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Afghan Army Chief’s Statement on Durand Line

Too much American Wine.The Soviet Vodka didn't help either.
Only other option would be a Pak-afghan Union, what I find weird is Pakistani's and Afghans Reject this why ? hah Pakistani's still want a new union with Bangladesh.
best to keep the guard up...

in 1970s their ragtag forces tried to capture Bajaur....not only did they fail, they took heavy casualties.

they'd be best served not making issues out of non-issues. They cant talk about borders and all when there are often de-facto borders even WITHIN Afghanistan, where unless you pay a bribe or know the local warlord --you will either be kicked out or shot at.
Only other option would be a Pak-afghan Union

out of the question...we can have good relations with them without having the need for a ''union''

a ''union'' which i can guarantee you would collapse in a matter of months ---unless other stakeholders like Iran were brought on board.

hah Pakistani's still want a new union with Bangladesh.

i really have no idea from where you get your information

why do we need union when our relations with them are fairly cordial and functional as is?
Afghanistan is a failed state when we leave we should partition it to a Pashtun state Tajik state Hazara state Uzbek state, after that if they keep fighting let them kill each other off.


Divide divide divide is by far the best thing the westerners do. The divided Arab land with a ruler seperating families while they do it. People of northern Saudi Arabia go to Iraq and Jordan to visit their families there and people of the south go to Yemen to meet up with thier uncles and aunts there.
They have Valid Point since they are talking about agreement of 100 years ( aka Hong Kong ) which has expired.

Pakistan was made for all the muslims of the Indian Subcontinent..but as muslims decided to stay in India, Pkaistan shoudl cease to exist....and even if they exist, they should be no bigger than Nepal.
Could you point out where in the Durand Agreement there is any reference to a '100 year expiration date'?
today they may not, but future nobody has seen

Right, when Afghanistan's population exceeds that of Pakistan's, and they can field a larger and more powerful military than Pakistan's, and perhaps when Afghanistan has more 'Pashtun' than Pakistan. Currently Pakistan has a larger Pashtun population than the entire population of Afghanistan (Pashtuns comprise around 40% of Afghanistan).

Keep dreaming of this 'future'.
All the flaming and trolling aside, views such as these among Afghanistan's leadership are precisely why Pakistan faces a significant threat from Afghanistan, and especially and virulently anti-Pakistan and pro-India leadership in Afghanistan.
Divide divide divide is by far the best thing the westerners do. The divided Arab land with a ruler seperating families while they do it. People of northern Saudi Arabia go to Iraq and Jordan to visit their families there and people of the south go to Yemen to meet up with thier uncles and aunts there.

Didn't the Arabs want to divide from the ottoman empire ?
If Afghanistan splits on the basis of ethnicity, the problems of the region will only rise tenfold. The solution is to change the mindset of the Afghanistan Establishment, to respect the international border with Pakistan, & move on with life.
All the flaming and trolling aside, views such as these among Afghanistan's leadership are precisely why Pakistan faces a significant threat from Afghanistan, and especially and virulently anti-Pakistan and pro-India leadership in Afghanistan.
Though I think they are not a significant threat - At best they can be dealt with just few thousand soldiers with support from Pakistan Air Force.It is more of a ideological threat rather then a military threat.
Think about how his foolish words can be interpreted in two ways to cost this foolish man his millitary and political career.

If they dont recognise the Durand line, then they should give the people of other side open access to Afghanistan as well as Afghani passports and not moan about Pakistanis coming and working into Afghan industries at lower wages.

During the soviet times, Afghanistan through soviet assistance built massive universtities to woo the people of KP. The idea was these institution would serve as an idealogical indoctrination camps as well as academic institutes. This was at a time when an odinary Afghan was struggling to make ends meet. None the less, the KP people did avail the generous Afghan offer and simply returned as patriotic Pakistanis after completing their degrees. Thats why many Pukhtoons have degrees from Afghanistan today.

the red line is the durand line what a poorly demarcated border

these are just a few of the poisonous fruit from the tree of imperialism the British f'd everything up in the subcontinent they did the same with Iraq and Kuwait

guys if it wasn't for european imperialism India and Pakistan would not be at each others throats Kashmir would not be disputed and whatnot
Divide divide divide is by far the best thing the westerners do. The divided Arab land with a ruler seperating families while they do it. People of northern Saudi Arabia go to Iraq and Jordan to visit their families there and people of the south go to Yemen to meet up with thier uncles and aunts there.

I thought the problem was the other way European goverments drawing lines and lumping 5 different tribes together and calling it a country?

On the bright side if Afghanistan takes every thing north of the Indus you dont have to worry about Karachi any more ;)
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