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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

And we admire the resolve of the Chinese Volunteers Army.
And not just during the war but what China did after the war by leaving the North Koreans to rule, unlike what the US did with the South.

This is a historical tradition.
For example, in the Ming Dynasty, Korea was invaded by Japan(1592-1598), and the Chinese also sent troops to save Korea. After the victory, all the Ming army also returned home.
The relationship between Korea&Vietnam with China is very special.
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Declaration of the Islamic Emirate not to fight in Kabul

Praise be to God that with the help of God Almighty and the broad support of our people, all parts of the country have come under the control of the Islamic Emirate.
However, since the capital Kabul is a large and densely populated city, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate do not intend to enter the city by force or war, but rather to enter peacefully through Kabul. Negotiations are underway to ensure that the transition process is completed in a safe and secure manner, without compromising the lives, property and honor of anyone, and without compromising the lives of the people of Kabul.
The Islamic Emirate instructs all its forces to stand at the gates of Kabul, not to try to enter the city.
Also, until the completion of the transition process, the security of Kabul city is referred to the other side, which must be maintained.
We reiterate that the Islamic Emirate does not intend to take revenge on anyone, all those who have served in the military and civilian sectors in the Kabul administration are forgiven and safe, no one will be retaliated against. All should stay in their own country, in their own place and home, and not try to leave the country.
We want all Afghans, from all walks of life, to see themselves in a future Islamic system with a responsible government that serves and is acceptable to all. God willing
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
6/1/143 AH BC
5/24/14000 AH - 15/8/ 2021AD

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Doesn't it seems like real life Game of Thrones? Northern forces laying siege to King's Landing and waiting for Kings forces to surrender.:D
I hope Taliban shows the residents mercy as Rasool Allah shows to the residents of Mecca even after years of brutal persecution and torture. Lets not exceed in our limits as Allah does not like those who exceed, I hope a peaceful solution is reached with consensus of all parties involved.

Taliban will not hurt any Afghan

they will also do same in Kabul

look they have done it in rest of country they will also not harm Kabul

Taliban are gallant people

they wont hit the Americans from behind even if they can
They have entered Kabul Province (it's districts) and not Kabul City as of yet.

brother they have taken Kabul for all intents and purpose

the city is surrounded

Presidential palace is evacuated

Taliban can shoot down those retreating helicopters

but they wont hit from behind even if they can

they always fight fair, which why they won
Taliban will not hurt any Afghan

they will also do same in Kabul

look they have done it in rest of country they will also not harm Kabul

Taliban are gallant people

they wont hit the Americans from behind even if they can

I want a Peaceful resolution to this city, without bloodshed on any party including Americans, I hope that American commanders radio Taliban commander and communicate a deal of not attacking each other while the Americans are evacuating.
This is a historical tradition.
For example, in the Ming Dynasty, Korea was invaded by Japan(1592-1598), and the Chinese also sent troops to save North Korea. After the victory, all the Ming army also returned home.
The relationship between Korea&Vietnam with China is very special.
A (South) Vietnamese here. To be honest, we (both North & South) don't like China.
I'd love to see all the goodies they captured from Indian terrorist centres.

The embassy staff are probably shitting their pants to burn documents of CIA's terrorist activities in time, not beause they're scared of violence from the Taliban.

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