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Afghan peace talks should not cross 'red lines': India

Hhaqqani Network is a part of Afghan Taliban. Twisting the realities wont change the facts that afghan taliban dont like indians.

The more correct term would be partner not part. Afghan taliban have bit of Afghan nationalism in them, consider their struggle as national one...their partners haqqanis on the other hand operates from pakistani soil, has mostly pakistani pashtuns as its fighters and is linked with ISI. They are responsible for worst of suicide bombings and has has huge number of foriegn militants under its folds , thus cant distance itself from "international terrorism".
Pakistanis must ponder why Indian consulates in Kandahar and Herat have never been targeted despite the building hosting them being large and prominent landmarks.

Haqqani Network's Taj Mir Jawad subgroup targeted in raid - The Long War Journal

ISAF targets 'insurgent leader' linked to Haqqanis, Pakistani Taliban, and 'Arabs' - The Long War Journal

very simple

they consider Indians as irrelevant, insignificant and not worth their time and will only respond when you will cross "their" RED Line".

those attacks on the Indian installations showed their intent.

Afghans are great hosts so lets not test their patience and keep those consulates and diplomatic missions what their name suggest. they will remain intact.
@Pak-one unlike TTP the Afghan Taliban is not highly sectarian(atleast after 2001).

The bombing of a Shia mosque in Afg which killed 80 was carried out by Pak's LEJ.
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This year ISAF raids in Kunar and khost are targeting only leaders of HqN,LeT and Al-Qaeda's Lashkar al Zil and not the local Taliban.

I also noticed that.

Moreover the real reason behind pakistan army criticism on drones is because they mostly targets haqqani guys in north waziristan.
India is main supporter of northern alliance/Afghan governament. Its necessary that Afghan taliban also create diplomatic ties with india and assure the protection of indian interests in Afghanistan. Afghan taliban have to show their mature side, at 90s they only relied on Pakistan and they suffered because of that. I am glad to hear that they have met in tehran and have talked with china. They should also meet india and russia....

India does not support the Afghan government at all.
They just supported a fool like Karzai because he was the only idiot who signed up. Look at where it has landed India's bets.

With all the cards out of the game, India's only chance is a weak Taliban and a strong NA. But even this will fade once the Talibs are left to control Afghanistan once more.
The more correct term would be partner not part. Afghan taliban have bit of Afghan nationalism in them, consider their struggle as national one...their partners haqqanis on the other hand operates from pakistani soil, has mostly pakistani pashtuns

the bolded parts negate each other.
few clarifications to help people decide whether to tank your posts or not.
Afghans dont agree with durand line and Mehsuds, Waziris , yousaf zais etc live on both sides of the border.
Jalal Uddin haqqani and his tribe are Afghans by birth and domicile for centuries, and have strong family relations on the Pakistani side but that dont make them any less of an Afghan.

dont let their centuries old relations with pakistani tribal areas cloud your judgement and imply that they are ISI hires.

they have sworn oath of allegiance on Mullah Omar and are very much part of taliban (if calling them partner helps you then fine) but let there be no confusion that Taliban believe in unity of command, there are no two war chiefs, it causes confusion and Taliban hate confusions and remove those who try to create confusions.
they have sworn oath of allegiance on Mullah Omar and are very much part of taliban (if calling them partner helps you then fine) but let there be no confusion that Taliban believe in unity of command, there are no two war chiefs, it causes confusion and Taliban hate confusions and remove those who try to create confusions.

Even TTP has swore allegiance to Mullah Omar.:)
@Pak-one unlike TTP the Afghan Taliban is not highly sectarian(atleast after 2001).

The bombing of a Shia mosque in Afg which killed 80 was carried out by Pak's LEJ.

very sorry to read what you said. their hatred for Shias is well documented. they have raised hazara villages to the ground and killed them in thousands. look up their record and you will find how wrong you are. yes LeJ also has been there to help them in killing Shias which is part of the wahabi/ deobandi faith so no difference there.

Even TTP has swore allegiance to Mullah Omar.:)

yes they all have, thats why they borrowed the brand name as well
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very sorry to read what you said. their hatred for Shias is well documented. they have raised hazara villages to the ground and killed them in thousands. look up their record and you will find how wrong you are. yes LeJ also has been there to help them in killing Shias which is part of the wahabi/ deobandi faith so no difference there.

That's why i mentioned post 2001.

After the siege of Bamiyan in 2001, several thousand Hazara were slaughtered and their women were raped in abundance. Both SSP and LeJ were active cohorts in these massacres
Of the 6,000-8,000 militants who joined the Taliban for their July 1999 offensive against the Northern Alliance, the majority were, for the first time, not Pushtuns but Punjabis. The Pakistani government's support for the Taliban is thus coming back to haunt it, even as Pakistan's leaders remain oblivious of the danger and continue their support.

The contradictions in Pakistan's Afghan policy have become even more acute due to the support given to the Taliban by two extremist JUI splinter groups, the Sipah-Sahaba Pakistan and the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Both groups have killed hundreds of Pakistani Shiites and allegedly twice tried to assassinate Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz. Sharif. When Sharif responded with a crackdown against them in Punjab, their leaders took refuge in Kabul and came under Taliban protection-the same Taliban still backed by Islamabad.
The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, by Ahmed Rashid, 11/99
Dude this is all part of the game. If Super power wish a diplomatic Taliban they can make by hook or crook.

This world is working according to USA's game plan. Even if the Taliban joins in Democratic set up, there will be some factions which will destabilize Xinjiang.

Their main target is China.

USA also wishes to contain China from influencing Afghanistan for that they are working closely with India and USSR.

However, there is a problem here:

1). USSR doesn't exist.

2). Even if it still did, it'd be just as threatened by NATO presence in Afghanistan as China.

3). If india is working closely with NATO to contain China then india is also indirectly working against Russia's interests by helping to sustain NATO presence in Russian underbelly. Which is why Russia doesn't allow india to station its fighter squadrons in Tajikistan.

4). Taliban aren't that stupid to start making enemy out of China. Taliban even engaged Iran, their previous enemy, in talks recently.

very sorry to read what you said. their hatred for Shias is well documented. they have raised hazara villages to the ground and killed them in thousands. look up their record and you will find how wrong you are. yes LeJ also has been there to help them in killing Shias which is part of the wahabi/ deobandi faith so no difference there.

I think the killings of Hazara's is more to do with ethnic differences since the Hazara's are seen as an alien group brought by Mongol invasions.

Taliban did (and are) engaging Iran in talks of post-2014 Afghanistan.
I think people are over estimating the Afgan Taliban. They won in 90s coz of the active overt support of Pakistan, which offcourse can't be done this time. They can't get heavy weapons like tanks and artillery. ANA has got 250,000 strong army with heavy weapons and air support. Talibs will remain as 'rebels' only. They can create huge problems, seems afganis wont get peace for the coming decades.
Well , it is good to be wait & watch.
First time pakistan supported insurgency in Afganistan & result is huge internal turmoil in their own region till today.
Lets see second time whats happen ?
I think people are over estimating the Afgan Taliban. They won in 90s coz of the active overt support of Pakistan, which offcourse can't be done this time. They can't get heavy weapons like tanks and artillery. ANA has got 250,000 strong army with heavy weapons and air support. Talibs will remain as 'rebels' only. They can create huge problems, seems afganis wont get peace for the coming decades.

Without a doubt Talib support base is rather limited, it would be interesting to see if the Talib are willing to evolve or whether they will continue to be tied to the Saudi line - I hope the US can engage in successful diplomacy in the sense that it can be persuasive that it makes a reliable friend, but that it is not interested in a one way street and that it's friendship is directly related to the degree that US interests can be engaged by the Talib.
No need to worry, This time Taliban will not take over or come to power like in the 90's.

India is quietly building bases in Tajikistan, It is co operating with former USSR states.

India have FTA with four central Asian nations

India is building Chahabar port and highways to connect Afghanistan and Iran.

India will become biggest player in Afghanistan development.

India is bidding for multi billion dollar mines in Afghanistan.

India is training Afghanistan security forces.

India is Going to participate in pipe line projects which will be from C.Asia for energy security.

India is all set to revive centuries old cultural ties with Afghanistan.

India is ready to import dry fruits and other commodities from C.Asia.

These things all will make up worth Billions of dollars of investment and India have bigger stakes in Afghanistan peace process.

India will play a key role Afghanistan peace process. :yahoo:

In your dreams..............

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