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Afghan security forces fleeing towards Iran

Afghanistan really wasn't that relevant to the USA or Iran. Having seen the intellectual arguments made for war after 9/11 first hand in USA academic circles....I would say that Iran was used as a pawn to spread turmoil in the ME to weaken and punish the Arabs/Sunnis for 9/11.

USA has many different factions with differing agenda's .....from my observation.....the neocon Zionists that understood the ME best. The neocons Zionists wanted to weaken Israel's enemies (by having them fight among themselves....as well as the USA). The neocon Zionists gave Iran the green light to spank the Arabs but made sure to slap heavy sanctions on Iran to prevent from getting too powerful. Iran was willing used and abused simultaneously.

Its the neocon Zionists that ended up on top in this chess game in the ME, not Iran. Arab and Shia countries are far weaker today then they were before 9/11. Syria and Iraq are destroyed. Lebanon is in economic collapse and Iran isn't too far behind. Israel is economically well off and has no real military threats, other then a few Palestinian rockets that do little damage.

Its in Afghanistan where the USA experts miscalculated big time, IMO.
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Stop exaggerating when did Taliban in collision with saudi wanted to attack Iran? Taliban is local militias and enjoying the undisputed support of Pakistan don't assume they are weak prey. They defeated the Soviet and The US..

Taliban seek only it's territories within afghanistan but don't assume you can carve anything but Pakistan will carve big junk out of you..

The respected taliban never shied away from a conflict and won't do so for any provocator.. Iran is not even in that of strong position herself they will tread carefully... But Taliban is not after them or any neighbourly countries but there are major forces at play here behind the scenes
who pakestan will what do if pakistan can go take back his land from india let alone make some other powerfull enemy like iran and where taliban leader always go to beg ging they are come to iran not pawerfull lol pakestan go say these juke some where els maybe saudi like this
So stop acting like tou guys are innocent/saints.

So cooperating with the US is an act of evil? Hahaha, it seems like someone just exposed themselves.

The taliban was your biggest enemy as well,

Iran's biggest enemies were and are the zionist regime and the US. The Taleban never posed a major security challenge to Iran, compared to the latter two.

And in case the quoted user is only trying classic British divide and conquer tactics, let it be known that these don't work anymore. Muslims will no longer fall so easily for such games.


.. and Iraq. There is a BBC Panorama documentary on the extent and eagerness of Iranian intelligence sharing with US of the Iraqi targets before and after 2003 invasion. Iranian assets in Iraq provided vital HUMINT for US invasion. Even tho for public consumption, Iranian had a different face and narrative.

This is not accurate. Iran and her allies played no role in the illegal US invasion of Iraq. Nothing was shared with Washington, really. Arab regimes of the Persian Gulf assisted the US in its invasion of Iraq - indeed it was from their territory that the US bombed and then entered Iraq.

Also, to the best of my knowledge there's no BBC Panorama documentary pretending otherwise. If there is, please share a link to it, as I would be interested watch it.

I think you may be confusing with something else here.

By the way, not sure if you know that the lion & sun emblem visible in your profile picture (painted on that cartoon face), is in fact a traditional royal / imperial Iranian emblem...


I would say that Iran was used as a pawn to spread turmoil in the ME to weaken and punish the Arabs/Sunnis for 9/11.

The US deep state itself staged 9/11. Arab regimes are US clients, hence if they played any part in the 9/11 attacks, it was at the behest and on orders of the Washington deep state. Prince Bandar Bin Sultan was known as "Bandar Bush" - not the other way around.

The neocon Zionists gave Iran the green light to spank the Arab

Is there any evidence for such a green light given to Iran by Washington?

Isra"el", the US and their clients of the Persian Gulf tried to topple Iran's only firm ally in the Arab world, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and Iran rushed to aid the latter. "I"SIS was threatening to invade Baghdad and from there, to attack Iran, Iran punched them back. In Yemen, Saudi asset Hadi violated his own engagement to hold a presidential election and tried to extend his mandate illegally, after which Iranian-supported Houthis and large parts of the Yemeni armed forces rose up to contain Hadi.

But how does any of this imply that Iran suddenly decided to embark on a campaign to hit the Arabs with the blessing of US neocons? What I see in these developments, is the US regime and its zionist masters trying hard to disrupt the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance and to eliminate Iran's strategic allies, and Iran simply countering these moves in a defensive manner, while seizing opportunities that arise indepedently of its own doing.

Lebanon is in economic collapse and Iran isn't too far behind.

Believe me, Iran is literally light years away from collapse, economic or otherwise. Behold the upcoming Raisi presidency and the manner in which it will boost economic self-sufficiency, which will further shield Iran from the effects of US-imposed sanctions.

Its in Afghanistan where the USA experts miscalculated big time, IMO.

Agreed. But they miscalculated elsewhere too, at least to some extent.
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Honestly people are simpletons, This is the scorpion and the frog story in real life, These Neanderthal jihadis say some nice things because they are not in full control now, Just wait for them to gain full control and they will show the world what kind of monster they are, Again. They literally have done this before.

It is not a simplistic point of view, but a differentiated and multi-layered one.

The Raja News article shared by user Mohsen shows that several factions with different objectives are gathering under the Taleban umbrella.

The idea that the Taleban are an ultra-centralized movement, and that their top leadership has decided to try and fool Iran with the assurances they currently give, only to stab Iran in the back once they gain power, is incorrect.

Yes, there are elements under the Taleban banner which are anti-Iranian. But others aren't so much, and they are genuine about it. Could the anti-Iranian elements end up gaining the upper hand? Of course they could - maybe... and maybe not.

Under these conditions, what's the most rational approach for Iran to adopt? To throw all its weight behind the pro-American government in Kabul and thereby alienate right from the outset even those Taleban factions which appear ready to accommodate Iran's red lines? Or give the latter the benefit of the doubt and actually encourage them to dissociate from the anti-Iranian, CIA-backed Taleban factions, while setting up a solid plan B, ie working on potential alternatives to both the Taleban and the US-subservient administration, which could be empowered on demand and in case of need?

The second option seems more logical to me. No one is having any illusions about the potential of movements such as the Taleban to turn against Iran. However, they are not a uniform organization, and Taleban currents that have expressed readiness to entertain normal relations with Iran, Russia and China are not to be dismissed out of hand.

Naturally, this presupposes a flawless plan B on Iran's part. But I've little doubt that this is what Iran has been conceiving.
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By the way, not sure if you realize this - considering that most of your posts about Iran have an antagonistic tone to them, but the lion & sun emblem visible in your profile picture, is in fact a traditional royal / imperial Iranian emblem...
that's traditional yes I agree with that but the royal / imperial emblem have a crown. when the lion and sun is shown alone represent two pillar of Iran society . Shia Islam (Lion that is supposed to point to Imam Ali ) and State or motherland (Sun) at the time of the most imbecile and incompetent of our kings (Fath Ali Shah Qajar) they put a crown on the lion to represent monarchy
its all said the lion and Sun actually Sun in the house of Leo is an astronomical sign that has root in all Iranian Identities cultures from Islam to Zoroastrian and Jewism, Turkish and Iranian nationalism
Why should Iran waste brilliant chances to increase their grip on the region? At that time the Taliban engaged in anti-Iranian activities and Iran was right in pursuing their demise. Any other nation would have done the same. We are involved in meddling in the Middle East because that is what we are doing since the start of the Persian empire.. it is just our natural right. Live with it.
I never said otherwise. I was just answering the other Iranian dude who seems to act as if Iran is a saint and has never gotten involved in other countries internal affairs for their own interests just like other powers do. So Iran isnt any different from others like he will want to have us believe. lol
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