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Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

That was Indian Cross border State terrorism initiated by your terrorist leader.

Not a good idea to praise Indian terrorism when you cry loud about terrorism in India :cheers:

There were no cros border terrorisms, PAF raid over us and Hence the 1971...
First thing first he is NOT Afghan leader. Secondly his BALLS are in hands of US. So it depends on US whether to shake his balls or not. the later is the case most likely.

Above all currently US is representing Afghanistan's current Govt NOT Spanta.

the bottom line barking dogs seldom bite and when they try to bite they are stoned

That was Indian Cross border State terrorism initiated by your terrorist leader.

Not a good idea to praise Indian terrorism when you cry loud about terrorism in India :cheers:

Well apparently we took leason from your failed sneak attack in 65 and improvised..but your terrorist leaders have even failed to improvise...hence a long list of failures .:)
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The only problem I see is that Pakistan thinks Afghanistan as its courtyard and hence they find it is their right to meddle in each and everything associated with Afghanistan. Leave them alone, send Refugees back, Build permanent border and let them decide their fate.

On this Spanta's statement, This is uncalled for. One can't direct anyother government what to do or not to do and For Afghanistan, There are still plenty of dependency on Pakistani hence you need to chose your words carefully.
This is a crucial year for Afghanistan and whilst the US and UK are working hard in Afghanistan to strengthen its military and build strategic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan on matters concerning Anti Terrorism and Intelligence Sharing, this fools appears on the scene and starts hurling a volley of accusations against Pakistan.

I think he should look at his own back yard first:
BBC News - British military deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News - David Cameron pledges more funds for Afghan IED threat

The damning report on the army and police that was issued last month by an American government agency, the office of the Special Inspector-General for Afghan Reconstruction.

The report revealed widespread absenteeism, corruption and drug abuse among the Afghan forces.

It suggested that only 23% of Afghan soldiers and 12% of police were capable of working unsupervised.

In March, it found, 17% of the police and 12% of the Army had been absent without leave.

BBC News - Afghan army key to Nato withdrawal

And Karzai has been at it too:
Only yesterday he criticised the US for Pull Out strategy and called on America to put MORE pressure on Pakistan to do MORE... lol

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, has strongly criticised the US planned troop pullout starting next July, saying the announcement has given "the enemy a morale boost".
Afghan leader criticises US pullout - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Let me just share some quick facts with you on what Pakistan has faced this month:


If the casualties in terrorist attacks, operational attacks by the security forces and their clashes with the militants, inter-tribal clashes and cross border attacks throughout the country are counted collectively, the overall number of casualties reaches 1077 killed and 1079 injured. In 12 incidents of inter-tribal clashes 44 people were killed and 35 others were injured; while 16 incidents of ethno-political violence claimed 55 lives and injured 33 others. This month 6 US drone attacks left 46 militants killed and 20 others injured; while 9 border clashes along Pak-Indian and Pak-Iran border left 4 people injured.


If a comparison of last three months’ data is carried out with the entries obtained this month a relatively upward trend is visible. The overall number of attacks has slightly decreased i.e. from 284 to 267; which is due to relatively less number of attacks reported in KP due to seasonal monsoon floods.

The fatality figure has gone up this month which is due to higher civilian casualties in 9 reported suicide attacks as compared to last month. Moreover a large number of militants were also killed in this month’s operational attacks and security forces and militant clashes as compared to last month figures.

The maximum number of casualties was of the militants who continue to suffer the maximum number of casualties for the seventh consecutive month due to ongoing military operation in Orakzai Agency and few others parts of FATA. The militants suffered 643 death casualties and 341 injuries.

The second highest number of casualties was of the civilians with 385 life losses and 606 injuries mainly in suicide attacks on Data Sahub Shrine in Lahore and suicide attack in Yakkaa Ghundi area in Mohmand Agency.

In the terrorist attacks and their clashes with the militants the security forces lost 49 personnel among them 13 FC, 13 police 14 army, 2 levy and 7 paramilitary force personnel; while 132 others including 13 FC, 32 police, 70 army, 5 levy and 12 paramilitary force personnel.


* Data courtesy of SAN PIPS: Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies Islamabad, Report for August 2009.


So please Mr Spanta, before you ask us to DO more, or push for sanctions against us... Sort your own house out first!
The only problem I see is that Pakistan thinks Afghanistan as its courtyard and hence they find it is their right to meddle in each and everything associated with Afghanistan. Leave them alone, send Refugees back, Build permanent border and let them decide their fate.

The problem is Pakistan and Afghanistan shares the courtyard. We are directly related to Afghanistan. US is outsider, India is outsider, China is outsider. BUT Iran, Pakistan, some former Russian states or even Russia is has legitimate stakes in Afghanistan.

As far as building permanent border well we Want to but Karzai and Co sees it as economic disaster for their side plus a damage to their drug trade

On this Spanta's statement, This is uncalled for. One can't direct anyother government what to do or not to do and For Afghanistan, There are still plenty of dependency on Pakistani hence you need to chose your words carefully.

Rangeen Dadfar Spanta has always tried to damage relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is trying to create more hatred.

I would say he is NO more powerful than Abdullah Abdullah so he should shut his mouth and open only when needed. asking US to cut relation with Pakistan Army is liking asking US to axe own feet.

He is speaking like a child as if US will bow to his childish desire at the expense of own interests :no:
Afghan leaders have balls. Only we have spinless leader.

He is mayor of kabul, an attention whore. Who rig the election openly. Election rigging proven against him,more corrupt then Zaradari. Not a national leader. Live in Quetta, Pakistan. Who listens to this guy?, not even his peon....a guy who is so scared, who replaced his afghan guards to American marines.
The problem is Pakistan and Afghanistan shares the courtyard. We are directly related to Afghanistan. US is outsider, India is outsider, China is outsider. BUT Iran, Pakistan, some former Russian states or even Russia is has legitimate stakes in Afghanistan.
Having some ethnic groups does not create Stake holder of nations. It happens across the world that neighbouring countries have always some ethnic groups common across the border but that does not satisfy the criteria for "Legitimate Stake". In such scenario, Mexican can claim California and Texas. :no::no: Hence start looking from stakes perspective in war torned country.

You can say India does not have anything common with Afghanistan but you are forgetting that our borders were with Afghanistan till 1948 (When GB was controlled by Pakistan) and we have always historical relations with them. Many Afghanis were ruler of North India hence and even in current scenario New Delhi is first choice of Indian students. Our relations were put on hold during Russian invasion and during Taliban regime so we are in revival for the same.
As far as building permanent border well we Want to but Karzai and Co sees it as economic disaster for their side plus a damage to their drug trade
Afghanistan does not accept Durand line same as China does not agree on Macmohan and Johnson lines. It is upto you to solve this matter with Afghanistan diplomatically.
Rangeen Dadfar Spanta has always tried to damage relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is trying to create more hatred.

I would say he is NO more powerful than Abdullah Abdullah so he should shut his mouth and open only when needed. asking US to cut relation with Pakistan Army is liking asking US to axe own feet.

He is speaking like a child as if US will bow to his childish desire at the expense of own interests :no:

Here we are on same points.. Talk something which is your area.. dont poke your noise in matter which is not your area of expertise but these leaders always do..
Man Afghan Is Sure Fed Up with its troubled Neighbor, Well Iam not surprised If they are.... anyways, Good Luck to them and there appeal...

lolzz its the powerlessness and frustration of karzai and co.

Btw correct your post. Indian sponsored TTP wrecked havoc in Pakistani cities and all of them came from Afghanistan. We just don't like being the cry babies like India or Afghanistan. :cheesy:

As we belive in action, our army kicked TTP's *** coming from Afghanistan thanks to India frustrating both Karzai and India.

While Pakistan is busy cracking a deal with Taliban and US (recently confirmed by US newly installed commander in Afghanistan), karzai is watching helplessly as his heroine/hashish empire approaches a downfall. Poor chap. :sniper:

This action baby is waiting to come back his Quetta home, a pathan shoe is waiting for him..lolzzzzz
Having some ethnic groups does not create Stake holder of nations. It happens across the world that neighbouring countries have always some ethnic groups common across the border but that does not satisfy the criteria for "Legitimate Stake". In such scenario, Mexican can claim California and Texas. :no::no: Hence start looking from stakes perspective in war torned country.

How many Tamils from Sri Lanka and how many Hindus from Nepal has one part of their house's courtyard in India and one part of it in their own country ??????

They wont i am sure. But we here in Pakistan (KP, FATA) do share

Afghanistan does not accept Durand line same as China does not agree on Macmohan and Johnson lines. It is upto you to solve this matter with Afghanistan diplomatically.

There is NO issue, Duran Line is a permenant International border under UN.

Here we are on same points.. Talk something which is your area.. dont poke your noise in matter which is not your area of expertise but these leaders always do..

Our nose is still near Afghanistan unlike Indian nose despite being too long it can not reach Afghanistan and You will need Pakistan's permission to let your Nose pass through Pakistan which we will like to cut instead of giving passage.

So please save your nose from being cutting in this trade of nose poking
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