The pashtoons are around 40% of the country, if they dont have majority of army in them, i wont be surprised. around 56-60% are non pashton in the country, you can expect that their number be higher.
Well, the Pahtoons are still the most populace ethnicty of Afhanistan a compared to other ethnicity. can u give me exact percentages of ethnic representation in the ANA? only 2-3% of recruitment is open for Pashtoon Afghans, no its not written policy, only oserved nepotism as it serve the purposes of the US touts aka Northern Allaince. Its like a silent injuncture to retard pushtoon reprentation in the ANA.
forget about americans and indians, we like any other nations need our women empowered. I am sure pakistan have also got huge number of problems including hunger and shelter issues, but you dont stop your female being pilots, police etc.
To simply anwer ur quetion, Im against muslim women joining the amed forces under the present circumstances. Had the situation been such that their was a paucity of men, ten the situation warrents women requitment. As of right now, its just not required. Men make better oldiers than women. kapish! there are ample sudies based on the issue. Call me male chauvanist or whatever. The same thing is going on in Pakistan too. So if u feel that I intended to point this decadance of society only in Afghanistan, thats not the case. Sadly, MUSLIMS HAVE THIS APPOLOGETIC ATTITUDE THAT THEY WANT TO PROVE TO THE WEST THAT WE ARE PROGRESIVE AND LIBERAL, AND USING WOMEN IN SUCH AGENDAS IS QUITE RAMPANT.
No, you dont look to be racist, but a typical pakistani friend who is paroting what the pakistani media says without thinking with a cool head. When our pashtoon brothers in afghanistan had 100% monopoly over gov affairs, army, politics etc, you guys were were also complaining that they didnt recognize durand and wanted a piece of pakistani land for afghanistan, now when our pashtoon brothers have lost the 100% monoply, you still complain about it, make up your mind. The pashtons in today's gov have the highest percentage of share in different gov institutions over all compare to the others, although we non pashtoons are not discriminated the way we were before, but cultural, social, political discrimination still exist against us, we are even not allowed to promote our langauge and culture and everything is dedicated to pashtoon brothers, how many of you know that every year the pashtoon nomads go and attack hazara villagers in the name of land grab? i am sure many of you would not know. So dont try to take advantage of ethnic divisions in afghanistan as it will burn you too.
No Ahmad, the 'idiot box' is my last source of information. Can u provide statictics that pustoons are replete in ur so-called govenment? karzia seup is hardly seen as anythng more than a mayorship of Kabul under the auspies of US neo-colonialism. I could provide many instances of non-pashtun hoolignism as well, don't mix common buglary n lawlessness with poitical affairs. Im not taking advatage of ethnicity, as a Pakistani I am subject to the same problem aswell. But bro, can u say that your standpoint is no advocating discriination? keep ethnicity out of it.
I have always enjoyed Khush-hal Khan Khattak's poems. And yes, he is right that afghan and pashtoon is the same, and you know what, this is another discrimination agaisnt us!!! we are wrongly called pashtons while we are not!!! Suppose if pakistan was called Panjabistan, would it have been acceptable to the Sindhis, Pakhtuns, Balouchs and Muhajirs?