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Afghan army violates borderline

You Raptor need to control your terrorists before entering Afghanistan. Train your men to defend your country properly. I still hear about lots of explosions in Pakistan.

terrorists come from afghan side, im surprised because nato is there( they spread peace by killing people.)
terrorists come from afghan side, im surprised because nato is there( they spread peace by killing people.)

European newspaper shown today, there are US soldiers enjoy sunny day (like beach) in Afghanistan's summer weather and pools swimming.
TTP have plenty of money - Where is it getting money from??

Turning to terror
From the Newspaper
(8 hours ago) Today

ACCORDING to a report in this newspaper yesterday, a group of cattle thieves in the suburbs of Peshawar has turned to a far more serious crime in the area. They are now wanted for about 40 acts of terrorism, and according to locals have been involved in at least two suicide bombings, indicating access to expertise and resources. Their targets include security forces, government installations and a local lashkar. According to the lashkar chief, the men were “small-time” thieves until they were recruited by the Taliban. Police say the suspects remain at large because they have sought refuge in nearby tribal areas.

The development highlights some disturbing facts about terrorism in Pakistan today. The group`s former line of work suggests their shift was motivated by monetary compensation, not ideology, and indicates how easy it is to lure people into terrorism. It also points to the fact that the Taliban are looking for all kinds of recruits who can fulfil particular requirements. Disadvantaged men from poor areas such as southern Punjab have always been a fertile group to draft from. But the use of women and children as potential suicide bombers in Pakistan and Afghanistan has come to light recently, both demographics that would normally escape detection. Employing a group such as the cattle rustlers adds to the mix men who have been involved in criminal activity for years, who are likely to know their area well and to have local contacts that can provide intelligence. Also, that no members of the group have been caught highlights the fact that despite military operations, the tribal areas continue to remain havens from which attacks are launched. Given the number of attacks these men are suspected of having carried out, it is imperative they are tracked and captured in the tribal areas if necessary.
"TTP have plenty of money - Where is it getting money from??"

I can assure you with 100% assurance, that major portion of the money supply line to the TTP is coming from across the border from Afghanistan, beside money, weapons and ammunition also. And majority of this money is coming in US $$$s.

And since they have lots of money, thus their aim is to destroy and weaken Pakistan with money and nothing to do with ideological stuff. Had it been ideological stuff, they would have concentrated on Afghanistan, but they are concentrating on Pakistan.
TTP have plenty of money - Where is it getting money from??

Turning to terror
From the Newspaper
(8 hours ago) Today

ACCORDING to a report in this newspaper yesterday, a group of cattle thieves in the suburbs of Peshawar has turned to a far more serious crime in the area. They are now wanted for about 40 acts of terrorism, and according to locals have been involved in at least two suicide bombings, indicating access to expertise and resources. Their targets include security forces, government installations and a local lashkar. According to the lashkar chief, the men were “small-time” thieves until they were recruited by the Taliban. Police say the suspects remain at large because they have sought refuge in nearby tribal areas.

The development highlights some disturbing facts about terrorism in Pakistan today. The group`s former line of work suggests their shift was motivated by monetary compensation, not ideology, and indicates how easy it is to lure people into terrorism. It also points to the fact that the Taliban are looking for all kinds of recruits who can fulfil particular requirements. Disadvantaged men from poor areas such as southern Punjab have always been a fertile group to draft from. But the use of women and children as potential suicide bombers in Pakistan and Afghanistan has come to light recently, both demographics that would normally escape detection. Employing a group such as the cattle rustlers adds to the mix men who have been involved in criminal activity for years, who are likely to know their area well and to have local contacts that can provide intelligence. Also, that no members of the group have been caught highlights the fact that despite military operations, the tribal areas continue to remain havens from which attacks are launched. Given the number of attacks these men are suspected of having carried out, it is imperative they are tracked and captured in the tribal areas if necessary.

I think a lot of logistical support comes from local Punjab Taliban groups & others, however I believe that almost all the money that the TTP gets is from across the border in Afghanistan, through the black money generated from the sales of poppy & through smuggling.
I think a lot of logistical support comes from local Punjab Taliban groups & others, however I believe that almost all the money that the TTP gets is from across the border in Afghanistan, through the black money generated from the sales of poppy & through smuggling.

Those Punjabi Taliban, which are into sectarian stuff or have a difference agenda other then fighting the occupiers in Afghanistan are aligned with the TTP, as they are able to do what they want to fulfill their objectives. The ones which are interested in fighting the occupiers across the border are with the other Taliban. So even Punjabi Taliban are divided on their cause. Poppy related income goes into the pockets of the Afghan Taliban as TTP has no hold in Afghanistan and they don't operate there, except for having safe heavens and training their cadre, but may be some of the money intended for the Afghan Taliban leaks to them through sources in the lower ranks, and even funds coming from Gulf also reaches the TTP. But their major donor are someone else residing in Afghanistan.
Those Punjabi Taliban, which are into sectarian stuff or have a difference agenda other then fighting the occupiers in Afghanistan are aligned with the TTP, as they are able to do what they want to fulfill their objectives. The ones which are interested in fighting the occupiers across the border are with the other Taliban. So even Punjabi Taliban are divided on their cause. Poppy related income goes into the pockets of the Afghan Taliban as TTP has no hold in Afghanistan and they don't operate there, except for having safe heavens and training their cadre, but may be some of the money intended for the Afghan Taliban leaks to them through sources in the lower ranks, and even funds coming from Gulf also reaches the TTP. But their major donor are someone else residing in Afghanistan.

We often forget that the TTP are an umbrella group, it isn't just one agenda at work, it's a whole load of activities going on under the same banner. Likewise, there are numerous sources of funding for the groups.
1) A large amount is collected as "Chanda" from the sympathisers from within Pakistan.
2) Then there are taxes collected from areas under the TTP's control.
3) They receive a lot of "Zakat" from oil rich sheikhs in Arab countries.
4) Some groups receive funding from foreign govt.
5) Some receive support from NGOs and political parties.
Among others.......
We often forget that the TTP are an umbrella group, it isn't just one agenda at work, it's a whole load of activities going on under the same banner. Likewise, there are numerous sources of funding for the groups.
1) A large amount is collected as "Chanda" from the sympathisers from within Pakistan.
2) Then there are taxes collected from areas under the TTP's control.
3) They receive a lot of "Zakat" from oil rich sheikhs in Arab countries.
4) Some groups receive funding from foreign govt.
5) Some receive support from NGOs and political parties.
Among others.......
So basically what you are saying is that if an average pakistani is donating for the supposedly nobel cause of saeed's LeT (and other very scary names) or the jihaad in kashmir, then he could be funding the next bomb attack on their children at the corner of the street or the local school or the likes?
Stop complaining. Your country already fired hundreds of rockets. 3 rounds in response sounds minor.

The rockets were in response to multiple attacks by hundreds of insurgents against various villages and security posts, that resulted in dozens of Security forces and civilians dying.

If the Western media could for a moment pretend to be 'unbiased and objective' when covering Pakistan, those facts might have actually been mentioned, instead of the propanda of 'providing covering fire for the Taliban'.

Instead, it continues to regurgitate US Establishment propaganda maligning Pakistan.
So basically what you are saying is that if an average pakistani is donating for the supposedly nobel cause of saeed's LeT (and other very scary names) or the jihaad in kashmir, then he could be funding the next bomb attack on their children at the corner of the street or the local school or the likes?

Not the average Pakistani. A microscopic minority of Pakistanis who still believe that blowing civilians to pieces is service to God.
Afghan general resigns over Pakistan shelling​

KABUL: A barrage of 40 rockets was fired into eastern Afghanistan from Pakistan on Friday, a senior official said, as the top border police commander for the region offered his resignation over the government’s response to weeks of attacks.

General Aminullah Amarkhil, head of the border police in the eastern region, said he was not able to return fire and could not stand by as people were killed by the shells.

“I have submitted my resignation to the Interior Ministry because I can’t see my people being killed by shells fired from Pakistan,” Amarkhil told Reuters.

“I have promised my people here that the shelling would be stopped, but people are still dying because we have no order from the central government to respond,” he added.

The Afghan Foreign Ministry said in late June that four children were killed in eastern Kunar province by Pakistani artillery shells, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai said that Pakistan had fired 470 rockets over the border that month.

Pakistan last Monday rejected the Afghan allegations of large scale cross-border shelling, saying only that “a few accidental rounds” may have crossed the border when it pursued militants who had attacked its security forces.

Amarkhil’s spokesman said the resignation had not been accepted, but Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said the ministry had not received a resignation letter.

Pakistan blames Afghanistan for giving militants safe haven on its side of the border, leaving Pakistan forces vulnerable to counter-attack when it chases them out of the country’s ethnic Pashtun tribal areas.

But Kabul has limited reach in many of Afghanistan’s border regions, where insurgents that target Karzai’s government have been gaining ground in recent years.

The most powerful insurgent groups are also based in Pakistan, and widely believed to receive covert support from factions in Islamabad, which makes Afghans deeply resentful of allegations of cross-border meddling.

Gul Agha Sherzai, the governor of eastern Nangarhar province, said around another 40 rockets were fired across the Pakistan border and hit both residential and non-residential areas.

Sherzai has sent a letter to the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad asking for an immediate halt to the attacks, and warned that the attacks could damage ties.

“Such attacks from the Pakistani side, and the absence of actions to prevent them, could hurt relations between the two neighbouring countries,” his spokesman said in a statement.

Fighting across the border overshadowed talks when the two countries met last week, along with the United States, to map out plans for talks with the Taliban.

Deep distrust remains between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of continuing to support the Afghan Taliban, whom it openly backed when they were in power from 1996 to 2001, to maintain its influence in Afghanistan.

It is impossible to verify independently exactly what is happening on the remote mountainous border. – Reuters

Afghan general resigns over Pakistan shelling | World | DAWN.COM
"TTP have plenty of money - Where is it getting money from??"

I can assure you with 100% assurance, that major portion of the money supply line to the TTP is coming from across the border from Afghanistan, beside money, weapons and ammunition also. And majority of this money is coming in US $$$s.

And since they have lots of money, thus their aim is to destroy and weaken Pakistan with money and nothing to do with ideological stuff. Had it been ideological stuff, they would have concentrated on Afghanistan, but they are concentrating on Pakistan.
CIA funded terrorism keeps the WOT going...secures their finances...
No WOT...no need of CIA or US army...financial cuts will follow.

The Afghan Border Police is a much favored by the US, however, what Taimkhan has reported (TTP coffers full of US Dollars) suggest the role of both the US secret agencies and that of NDS - NDS has excellent relations with certain tribal leaders and the Afghan government has a program wherein they provide Pakistani Pashtun a identity card of sort, that while registering them in Afghan databases, allows these individuals to cross the border without the usual harassment and allows them to work in Afghanistan - in effect it assigns them a quasi Afghan nationality.

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