO problems in Stans... making it more free to act in Pacific against the Quad... please, remember those Islands which the Japanese lost in 2nd GreatWar
  • No refugees and return of those already in Iran
  • No danger of inflitration of terror/spy agents from Afghanistan
  • Protection of Shia
  • Safety for its historic influence in Stans
  • Trade (PakDollars are/were smuggled via QuettaCurrencyExchanges through Afghanistan to Iran at the cost of Dollar shortages in Pakistan)
  • Culutral Influence and SCO membership
  • With Aghanistan secured Iran's Influence in ME will explode after the US withdrawl from Iraq.. please, recall the ThirdActorDynamcis
  • ZeroSupport or refuge for the EmpireSponsored separatists from Afghanistan
  • MegaDeals ala Iran i.e. monopoly on minning concessions
  • Integeration of Afghanistan into SCO/SionEconomicSphere ...
  • Shortest access to CaspianSea along with direct landroute to Turkiye through Iran, also, Syria and Iraq.
  • More circulation in trade of Yuan in AfghanDeals
  • With any danger to Xinjiang nullified China can be in more freedom-of-operation mode in the South/EastChinaSea... counter the Quad by applying more pressure on India on the LAC
  • Move more agressively in the AfroAsianOcean and accelerate the CMEC along with those two Burmese ports
  • Have the freedom to exert pressure on Indian in SevenSisters region and Bhutan/Sikkim
  • NO TTP or BLA/BLF or any terror-export/training/refuge for such elements from/in Afghanistan
  • Acceptance of DuranLine as International Border
  • Integeration of AfghanEconomy in Sino-PakEconomy
  • Direct access to CentralAsia
  • Expelling GangeticState/RAW from Afghan Chessboard and denying any direct land access through land... any/all trade must go through Pakistan
  • Gradual return of AfghanRefugees from Pak
  • In the long term creating a defacto confederation with Aghanistan... it is a long process
  • Going forward with its TurkicWorld Strategy in Stans and protecting Turkic people of Afghanistan to enhance its influence
  • Using BRI as counter the growing Anti-Turkish policy regime in the MedSea and Mughrab/NorthAfrica
  • Train/Land links to the Pakistani and ChineseMarket
  • Raise its profile as the leader of the non-existent/so-called IslamicWorld
  • Create more diplomatic leverage with Russia in TurkicWorld.. 2023 is around the corner
  • Avoid the MassExodus of AghanRefugees and use it as leverage against EU

Now as long as these countries form a StrategicAgreement of their CoreInterests in Aghanistan there shall NOT be any CivilWar in Aghanistan.

@SIPRA @Ace of Spades @StormBreaker

Excellent as always!

This arduous journey of reflection and liberation, has by default put spanner in works for all malignant forces... and for once all have a stake in it's success like never before.

Curiously enough Arabs exposed themselves just shortly before the cascade and have no cards left...
Qatar being the outlier for obvious reasons.

Indians sitting in hope... biding time to play tricks and dirty games.

What many forget is the fact that Pakistan in fact borders east Asia, in China... South, Central and Middle!

So, it is in the interest of Iranians to keep the peninsular Arabs out and likewise of Pakistan to keep it's South out...

Politics, politics...

Who is leading what... shadows and darkness creating doubts.
This needs clarity of heart and intentions!
Look. Pakistan does have a hand in this, whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter, because the premature visit of the ISI chief in Kabul connects one to another. There are already rumblings and frustrations from the US Military side for almost a decade. I know, I was in the USMC and I give advice on South Asia to current Officers in the Marines.

Unfortunately, the establishment in Pak fostered the conquest mentality instead of trade, which will make them a pariah in the world very soon. This will negatively affect the ordinary Pakistani, prices will go up and some supply chains from the west will be cute due to sanctions, etc.
Look. Pakistan does have a hand in this, whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter, because the premature visit of the ISI chief in Kabul connects one to another. There are already rumblings and frustrations from the US Military side for almost a decade. I know, I was in the USMC and I give advice on South Asia to current Officers in the Marines.

Unfortunately, the establishment in Pak fostered the conquest mentality instead of trade, which will make them a pariah in the world very soon. This will negatively affect the ordinary Pakistani, prices will go up and some supply chains from the west will be cute due to sanctions, etc.

They must love you right about now.

Pakistan will do what’s in our best interest regardless of what the consequences are as Pakistan 1st should be upheld. The rest of the world can go to the shitter or die of COVID for all we care.
They must love you right about now.

Pakistan will do what’s in our best interest regardless of what the consequences are as Pakistan 1st should be upheld. The rest of the world can go to the shitter or die of COVID for all we care.
yes they are, and I always end with this. Any war in south Asia will destroy the subcontinent, the way out of this is Trade and reconciliation.
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