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Afghan leader accuses Pakistan of refusing to fight terrorism by backing in

Yaraaa isss Karzaiii kiii zaaaat kiyaaa thiiii ? Popalzai yaaa Popat-zai ? :woot:

@SHAMK9 : Yeh @Hyperion aka Farsiwan tumhareiiii bhaiyon from across the border ke bareiii mein kiyaa keh rahaa haiiii ? :angry:

Kahooo touuu ghaibbb kardooo isseiiii ? :azn:

While you can make fun of an individual like hamid karzai as much as you want but you, your bacha hyperion and abu zulfiqar shouldnt insult a pashtun tribe like popalzai by modifying into popat-zai. If your love is limited to pakistani pashtuns then you should know that popalzai also live in Pakistan.
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Because Afghanistan was under Pashtun monarchy for more than two hundred years, after fall of that, tajiks and other ethnic minorities begin to assert their presence. Pakistan played a big role in fueling ethnic tensions. In russian war all the mujahideens whether pashtuns and tajiks, were from islamic parties but pakistan limited its help to hikmatyar because of his pashtun origin , at the same time showing distrust on tajik components. For some reason the purely political rivilry between hikmatyar and ahmad shah masood in 90s turned tajik-pashtun rivlary...Pakistan first supported hekmatyar then shifted its help to another pashtun majority talibans. Talibans with support from Pakistan, imposed their some of the pashtun ways along with sharia on northern afghanistan, scarring inter-ethnic relationships.
I have heard that inter-ethnic relationships are improving, i hope talibans wont come and ruin it.

a lot of the tajik components were already under soviet influence; thusly they were beneficiaries of soviet generosity

but then again you had warriors like Shah Massoud who contradicted this trend

by the way tajik-pakhtun rivalry existed way the hell before Pakistan even existed so I don't see why you pin the rivalry on Pakistan's role vis-a-vis the Afghan mujahideen (mostly Afghan, but also volunteers from Pakistan and other nations as well)

I really do pray inter-ethnic relations improve in Afghanistan; it's in the interests of Pakistan. It means less war, less refugees, less crime.

in fact the only time I would support any political meddling in Afghanistan would be if any overtly hostile anti-Pakistan administration came to power in Afghanistan (and by hostile, i dont mean status quo -- which to me is hostile enough at times!)

as for Hekmatyar --- Pakistan made a good decision to support him. He was an Afghan nationalist and a formidable, disciplined fighter with leadership principles. It was the most logical faction to support; and it wasn't just Pakistan but about 25 other nations that also supported him (as well as Abdullah Azzam's Maktab ul Khidmat)

p.s. a lot of Afghan refugees in Pakistan are Tajik as well. Some settled in Pakistan and in fact if you go to Chitral or Gilgit region, you will find many of them settled as citizens of Pakistan.

refugee life hasn't been easy --for the refugees or for Pakistan....which other country took as many as we did?
Perhaps this madar**** khkanzal is to make your buddies happy, to prove to them that you are very namak-halal patriotic pathan, but you need to realize that if you were in karzai shoes you must have felt the same about your neighbour country. Pakistan is igniting taliban factor against NATO in Afghanistan, afghan land is being used for proxy wars. At the same time these talibans are delaying American departure, are disrupting healing and recovery of Afghanistan. When NATO would leave Afghanistan, these talibans would carry out their activities against Afghan forces...and if they become succssful then Afghanistan would be all about burqa and beard.

your land is calling you back,Go back to kabul and have cry out loud with your kharzai....
While you can make fun of an individual like hamid karzai as much as you want but you, your bacha hyperion and abu zulfiqar shouldnt insult a pashtun tribe like popalzai by modifying into popat-zai. If your love is limited to pakistani pashtuns then you should know that popalzai also live in Pakistan.

sleep easy and relax junior, it was a joke

by the way, what is your take on the Hazaras of Afghanistan? Many of them settled in Balochistan (some already existed at time of partition in northern areas). I ask this, because you posted about inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony but I seem to vaguely recall a message from you about 5 or maybe 6 weeks back in which you were abusing Shiias and labelling them Iranian agents.

do you believe in "live and let live" philosophy or is your approach a little more selective?

Perhaps this madar**** khkanzal is to make your buddies happy, to prove to them that you are very namak-halal patriotic pathan, but you need to realize that if you were in karzai shoes you must have felt the same about your neighbour country. Pakistan is igniting taliban factor against NATO in Afghanistan, afghan land is being used for proxy wars. At the same time these talibans are delaying American departure, are disrupting healing and recovery of Afghanistan. When NATO would leave Afghanistan, these talibans would carry out their activities against Afghan forces...and if they become succssful then Afghanistan would be all about burqa and beard.

read up on history; A-stan has been used as a proxy battle ground for centuries --- Pakistan only came on to the scene of this action much much later on.
sleep easy and relax junior, it was a joke

by the way, what is your take on the Hazaras of Afghanistan? Many of them settled in Balochistan (some already existed at time of partition in northern areas). I ask this, because you posted about inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony but I seem to vaguely recall a message from you about 5 or maybe 6 weeks back in which you were abusing Shiias and labelling them Iranian agents.

do you believe in "live and let live" philosophy or is your approach a little more selective?

read up on history; A-stan has been used as a proxy battle ground for centuries --- Pakistan only came on to the scene of this action much much later on.

I dislike those parts of shiaism which would hurt sentiments of any muslim who love hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar and hazrat ayesha. But i am not a fanatic, neither i desire the killing of any shia...for me they are first human beings...
The systematic killing of large number of shias has started in recent years, before that there were reguler shia-sunni violence in which both sides were inflicting deaths on each other, mullahs from both sides were preaching hate against each other and axis of evil aka iran was providing every kind of help to pakistani shias, it is still playing its satanic role. Saudi arabia pathetic rivalry/enmity with iran is also shameful.
Now about hazaras. I wish they were not shias. Their ancestors converted Afghanistan into desert and graveyard, on the top of that they converted to shiaism, its like "aa bail muje maar". I dont know their history , may be they were forcibly converted to shiaism like most of shias. But i have sympathies with them as they have suffered very much due to their faith as well as race. They danced to the tunes of iran, but when they went to iran as refugees, racist satanic iranis welcomed them with racism, restricted them to isolated camps where they lived under harsh conditions. Their quetta group is equally suffering . I must sound bigot, but in my opinion they shound abonden shia faith and follow mainstream islam. Shia sect is iran's phenomena, leave it to them. Same advice to you abu zulfiqar.
I dislike those parts of shiaism which would hurt sentiments of any muslim who love hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar and hazrat ayesha. But i am not a fanatic, neither i desire the killing of any shia...for me they are first human beings...
The systematic killing of large number of shias has started in recent years, before that there were reguler shia-sunni violence in which both sides were inflicting deaths on each other, mullahs from both sides were preaching hate against each other and axis of evil aka iran was providing every kind of help to pakistani shias, it is still playing its satanic role. Saudi arabia pathetic rivalry/enmity with iran is also shameful.
Now about hazaras. I wish they were not shias. Their ancestors converted Afghanistan into desert and graveyard, on the top of that they converted to shiaism, its like "aa bail muje maar". I dont know their history , may be they were forcibly converted to shiaism like most of shias. But i have sympathies with them as they have suffered very much due to their faith as well as race. They danced to the tunes of iran, but when they went to iran as refugees, racist satanic iranis welcomed them with racism, restricted them to isolated camps where they lived under harsh conditions. Their quetta group is equally suffering . I must sound bigot, but in my opinion they shound abonden shia faith and follow mainstream islam. Shia sect is iran's phenomena, leave it to them. Same advice to you abu zulfiqar.

haiii putar mai qurban jaon :laugh:

i read your post and i see signs of inner turmoil and conflicting feelings. You kind of do sound like a bigot though at the same time I personally don't really care since "Shiaa" "Sunni" are just man-made labels

maybe when you grow up and find some nokkri and become a proper man you will see the light at the end of the tunnel

good luck to you my son
haiii putar mai qurban jaon :laugh:

i read your post and i see signs of inner turmoil and conflicting feelings. You kind of do sound like a bigot though at the same time I personally don't really care since "Shiaa" "Sunni" are just man-made labels

maybe when you grow up and find some nokkri and become a proper man you will see the light at the end of the tunnel

good luck to you my son

Well unlike many i dont sugar coat words, i was honest with my thoughts. May be i am religously biased because i come from a society where shias are not considered muslims in the first place. I remember our islamiat teacher in 6th class asked us that which creature is most dangerous. We were not able to answer. He wrote down word shia on black board. He said sheen in word shia stands for shaitan, yay for yahudi, aain for isai(christian) and hay for hindu. He said shia is more dangerous and evil than any of them...so you need to understand that shia sunni divide needs to be solved.
Instead of not caring about shia-sunni divide, start thinking about eliminating this division. From simple political supporters of hazrat ali, shias evolved into an off-shoot sect of islam thanks to Iran, the same iran which remained home of strange fitnas and sects. There should be end to this as islam is only one, no room for any diverging sect.
W. He wrote down word shia on black board. He said sheen in word shia stands for shaitan, yay for yahudi, aain for isai(christian) and hay for hindu. He said shia is more dangerous and evil than any of them
That is truly heartbreaking, thanks for sharing though.
Well unlike many i dont sugar coat words, i was honest with my thoughts. May be i am religously biased because i come from a society where shias are not considered muslims in the first place. I remember our islamiat teacher in 6th class asked us that which creature is most dangerous. We were not able to answer. He wrote down word shia on black board. He said sheen in word shia stands for shaitan, yay for yahudi, aain for isai(christian) and hay for hindu. He said shia is more dangerous and evil than any of them...so you need to understand that shia sunni divide needs to be solved.
Instead of not caring about shia-sunni divide, start thinking about eliminating this division. From simple political supporters of hazrat ali, shias evolved into an off-shoot sect of islam thanks to Iran, the same iran which remained home of strange fitnas and sects. There should be end to this as islam is only one, no room for any diverging sect.

Isn't there a hadeeth that states that there will be 72 sects of Islam? And that only 1 of them will be the righteous one?
Isn't there a hadeeth that states that there will be 72 sects of Islam? And that only 1 of them will be the righteous one?

Yes exactly. There are/were many sects in islam that there count should reach upto 73. Note that shia and sunni are two of these 73 sects, and only one is on right path.
Yes exactly. There are/were many sects in islam that there count should reach upto 73. Note that shia and sunni are two of these 73 sects, and only one is on right path.
Can you Please name these Sects ?????

Also a muslim scholar looked at this hadeeth and the quran and said that their is no mention of Hazart IMam Mehdi in the quran and said that quran only says that (Hazart Isa(p.b.u.h) will Only be resurected on the day of judgement)so in his analysis not before and says that the only one going to Heaven will be him and all the prophets and their families the rest will not go becuase they have Changed alter and rejected the word of allah and the all the prophets wont be resurected on the day of judgement but just Hazarat isa because he will judge them all because your soul is powerfull enough to see the Noor of allah and will be burnt hence in the case of Hazart MOsa (p.b.u.h) when he went to see allah on mount toor and never came back
Becuase angels and Jins are made of fire i think and souls are made from allah's noor but when you see allah you will be consumed by allah's noor is that ture
Well unlike many i dont sugar coat words, i was honest with my thoughts. May be i am religously biased because i come from a society where shias are not considered muslims in the first place. I remember our islamiat teacher in 6th class asked us that which creature is most dangerous. We were not able to answer. He wrote down word shia on black board. He said sheen in word shia stands for shaitan, yay for yahudi, aain for isai(christian) and hay for hindu. He said shia is more dangerous and evil than any of them...so you need to understand that shia sunni divide needs to be solved.
Instead of not caring about shia-sunni divide, start thinking about eliminating this division. From simple political supporters of hazrat ali, shias evolved into an off-shoot sect of islam thanks to Iran, the same iran which remained home of strange fitnas and sects. There should be end to this as islam is only one, no room for any diverging sect.

Sounds like you had a stimulating and intellectually-rich education! :laugh: :laugh:

I appreciate and respect your candidness though.

And again, good luck !
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Does President Hamid Karzai still have his house and family living in Balochistan?

Salaam to all the Muslims.
Can you Please name these Sects ?????

Also a muslim scholar looked at this hadeeth and the quran and said that their is no mention of Hazart IMam Mehdi in the quran and said that quran only says that (Hazart Isa(p.b.u.h) will Only be resurected on the day of judgement)so in his analysis not before and says that the only one going to Heaven will be him and all the prophets and their families the rest will not go becuase they have Changed alter and rejected the word of allah and the all the prophets wont be resurected on the day of judgement but just Hazarat isa because he will judge them all because your soul is powerfull enough to see the Noor of allah and will be burnt hence in the case of Hazart MOsa (p.b.u.h) when he went to see allah on mount toor and never came back
Becuase angels and Jins are made of fire i think and souls are made from allah's noor but when you see allah you will be consumed by allah's noor is that ture

What are you trying to write, bro?
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