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Afghan rocket attack damages US military chief’s plane

I ve never heard news relating to attacks on a US chief Transport plane and that too in a US airbase. You may say that it was a warning call for the US that you damage our AC we will damage yours. These attacks show how vulnerable are the US senior personnel and their aircraft's. I mean if the attackers wanted to destroy they already had an aim at the AC, may be they missed their objective or they achieved it. Just my thoughts.

Taliban don't even have any aircraft. And you are admitting that you are supporting the Taliban. Is that right? How about this. We will just launch more attacks in Pakistan that will damage more of your aircraft. Like at your naval base and the recent attack if you want to talk crap.
Taliban don't even have any aircraft. And you are admitting that you are supporting the Taliban. Is that right? How about this. We will just launch more attacks in Pakistan that will damage more of your aircraft. Like at your naval base and the recent attack if you want to talk crap.
omg we are so scared :rofl::rofl::rofl:
So you admit that the Pakistani Army has as much control over their own country as the US has over a foriegn country 1000's of miles away...you must be sooo proud...

All my point was that pakistan millitary is just nothing in comparison to us and the amount of money they have spent in afghanistan but still cann't even safeguard their millitary chief's plane.
He took off on another plane so I don't think he feels hurt at all. Course I thought the headlines meant it attacked him while he was on the plane.

well , and what your troops did in past 10 years .... !?
well , and what your troops did in past 10 years .... !?

Lets see push the Taliban to Pakistan. Killed Osama Bin Laden and destroy Al Qaeda's training camps. As well as rebuilding the country from bottom. Kind of what you see in Iraq. Surprise you didn't know.

Improving the drug traficking network.:)
Since 2001,drug productions increased by 10 times.

Taliban does need war funds since the invasion started back in 2001 which was the same year production started. Hmmm...

All my point was that pakistan millitary is just nothing in comparison to us and the amount of money they have spent in afghanistan but still cann't even safeguard their millitary chief's plane.

So if Pakistan were to build its forces like the U.S. it wouldn't matter because the terrorists would still be able to attack Pakistani bases like it was nothing.

omg we are so scared :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I know you are, otherwise you wouldn't be so dramatic about to hide your true emotions on the previous attacks in Pakistan. Especially when your headquarters was attacked in 2009.:meeting:
This should scare him and hopefully it would make them realize that the war in Afghanistan is a failure....
Oldman1 said:
As well as rebuilding the country from bottom. Kind of what you see in Iraq. Surprise you didn't know.
Stop thinking of yourselves as the champions of human rights and the bringers of democracy. We see your democracy in Iraq, and how awesome it is. And we now see the conditions of Aghani people and what you did to them, all under your fake banner of democracy and human rights.
Stop thinking of yourselves as the champions of human rights and the bringers of democracy. We see your democracy in Iraq, and how awesome it is. And we now see the conditions of Aghani people and what you did to them, all under your fake banner of democracy and human rights.
Our democracy? We left..it's "their" democracy...but you are right...we should have known "people" of that region are not capable of self rule with out a murderous nut shooting a few thousand every month to keep them in line. (don't worry..Egypt will be there soon...chaos or murderous whacko)
Our democracy? We left..it's "their" democracy...but you are right...we should have known "people" of that region are not capable of self rule with out a murderous nut shooting a few thousand every month to keep them in line. (don't worry..Egypt will be there soon...chaos or murderous whacko)
Not their democracy, you wrecked Iraq and then left. Were there any bombings or was there any chaos in Iraq prior to 2003? No there wasn't, dictatorship yes, but not such chaos and deaths in tens or hundreds per day.
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