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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

The timing is key, why now? Especially when you think about what is happening in the region and top level negotiations.
Even the Saudi-Russia honeymoon is gonna be over quick
Any conflict conventional conflict with Afghanistan will be a meat grinder besides they are well armed now they have drones and other things and in conflict it will open shop meaning stage claims will always enter a conflict financing one or the other side and all of sudden we will find ourselves in a meatgrinder hell

That's why you have a massive army in Pakistan and Iran. That's why Pakistan has Rangers,Frontier Corps,Special Forces and thousands of paramilitaries.

That's why Iran has the the IRGC and dozens of Shia militias under its protection.

Don't tell me that Pakistan can't train and equip a few thousand men for guerilla warfare at the borders of Afghanistan. Or drone hit Taliban.
Zaid Hamid: This is an Indian-Israeli conspiracy to make Muslims fight :cheesy:
Yar he is bazurg man, but with all respect to his age he is mental, he has grown more senile with age. Banda apney safed dari ka lihaz kar latey hain. Has he so quickly forgotten the beating he got by Islamia College student body? When he was made a hostage and the CPO had to beg the student body to release him in return for not taking action against them?

This man can't see people are laughing at him, don't believe me? Have you ever been to any of his "lectures" they are painful where he recites his entire book Indus to Oxus dictum and offers NO insight into what the youth should do apart from "prepare for war". He is another relic of the 1980's that needs to be put on mute, his average twitter followers are either bots or duplicate accounts. Very few people with braincells follow him because whilst he is knowledgeable he is also senile.
Even the Saudi-Russia honeymoon is gonna be over quick
No it won't. Saudis under MBS have an entrepreneurial mindset.. They will go where there is profit to be made.
The Soviet union collapsed because of that conflict it drained money and wealth they used everything there outside of nuclear bombs
It partly collapsed because of that. Partly.

The Afghan communist State was worthless. Let's face it,communism had very little appeal to Afghans.

It is people like you who don't understand the nature of war.
Okay, no worries. You are entitled to your opinion!

Don't tell me that Pakistan can't train and equip a few thousand men for guerilla warfare at the borders of Afghanistan. Or drone hit Taliban.

It is like trying to raise a ghost army inside Greece when the Greek authorities have consolidated their authority.

Listen there is no such thing as limited you don't understand this region or people. you either fight or not. Mostly it is to the last man. The narrative of ceasefire will be lost somewhere early and one must be able to avoid miscalculations before getting trapped.. Example look at Ukraine Ceasefire narrative is gone and if Ukraine was to liberate they may attempt to advance into russia they are already in Belgorod
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I beg to differ here.

Partitioning Afghanistan is NOT IN PAKISTANS INTEREST. Pakistan does not need or require Pashtun territory currently part of Afghanistan. Pakistan itself is already over populated with 230+ million people. Taking on Pashtun areas would easily bring in 25+ million and over burden the broken system as it is at the moment.

Pakistan doesnt have the capacity to deal with its population as it is so in no way will we be able to take on Pashtun territory.

Pakistan's Primary Interest in Afghanistna would be the following

- Allowing women to go to school and participate in public life
- Crack down on anti Pakistan TTP and BLA terrorist
- Cooperate with Pakistan in counter insurgency operations. Taliban would provide ground troops and Pakistan would provide Drone/air force
- Access to Afghanistans natural resources such as coal/ rare metals/ copper/ iron ore/ and even Uranium which is used in our nuclear reactors.
- Pipeline to Turkmenistan that is built + secure
- Access to trade routes to central asia where Pakistan will become influential. Our of all the STANS pakistan alone contributes 60-70% or population and GDP

All of these will require a stable, secure, and terrorist free Afghanistan.

Agreed with all except for the Taliban. They are the terrorists in this situation.
Listen there is no such thing as limited you don't understand this region or people.
You really need to stop lecturing people, everyone has an entitlement to their opinion on a public forum. Some of us here have actually worked in Afghanistan and know that region better than you think. But please continue to pontificate.
It is like trying to raise a ghost army inside Greece when the Greek authorities have consolidated their authority.

Listen there is no such thing as limited you don't understand this region or people. you either fight or not. Mostly it is to the last man. The narrative of ceasefire will be lost somewhere early and one must be able to avoid miscalculations before getting trapped.. Example look at Ukraine Ceasefire narrative is gone and if Ukraine was to liberate they may attempt to advance into russia they are already in Belgorod
Well,what do you propose then? Appeasement?
The fighting in Nimruz is important and this is why:

Look at the Infographic below released by the IEA:

Nimruz has been the traditional smuggling route for contraband in and out of Iran/Afghanistan/Pakistan:




Look at all that Silica... And the purple is Dolomite

The wider geo-security implications:
Weird flex but Okay.. I am lost in translation here Hmm? cheers
Well if they start a war with Iran,the Iranians could put them in their place. That could be a win for Pakistan without doing anything. But I don't think there will be any war.
I read some report on Afghan media:

Casualties of Taliban: 12 and 36 injured

One the other side One Iranian martyred and two injured

For those who understand Persian I recommend to watch these videos:

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