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Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

He scours the internet any anti-Pakistan stuff from Afghans and promotes it here.
He is very cleverly doing this for some time.
What do you think Pakistan Defence Forum is for?

If it isn't to discuss national security risks and things effecting Pakistan's bilateral ties and foreign policy then what else? 🤡

General Mobeen Khan is a very important person in Afghanistan.

Also no one needs to "scour", every other Afghan spews anti-Pakistan stuff, I post things related to national security. You'd be a fool not to realise the dude with 3 alt-accounts' sole purpose is to spread disinformation and confusion.
What do you think Pakistan Defence Forum is for?

If it isn't to discuss national security risks and things effecting Pakistan's bilateral ties and foreign policy then what else? 🤡

General Mobeen Khan is a very important person in Afghanistan.

Some kind of invented general

He scours the internet any anti-Pakistan stuff from Afghans and promotes it here.
He is very cleverly doing this for some time.

I don't know what kind of dirt he has on the mods.. It is blatant and childish what he is doing.. His ulterior motive is blatant
What do you think Pakistan Defence Forum is for?

If it isn't to discuss national security risks and things effecting Pakistan's bilateral ties and foreign policy then what else? 🤡

General Mobeen Khan is a very important person in Afghanistan.

Also no one needs to "scour", every other Afghan spews anti-Pakistan stuff, I post things related to national security. You'd be a fool not to realise the dude with 3 alt-accounts' sole purpose is to spread disinformation and confusion.
There is a lot of bad stuff on internet. You go out of your way to find and project the most irrelevant stuff here.
No one cares here what every other Afghan thinks. All we know is they never think good about anyone. An average Afghan would want to butcher a member of his family as bad as he would want for Jews, Pakistanis, Shias, Hazaras etc.

Your agenda has been exposed.
There is a lot of bad stuff on internet. You go out of your way to find and project the most irrelevant stuff here.
No one cares here what every other Afghan thinks. All we know is they never think good about anyone. An average Afghan would want to butcher a member of his family as bad as he would want for Jews, Pakistanis, Shias, Hazaras etc.

Your agenda has been exposed.
What's my agenda? As I said I literally post things related to national security, and I've posted CIA documents as well as historical documents and statements from their leaders 🤡

You're low IQ as you've fallen clearly for the guy with 3 alt accounts who has a single agenda to spread disinformation related to Pakistan.

The clown genuinely writes up pages about how Pakistan would conquer India in a few months with ease, while saying Afghanistan is completely under our control and they do whatever we say.


-To make Pakistanis believe Afghanistan is an ally perfectly under our control (clearly not)

-To make Pakistanis believe in some racial superiority myth and how they can easily conquer the whole of India (clearly not or you'd have Kashmir)

Anyone who believes this guy is a fool 😂
If anyone wants to go to war with Afghan Taliban they should themselve come and fight also bring their children if they are of military age, this include Generals who have all their children abroad, they create the mess and then themselve leave the country and make all Pakistanis suffer.
Even the dollars that Pakistan gets to fight as a mercenary goes into pockets of few.
What's my agenda? As I said I literally post things related to national security, and I've posted CIA documents as well as historical documents and statements from their leaders 🤡

You're low IQ as you've fallen clearly for the guy with 3 alt accounts who has a single agenda to spread disinformation related to Pakistan.

The clown genuinely writes up pages about how Pakistan would conquer India in a few months with ease, while saying Afghanistan is completely under our control and they do whatever we say.


-To make Pakistanis believe Afghanistan is an ally perfectly under our control (clearly not)

-To make Pakistanis believe in some racial superiority myth and how they can easily conquer the whole of India (clearly not or you'd have Kashmir)

Anyone who believes this guy is a fool 😂
What childish nonsense. I am not listening to anyone. You are.
You have exposed your stupid agenda. Everyone is aware of it now. Nothing you can do about it.
What childish nonsense. I am not listening to anyone. You are.
You have exposed your stupid agenda. Everyone is aware of it now. Nothing you can do about it.
You exposed your low IQ, not much else

I have no agenda apart from what the site suggests Pakistan Defence Forum

No shit I'm going to post about Afghanistan if it threatens our security? 😂

Wow you exposed a crazy agenda 😱😱😱
Pakistanis destroyed a half a century relationship with the 5 eyes for the Taliban. You stupid idiots brainwashed by Osama bin Dickhead.

Now you willl pay a price for your ummah chumma daydream nonsense.

Pakistan should have teamed up with NATO to rout Afghanistan and you would be labelled as champions of freedom and all the trade would have followed. TTP would never have existed and Afghanistan would have been neutered for good. They would have even declared durand line as a hard border.
You seem to be another crazed fu(kwit.

What relationship? it was a transactional dealing where Pakistan was used to prevent Soviet hegemony in central and south Asia(Soviets would have taken afghanistan and then overthrown pakistan to connect to a USSR aligned India in a land corridor), after the collapse of the soviet union, there was no real benefit to the relationship for the US, if anything after the 90s, and into the 2000s with the emergence of China, the US needed India as a counterbalance, and with Pakistan's relationship with China, this sort of thing was inevitable.

The rest is wishful thinking. People don't seem to understand the hostility towards Pakistan by the Karzai administration, whether its the talibs or Karzai, the Afghans were hostile towards the Durand line, and whether the insurgency came via the talibs or whether it resembled something like the BLA/PTM, there is no guarantee that an insurgency wouldn't exist.

The mistake for Pakistan was not managing the Afghan issue better after the soviet collapse, where it became a hotbed for nonstate actors, and even after the US invasion, it could have been salvaged if Pakistan played a more active role in shaping the dynamics of the Afghan Govt, and leveraging access to the landlocked country to do so(its not like the US could access Afghanistan through Iran and the northern Russia route was never sustainable for geopolitical reasons). The Durand line issue should have been decisively settled then and there, as well as the fence issue, back when US money was flowing in with no restrictions.
Pakistan wasn't used , it was in Pakistan's interest to ensure Soviets didn't link up with India to destroy Pakistan. US and NATO had their interests too so an alliance was natural.

nuff said

When did the Afghans get surplus WWII German helmets ? Or was it ordered from the same supplier in Germany?
Well we r threatening them from military attacks and they cannot respond?

Why we are hell bent on creating enemies
You're supposed to be a think tank and you're saying "why we are hell bent on creating enemies"??

Bro do you not realise Afghanistan was an enemy that allied with India since day 1? It was never a friend and now the TTP has extended influence into large parts of Pakistan. (TTP is the brother of TTA, the Afghan Taliban)
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