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Afghan General Abdul Raziq and Kandahar governor & NDS chief killed in attack

I think on the whole Pentagon may not be in favour of Blackwater but there are vested interests that want to outsource this war to this rogue terrorist outfit
These black water types are a failure. They were in afghanistan and yet taliban came back. They were in Iraq and did nothing to bring peace and they were told to leave Iraq or die.

That's their past. Now lets imagine some of these gung ho come into afghanistan. How long will it be before some get taken hostages which opens another can of worms. More frequent insider attacks will happen because they will be an easy target for the rogue elements.

Problem is how will you identify taliban in uniform? It failed them today. Spectacularly failed them.
I think we avenged the death nawab raisani.
It took a 25 rupee bullet to end all his attitude and sense of superiority.
This son of a bitch was thinking he can mess with a regional power much bigger than the shit hole he belongs to.We have assets deep inside afghanistan and even their so called chiefs are not safe if they ever dare to mess with us.

i not think this is true as u.s generals never go in open unprotected area and are protected by multiple shield of afghan soldiers and policemen outside and nato special forces surrounding from inside so gunmen cannot come in direct contact with them
yes even though it was an insider attack the americans dont, trust afghans and protect their high ranked officers themselves using afghans as subhuman shields at the front.
In their(failed) effort to undermine Pakistan they are letting terrorist warlords control their country what a joke of a country

Twitter condemnation was removed? So it appears the attitude of War & Peace is favored over that of The Eagle.

Over at Dawn comments suggesting the CIA is responsible are published, whereas comments suggesting the ISI pulled the strings are certainly suppressed.
Most Pakistanis are happy this dog is gone we dont care who did it

Reports are coming that General Abdul Nabi Elham who was injured in this attack have also not survived and has died in hospital.

Reports are coming that General Abdul Nabi Elham who was injured in this attack have also not survived and has died in hospital.
Another one bites the dust.Kudos Hazrat

In their(failed) effort to undermine Pakistan they are letting terrorist warlords control their country what a joke of a country
Their so-called leaders need to take a crash course in realpolitik, perhaps then and only then could they see any semblance of stability in this hell-hole of a nation, however will their egos permit them to accept and recognise the legitimate grievances and interests of Pakistan, I think not, such is their lack of foresight.Kudos Zibago
Why your all post pretend that Pakistan is always on the guilt side
Your tiny mind can’t even get it what I said. I said taliban will create problems if U.S leaves Afghanistan. 2500km border mountainous with such difficult terrain is not joke. And if U.S leaves, then more burden on us and on our economy to take care of threats from thousands of Taliban Near border.
We are not not enough financially strong to deal threats like this.
Let them(U.S.A) continue doing their operations, and let them spending money to deal taliban terrorist, They killed hundreds of Taliban in just last few months .
Also there are many banned organisations here too, their connection with Taliban & religious affiliations can create problems.
One of the reason Pakistan don’t want U.S.A and allied forces to leave Afghanistan.
We don’t want to become scapegoat to deal these threats & spending Billions of dollars more . It’s better they stay there.
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This may as well be sign of a clear policy shift, removing expendables to pave way for new policy. There was a reason Ahmad Shah Masoud was removed long before the invasion to happen.
Your tiny mind can’t even get it what I said. I said taliban will create problems if U.S leaves Afghanistan. 2500km border mountainous with such difficult terrain is not joke. And if U.S leaves, then more burden on us and on our economy to take care of threats from thousands of Taliban Near border.
We are not not enough financially strong to deal threats like this.
Let them(U.S.A) continue doing their operations, and let them spending money to deal taliban terrorist, They killed hundreds of Taliban in just last few months .
Also there are many banned organisations here too, their connection with Taliban & religious affiliations can create problems.
One of the reason Pakistan don’t want U.S.A and allied forces to leave Afghanistan.
We don’t want to become scapegoat to deal these threats & spending Billions of dollars more . It’s better they stay there.
Main problem is USA and west in Afghanistan they supported anti Pakistan elements in Afghanistan if they leave from Afghanistan peace will be regain in the region you small brain person @Peaceful Civilian :hitwall::devil:
If Blackwater come to A-stan then it will be an extremely dangerous situation not only for Pakistan but for Central Asia, Russia and China as well. This is because these people are a private army controlled by a 'corporation', and if they overthrow governments or start wars, it cannot be blamed directly on the US. The biggest danger will be to Pakistan and it nukes. Thus, the agencies here would need to be on their A-game or it would be all over for them very quickly. It is time for agencies in Pakistan to realise that they just cannot be lenient or compromise anymore. They need to take out enemy assets not only in A-stan but any country in the region harbouring these enemies including Iran and India.
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