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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

not your water there is international norms for managing rivers that pass borders
we had a deal with you guys , you didn't honor it
and this time it was you who attacked our border posts and opened fire on our force since last week now you come and say we solve it peacefully .

as i recall it was Taliban who attacked Iran since last week , not the other-way around
WE believe IEA shall honor all treaties with neighbor, and Iran have rights over Helmand river water. if you claim treaty was not honored, which is not this black and white, then you don't give loose threats of war at this much high level. we are not kids. and it is Iran who started these clashes as they are angry. it does not make sense for IEA to starts clashes with Iran when there is already Iran claiming of water, it is not in our interest.
I ain't no fuking Pajeet..
Oh you're not? Because you definitely act like one.

Besides why would a Greek care about all this

1.Taliban are brutal cavemen who want to export their ideology in the region from what it looks
2.Thousands of Afghans come illegally to Greece and Turkey,because of the Taliban
3.I prefer Iran than Afghanistan
4.It would stop the influence of TTP in Pakistan. And a non-radicalized Pakistan is good for everyone.

Your pimp Uncle sam couldn't do anything so now you want these states who have 100 times less resources to burn inside there because you and I know what is gonna happen in that scenario hence stop this innocent wolf cry I know your ugly azz..
If he's my pimp,then he's YOUR pimp too. Or did you forget?

You know my what? You're know nothing.
Oh you're not? Because you definitely act like one.


1.Taliban are brutal cavemen who want to export their ideology in the region from what it looks
2.Thousands of Afghans come illegally to Greece and Turkey,because of the Taliban
3.I prefer Iran than Afghanistan
4.It would stop the influence of TTP in Pakistan. And a non-radicalized Pakistan is good for everyone.

You are a hypocrite and no Pakistani would fall for this fool just ask the Turkish members. You don't care about Pakistan and why does it matter which direction Pakistan takes.

If you were worried about Radicalism spreading you would be worried about India because right now in the world there is only one radical elements and that is RSS in India the only entity that is radical today exists on Indian soil..

Some say the Mullah regime is or IEA but the truth is that both states aren't and open to visitors and there is law and order on the streets but not in India.. Worry about that for once
At least the Afghan Army fights for their water rights, where as the Khasi Napak Generals
are busy making DHA's and political engineering whilst India has built 100 dams in Jammu
Kashmir in the past 40 years.
Afghanistan is a failed state. All countries in the region i.e. Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Iran should come out from all directions and get their share of land.

Respect to the Taliban for protecting the sovereignty of their Afghanistan. NOTING is free in this world.
You are a vicious MOFO you don't wish anything good on Iran, Pakistan, Turkey or Afghanistan stay out of our matters kindly..

You don't wish anything good upon us so don't act the part or separate us in category.. You are just doing the lesser evil but we are all evils in your fanatic azz POV
These are YOUR assumptions.

You can have your opinion,but when you say such bullshit like that about me,you're slandering me.

If I use the same logic,I can say you're a pajeet fake Indian who's here on the forum with his friend or relative Titanium to start fights and make Pakistan look bad.

You might as well be an Afghan yourself. With a fake Pakistani identity.

Heck,you might be a ladyboy from Malaysia who fancies Pashtuns.

See? That's your logic. You come up with nonsense in your head,no proof at all and you just write assumptions.
Couple of missiles and mining the borders should do the trick . Animals should stay locked in a zoo.

we dont want any Muslim nations fighting each other that is enough

enemies of islam are too happy

Iran and Afghanistan stop this nonsense now!

China get involved and stop this from escalating
These are YOUR assumptions.

You can have your opinion,but when you say such bullshit like that about me,you're slandering me.

If I use the same logic,I can say you're a pajeet fake Indian who's here on the forum with his friend or relative Titanium to start fights and make Pakistan look bad.

You might as well be an Afghan yourself. With a fake Pakistani identity.

Heck,you might be a ladyboy from Malaysia who fancies Pashtuns.

See? That's your logic. You come up with nonsense in your head,no proof at all and you just write assumptions.

Get the F' outta here with this one-sided shxt. You said Erdogan of all people was a fanatic caliph of neo-Ottoman and he is threat to Greece and universe..

You also hold the opinion that the Mullahs are scorch on earth.. Probably you don't like Imran Khan and next will be the Army is to bad now..

You just don't like us period and it doesn't matter who and why.. Lets just end this convo we aren't going anywhere
. .
You are a hypocrite and no Pakistani would fall for this fool just ask the Turkish members. You don't care about Pakistan and why does it matter which direction Pakistan takes.
I'm a hypocrite? Because you're a wanker and think everyone who is not a Muslim,hates Muslims? Fok off,mate.

If you were worried about Radicalism spreading you would be worried about India because right now in the world there is only one radical elements and that is RSS in India the only entity that is radical today exists on Indian soil..
ISN'T IT CURIOUS that you've never commented anything when I make fun of the BJP or Hindutva posters here? You suddenly disappear and you crawl out of your hole to talk trash about me.

Some say the Mullah regime is or IEA but the truth is that both states aren't and open to visitors and there is law and order on the streets but not in India.. Worry about that for once
That's why I say "don't go to India". But do you read my posts when it comes to that? No. Because you only know how to slander and talk like an Ertugrul fanboy.
Couple of missiles and mining the borders should do the trick . Animals should stay locked in a zoo.

My advice for Iran is to ask in good manner or else your warning has no effect on AFGHANS. I’m saying you can’t do anything…Just don’t mess with AFGHANS.
Are you retarded,mate?

I said it would be MILITARILY INTERESTING. Like,in which language do you want me to say it for you to understand? I don't speak Urdu. Want me to auto-translate it?

Besides,wtf do I have against Iran? Turkey,yes ok. But why Iran?

I'm not suggesting anything like that.

are the one saying it,right now.

I'm all for the partition of Afghanistan. It's a failed State. It's been a failed State that causes nothing but misery to its people and others. Iran could get one piece,Uzbekistan and Tajikistan could get the parts that have ethnic majority Uzbeks and Tajiks. Pakistan could get a piece too,if anything,to relocate all those wankers who sneaked into Pakistan.

Don't even try to put words in my mouth,you pajeet.

I beg to differ here.

Partitioning Afghanistan is NOT IN PAKISTANS INTEREST. Pakistan does not need or require Pashtun territory currently part of Afghanistan. Pakistan itself is already over populated with 230+ million people. Taking on Pashtun areas would easily bring in 25+ million and over burden the broken system as it is at the moment.

Pakistan doesnt have the capacity to deal with its population as it is so in no way will we be able to take on Pashtun territory.

Pakistan's Primary Interest in Afghanistna would be the following

- Allowing women to go to school and participate in public life
- Crack down on anti Pakistan TTP and BLA terrorist
- Cooperate with Pakistan in counter insurgency operations. Taliban would provide ground troops and Pakistan would provide Drone/air force
- Access to Afghanistans natural resources such as coal/ rare metals/ copper/ iron ore/ and even Uranium which is used in our nuclear reactors.
- Pipeline to Turkmenistan that is built + secure
- Access to trade routes to central asia where Pakistan will become influential. Our of all the STANS pakistan alone contributes 60-70% or population and GDP

All of these will require a stable, secure, and terrorist free Afghanistan.
. .
You said Erdogan of all people was a fanatic caliph of neo-Ottoman and he is threat to Greece and universe..
Modi is a threat to India and Erdogan is a threat to Greece.

When you have a government that makes public statements almost every week,for months that become years,about how they can invade you,how they will take back what's "theirs",threatening with war and rising tensions....WELL I GUESS THAT IS A BLOODY THREAT.

You also hold the opinion that the Mullahs are scorch on earth.. Probably you don't like Imran Khan and next will be the Army is to bad now..
And yet again you demonstrate how little you know me. I've shown my support for Imran Khan numerous times on the forum. Where were you? Hitting on Pashtuns? Ask people how many times I've talked in a positive way about Imran Khan.

@Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @ThunderCat @PakFactor @SecularNationalist @Bleek

Ask these guys. They will tell you.

You just don't like us period and it doesn't matter who and why.. Lets just end this convo we aren't going anywhere
Maybe it's YOU who doesn't like Iran. That's the problem. You dislike Persians,right? You don't like them? You're racist?


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