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Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country


I'm not the one waving UNSCR 1373 as a magic wand when it doesn't apply in this context. You need to rethink your narrative.

Better. But bottom line is that HQN-Taliban still seen as Pakistan-created and -supported outfit bent on violence against civilian targets. That's terrorism. When the targets are civilians rather than gov't or military then you have a terrorist outfit, not a guerrilla.


These are entities created by United States to fight USSR. There is no point mentioning, "...but they were mujaheddin". They were part of the same larger group. Pakistan is a poor country, we do not have the finances to arm and fight super powers. To even suggest that is comical.

Be specific.

It doesn't make any sense.
Now U.S also accusing pakistan.. saying that Pakistan failed to act against Haqqani Network and Taliban

does U.S want more anarchy & ultimately Civil war inside Pakistan ?

who said to U.S that allow Indian agency in Afghanistan?. U.S Did it without asking Pakistan.. look U.S we will only do what's suits for us right now. stop crying over your own created mess

US, India, Afghanistan, Iran have all told Pakistan to stop providing safe haven to terrorists. Pakistani military establishment however keeps believing that their survival an well-being is completely dependent upon playing the double game of nurturing terrorists and getting money from us to make show-case operations of selectively culling terrorists. They don't seem to give a damn what happens to their country as long they get to keep their power and wealth.
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