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Aero India 2013

New seeker hear R-77 explained.. also SD-10 ( says it comes with dual mode seeker)
all run to C.. lots of talks on missiles..

Some Russian delegation talking about PAK FA T-50. He has a slide of T-50 vs F-22. lol

Now R-77MP-D comparing it with other AAM in the world.

He talked well, even talked about Hollywood and movies.
Dr. Sa Gollakota , DRDO scientist is next... looking for info on astra
Some shitty animation with A2A missiles with final countdown back ground score..
Mr. KS Vara Prasad

Long Range Air-To-Ground Missile for Attack Helicopters”

HELINA is being developed in two phases.

1. First version will be NAG + some LRUs + booster for increased range.

2. Second version will have long range IIR seeker for exploiting full potential of the missile.

* So, as of now Helina works like a ARH BVRAAM.

The target is aquired by the EO systems on the copter which then find range and other targetting data to decide the flight path of helina.

The seeker of the missile is slaved to the Target aquisition system at this point and missile is launched.

Using mid course updates through RF link from the copter, the missile will approximate the target till it is within the range of it's IIR seeker.

Then the images and data will be relayed back to the copter where the WSO can decide the further course of action for the missile.

If auto mode is selected the missile will lock in on the target using it's own seeker and destroy the target!

Specs and Current status.

1. Range-- 7.5 km

2. Seeker range--- 3 km.

3. Max missiles per launcher----2 ( Total 8 on LCH)

4. Current status---

* Two way RF data link, Launchers and other equipments tested successfully.

* Covert admission of the successful test of the missile itself.

Jingo bytes!:smokin:

* Plans for N LOS type system.

* Range expected to go upto 15-20 km.

* Study on for integration with UAVs like the Rustom!

@ Kinetic,

DIRCM seems be a dark arts area, I could not get anything more than a few patronizing smiles! Some heavy work is definitely going on with suspected israeli involvement.
Mr. KS Vara Prasad

Long Range Air-To-Ground Missile for Attack Helicopters”

Specs and Current status.

1. Range-- 7.5 km

2. Seeker range--- 3 km.

3. Max missiles per launcher----2 ( Total 8 on LCH)

4. Current status---

* Two way RF data link, Launchers and other equipments tested successfully.

* Covert admission of the successful test of the missile itself.

Jingo bytes!:smokin:

* Plans for N LOS type system.

* Range expected to go upto 15-20 km.

* Study on for integration with UAVs like the Rustom!


7.5 km is excellent. But waiting for 20 km Helina. :smokin:
bhai log can anybody tell me what is a captive flight of a A2A missile please?
bhai log can anybody tell me what is a captive flight of a A2A missile please?

They are testing the aerodynamics of both the missile and the aircraft combined, vibration test and its effects on the missile as well as pre-flight argumentation tests.
which seeker HELINA use is it import one or indigenous. i read somewhere that MMR seeking in HELINA and blk-2 of NAG.
kinectic bhai or ganimiji any news on ASTRA RANGE ?? When it's going to test fire from an aircraft.?
And i dint get what they talking about SD 10..??
LCH doesnt have the other active
vibration control because of space
requirements.. so structure built
with slight weight penalty to
withstand higher vibration Shakthi engine (Shakthi lifts 200kg at
6km alt on ALH) Survivability:
IR suppressors for Engine IR
Dual engines, Dual - hydraulics
NBC pressurized cockpit (not in ALH)
flat panles to reduce glint Weapons:
AA, Rockets, AG, Datalink, Turret guns Makes a confident & sweeping
statement "LCH the most agile helo in the world today" move from Push-pull rods to push-pull
cables to reduce weight, improve
maintainence. MLG, TLG tested for crashworthiness We have had to reduce about 350kgs from initial estimates which we did fairly successfully Modifications based on TD1 flight tests:(for drag reduction, flight performance) Optimization of cowling scopps
MLG fairing modified armament boom --> new
design more of a wing (boom with an airfoil shape). Booms are removable. TLG fairing Tail end plates removed (were giving
more horizontal stability than
required.. so removed to reduce drag) Completed 65flights covering 35hrs AFCS turned on - the LCH was more stable than ALH even without AFCS . Pilots were extremely impressed with the stability. The AFCS was similar to
ALH - we only needed very minor
tweaks for gains during roll as LCH has lower roll inertia compared to ALH. TD2 paining will be a huge surprise.. It is very fancy painting that I would love for you all to see . This kind of painting is not done anywhere in the world. Also in pipeline is the indigenous development of IDAS, AFCS.
Courtsey BR.
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