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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

One more time 16th December is coming. On this day we always present TV shows to curse our politicians and remember the bad memories. This time let’s make this day a ‘Reunion Day’; lets discuss the ways to bring both the parts closer. I think by utilizing this we forum should arrange a meeting to discuss the ways to decide how to operate together again.

I think Pakistanis are able to understand their past faults. Now they are able to understand Bangladeshis more deeply. Now they may have sincerity of us and we have feelings for them. Let's have a poll, discussions, campaign and anything to find out our opportunities together. We are united by sympathy and empathy now.
Except for Kashmir, the rest of what you say is BS, and i suggest you take a elementary course of History from neutral sources(non-Indian && non-Pakistani) on the Web. Manvadar is a province in Junagarh, and both Junagarh and Hyderabad had a majority of Hindus in them.

So, when nothing comes into argument, you play the victim and start spouting conspiracy theories.[/QUOTE]

@ My dear Perceptron, here I refered only three Princely States, I did not say that muslims were there majority. Why you people quickly under-estimate the other people that we have a thin knowledge of history. There were around 557(roughly) Princely State on the eve of Indian partition, how many states India took away either forcefully or in other methods ? On the other hand what Pakistan got ? My point was if you add all the muslims of Princely states and other muslims of British India so naturally the number will be great. It was not possible for all muslims to leave their home and come to Pakistan. Only those who were directly involved with ML politics only they came. Of course there were lot of muslims who were aligned with Congress. Besides once Bengal and Punjab was partitioned bulk of the muslims in these areas came to Pakistan.

@ In 1946, when the election took place who all were on the administration ? I remember once my father told me that in thoses days in our country 80-90% govt officials were non-muslim. Almost all the Presiding Officers,Dargas(OC), Principals, Headmasters and other key appointments were under non-muslims. On the day of election or before election these officials were openly canvassing in favour of Congress. On the day of election at the polling buth there were two ballot boxes, one is big and another is small kept in front of the polling officer. On the big polling box it was written," For greater joint hindus & muslims", (Shommillitu hindu musalmander jonno) and on the small box, it was written, " Only for Muslims" . Once the counting of votes started, many of them flade on that very moment and by next day morning there were no govt official, all of them flade away even the Darga himself.

@ About the comment you made about Jinna, that was his styile.
My dear Perceptron, here I refered only three Princely States, I did not say that muslims were there majority. Why you people quickly under-estimate the other people that we have a thin knowledge of history. There were around 557(roughly) Princely State on the eve of Indian partition, how many states India took away either forcefully or in other methods ? On the other hand what Pakistan got ? My point was if you add all the muslims of Princely states and other muslims of British India so naturally the number will be great. It was not possible for all muslims to leave their home and come to Pakistan. Only those who were directly involved with ML politics only they came. Of course there were lot of muslims who were aligned with Congress. Besides once Bengal and Punjab was partitioned bulk of the muslims in these areas came to Pakistan.

@ In 1946, when the election took place who all were on the administration ? I remember once my father told me that in thoses days in our country 80-90% govt officials were non-muslim. Almost all the Presiding Officers,Dargas(OC), Principals, Headmasters and other key appointments were under non-muslims. On the day of election or before election these officials were openly canvassing in favour of Congress. On the day of election at the polling buth there were two ballot boxes, one is big and another is small kept in front of the polling officer. On the big polling box it was written," For greater joint hindus & muslims", (Shommillitu hindu musalmander jonno) and on the small box, it was written, " Only for Muslims" . Once the counting of votes started, many of them flade on that very moment and by next day morning there were no govt official, all of them flade away even the Darga himself.

@ About the comment you made about Jinna, that was his styile.

Basically Jinnah and other ML leaders were busy with Punjab and Kashmir. They had little time for Bengal. I blame Sohrawardy and Fazlul Haque for not securing what was going on in Bengal. They should had slowed down the process and avoided direct action day when they anticipated that Bengal would be devided and Assam not going to join new Pakistan. We should not had worried about what was going on in Western side of sub continent rather secure our own interest.
There were good support base for United Bengali homeland within good number of Bengali Hindu politician. Sohrawardy and Mr. Bose (if I could recall correctly) made the last effort to keep Bengal united but failed. We should had distanced ourselves from Urdu Speaking feudals and Lawyers from the very begining for our own good.
Good relations b\w BD and PK are very welcome and shows how liberal and forgiving BD is to the past deeds of PK. But those who are advocating merger of PK and BD should see how things would change.

1. Punjab dominates Sindh and Balouch. So be ready to be added to this list and since an average Bangladeshi is not as Gora and handsome as Pakistani are, and guys eat rice so start start eating wheat Naan with chicken and beef and avoid fish. Not to forget start using Fairness Cream also.

2. Should also be ready to kiss democracy good bye.

3. And since now Pakistani economy is in ruins so be ready to support them just like the good old days when major portion of budget went to Pakistan sorry i mean to say West Pakistan.

4. I hope this time after the merger u guys (BD) would not claimer of
an Bangladeshi to be the PM or President of United Pakistan because the last time u did it gave the evil Indian to break the country into two.

5. Bombs going off in mosques ,markets would be a daily routine.

6. Not to forget having Pakistani passport these days means special attention at international airports.

I think an average Bangladeshi can live with all this. It time you guys gave Pakistan a chance and forgave Pak for their past deeds.
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1. In Calcutta, there supposed to be referendum but once the preparation was in process a riot broke between Hindus and Muslims on June 1946/47 when Surwardy was Chief Minister where it was estimated about 10,000 muslims were killed within a week. During those days lot of Noakhali and Chittagonion muslims were working at Calcutta port but unfortunately all of them were buchered in a day. That is why a repercussion took place at Noakhali where Gundhi himself visited. How can we forget this inccident ? Calcutta had always been ruled by the either by Muslim Leaque or Muslim Leaque coalition during British times. Most of the period from 20s to 40s Mayor of Calcutta was muslim.

1. No referendum for Calcutta, rather you got your separate country at the expense of Calcutta. Even a referendum wouldn't have got you Calcutta as almost 60% of population were hindus who would've voted for India. Also a pakistani calcutta sarrounded by indian land is 'gajakhuri kalpona'.

2. Direct Action Day was an administrative failure for Suharawardi. I will not say he did the act of omission as I don't have enough proof, but certainly as a chief minister he failed the state. The number you posted is exaggerated(that too by a long margin). Both Hindus and Muslims were killed, some sources say more Hindus were killed, some say more Muslims, taking the middle path, it seems almost same number of hindus and muslims were killed.

3. What does that mean Calcutta was ruled by muslims? :| Rulers were British in origin that time. The social life of Calcutta had always been led by Hindu aristocrats, Muslims were more based on Dhaka.
Good relations b\w BD and PK are very welcome and shows how liberal and forgiving BD is to the past deeds of PK. But those who are advocating merger of PK and BD should see how things would change.

1. Punjab dominates Sindh and Balouch. So be ready to be added to this list and since an average Bangladeshi is not as Gora and handsome as Pakistani are, and guys eat rice so start start eating wheat Naan with chicken and beef and avoid fish. Not to forget start using Fairness Cream also.

2. Should also be ready to kiss democracy good bye.

3. And since now Pakistani economy is in ruins so be ready to support them just like the good old days when major portion of budget went to Pakistan sorry i mean to say West Pakistan.

4. I hope this time after the merger u guys (BD) would not claimer of
an Bangladeshi to be the PM or President of United Pakistan because the last time u did it gave the evil Indian to break the country into two.

5. Bombs going off in mosques ,markets would be a daily routine.

6. Not to forget having Pakistani passport these days means special attention at international airports.

I think an average Bangladeshi can live with all this. It time you guys gave Pakistan a chance and forgive Pak for all the rapes and murders of the Past.

Let them to make decision for themselves, it's not wise to remind people of their past hardship time and again. If BD and Pak can get along, it shouldn't be a concern for us, atleast not in this forum.
5. Bombs going off in mosques ,markets would be a daily routine.

It can be the biggest problem if merge. Just one week ago again 3 LeT members were arrested in Dhaka. Many Pakistanis were arrested in BD for crime. Most of them for fake India rupee. But I think it's not bad for BD but India.

And we are not thinking to merge. We do not want it. Also it is not needed. PK will not be interested to over populated BD. We have separate lands, flags and govts. But well cooperation in every level and visa free traveling is very good thinking to me. That will give pleasure of one big country and many opportunities. That's all.
1. In Calcutta, there supposed to be referendum but once the preparation was in process a riot broke between Hindus and Muslims on June 1946/47 when Surwardy was Chief Minister where it was estimated about 10,000 muslims were killed within a week. During those days lot of Noakhali and Chittagonion muslims were working at Calcutta port but unfortunately all of them were buchered in a day. That is why a repercussion took place at Noakhali where Gundhi himself visited. How can we forget this inccident ? Calcutta had always been ruled by the either by Muslim Leaque or Muslim Leaque coalition during British times. Most of the period from 20s to 40s Mayor of Calcutta was muslim.

1. No referendum for Calcutta, rather you got your separate country at the expense of Calcutta. Even a referendum wouldn't have got you Calcutta as almost 60% of population were hindus who would've voted for India. Also a pakistani calcutta sarrounded by indian land is 'gajakhuri kalpona'.

2. Direct Action Day was an administrative failure for Suharawardi. I will not say he did the act of omission as I don't have enough proof, but certainly as a chief minister he failed the state. The number you posted is exaggerated(that too by a long margin). Both Hindus and Muslims were killed, some sources say more Hindus were killed, some say more Muslims, taking the middle path, it seems almost same number of hindus and muslims were killed.

3. What does that mean Calcutta was ruled by muslims? :| Rulers were British in origin that time. The social life of Calcutta had always been led by Hindu aristocrats, Muslims were more based on Dhaka.

Also one more point : From your post, it seems you're trying to convey that the riot broke out to prevent the referendum, ie it was preplanned, which is factually wrong , it is so wrong that it can be labelled as lie. The reasons and courses of Direct action Day are well documented, go figure!
One more time 16th December is coming. On this day we always present TV shows to curse our politicians and remember the bad memories. This time let’s make this day a ‘Reunion Day’; lets discuss the ways to bring both the parts closer. I think by utilizing this we forum should arrange a meeting to discuss the ways to decide how to operate together again.

I fully agree with your post as I think the younger generation of both Pakistanis and Bangladeshis deserve better understanding towards each other because we are the victims of that great country god has gifted us in 47 and our follies apart it abruptly. A re-union of geography is too much asking but a reunion of hearts is everyone’s desire and so much mines.

First, we, the Pakistanis should understand that Muslim Bengal has unique paradigms altogether, as they didn’t know Urdu very well they didn’t know IQBAL, its Pan-Islamism and the influence of his poetry in every day’s life of a Muslims throughout rest of the Indian subcontinent, Iran, Afghanistan & Central Asia.
They are always demanding because they are the first who embrace western Individualism, Democracy & atheist believes in the Indian subcontinent more vigorously and longer than any other region. They are surrounded geographically with Hindus and Buddhist unlike us who are surrounded all across with Muslim societies except one and that’s the reason of their strange (in our eyes) behavior to our way of life.

Secondly, Bangladeshi’s should understands that although Muslim League incepted by Bengalis but for different reasons as I stated earlier, therefore the sole flagship of Pakistan Movement is overtaken by AMU (Aligarh Muslim University), Iqbal’s Ideals and Quaid’s Leadership all belongs to the Muslims of North Indians and West Pakistanis (I did not once undervaluing any Bengali contribution to this cause). Therefore, Today’s Bangladesh Independence is directly proportionate to all above people and their believes in the first place because if there is No Pakistan and than their surely is No Bangladesh either. The arrogance of ours might be disliked by you standing 1000 miles behind next to our enemy walls but exactly that treat still stands us to confront an enemy much more bigger and mightier both numerically and economically than us and who’s leaders have sleepless nights all along that arrogance is not our choice but our necessity, forgives us.

And one more thing, Bangladeshis should get rid of their victim hood mentality to any problem or misfortune they face from any quarters. The sooner they overcome it the better they are treated by others. I personally pray for a prosperous Bangladesh standing on its own politically, economically and militarily.
It can be the biggest problem if merge. Just one week ago again 3 LeT members were arrested in Dhaka. Many Pakistanis were arrested in BD for crime. Most of them for fake India rupee. But I think it's not bad for BD but India.

Sirji this is what Pakistanis thought when they were making safe heavens of LeT and Taliban in Pakistan. Fire that burn your neighbor can also burn you.
Education: because USA is an economic superpower and we need to learn their language to communicate with them.

Since you are a money man then did it ever occur to you that Urdu as a additional language would have make us more flexible communicating with South Asians. ;)

I can, can you............:chilli:
I think Pakistanis are able to understand their past faults. Now they are able to understand Bangladeshis more deeply. Now they may have sincerity of us and we have feelings for them. Let's have a poll, discussions, campaign and anything to find out our opportunities together. We are united by sympathy and empathy now.
there's no point of re-union bro..things can be done smoothly by mutual understanding,co-operation and showing respect to each other
East Pakistan sacrificed a lot for Pakistan. First Calcutta, second Tripura, third war for Kashmir, fourth Language and fifth and most horrified 1.5 million dead bodies. God bless Pakistan.

Theoretically you are right. And then theoretically and practically we also loose the West Pakistan for your Mujib. Mujib could had negotiated instead of planning with India. That would be wise and then BD would be more powerful (assume there is not problem in PK right now).

By the way, why you forgetting that if there would not any PK then there would not any BD.
Once again it was many times. Get over it. Every people gets ruled by others, one point or another. You have been feed to much Pashton bravery bs bro.

Definition of rule:
1.a. Governing power or its possession or use; authority.
1. To be in total control or command; exercise supreme authority.
2. To formulate and issue a decree or decision.

Tell me what Empire had Supremer Authority over Afghanistan because you having been ranting :-)blah:) that Afghanistan has been ruled (meaning under the Supreme authority of invaders) by those who tried to conquer it?

No one ever had complete control over Afghanistan, and neither did Afghans obey anyone's rule, No one ever had supremer authority over Afghanistan (Not even USA). Afghans submit to none but Allah's authority!

I dont give **** about all of these. So save it. Not my problems some Indians have these problems.

But it was your own fellow countrymen who started all this "****" by saying that Pakistanis try to be more Arabic than Arabs and how we have "hindu" blood :disagree: (link)

And it seems you have some sort of superior complex, with Pashtuns never getting conquered :blah:

That's because they never were conquered.

Far from the truth. Foreign ruler after the other. If the Pashtuns fought back, then why did foreign rulers keep replacing the other?

Why was Afghanistan invaded over and over again? Simple, Afghanistan is located in a strategic location which is in between China, Central Asia, Indian subcontinent, and the middle east, in other words Afghanistan is the Heart of Asia which is why many armies had to go through Afghanistan (but they couldn't hold on to Afghanistan:wave:), and going through Afghanistan is the only way to get to the warm water ports of Iran and Pakistan (what the soviets tried to do but got their a**** handed to them). Also, recently a lot of Uranium, Lithium, Diamonds, Rubies, and other precious gems and minerals have been discovered in Afghanistan and it has also been called the "Saudi Arabia of Lithium". Afghanistan is the crossroads of Asia (AKA the heart of Asia) and its also the Graveyard of Empires.

Due to your silly and ignorant replies i have to highlight a lot of important points in my posts and can tell that you never heard or even know of the Great Game and how the British tried to conquer Afghanistan but failed and later on the soviets gave it a try and ended up just like the brits. Afghanistan has more importance than india.

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

I didn't read all the bullshits, but Afghanistan was first to fall under invading forces, be it Babur, Alex, Arabs or Nader.

read what i posted regarding Afghanistan's strategic location in my above post.

If anything Afghanistan ever ruled is now situated in present day Pakistan and North-West India.

Perhaps you need to go back to school and get better history lessons, or maybe in india they only teach you about "super power india".

Shah Mahmud Hotaki (1697? — April 22, 1725) was an Afghan ruler of the Hotaki dynasty who defeated and overthrew the Safavid dynasty to become the king of Persia from 1722 until his death in 1725.[1] He was the eldest son of Mirwais Hotak, the chief of the Ghilzai-Pashtun tribe of Afghanistan, who had made the Kandahar region independent from Persian rule in 1709.

On October 23, Soltan Hossein abdicated and acknowledged Mahmud as the new shah of Persia


Apart from Mourya, Pala empire also stretched to present day Afghanistan.

The Mauryas or the Pala never ruled over the Pashtuns. unlike today, during the ancient times there was no real borders and population was so sparse and there was barely any people to people contact, wherever one empires territory ended, another empires territory began disregarding the fact that there were other people inhabiting that land. Perhaps if the mauryas or the "pala" launched a few military expeditions into the land today known as Afghanistan they'd probably would've known what they were dealing with and where the real boundaries of their empire ended.

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Now don't get all itchy if some American says the same thing to you. Oh wait, they won't be able to loot you. I mean what is there to loot? Rugged mountains and goats? :s

Afghanistan has more potential then your poverty stricken country.!

Which battle of Panipath? The one in which Babur humiliated Afghans? The one in which Akbar won against Hemu? Or the one in which Afghans defeated Marathas expanding to North India but faced as much causalities if not more as Marathas.

you seem to be a confused, 1,000 years of Muslims rule plus british rule has really brought you people into a state of inferiority complex and identity crises.

You asked which battle of Panipat? It was the same battle of Panipat in which all the Muslims of central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan came together to slaughter the armies of your ancestors.

Or the one in which Afghans defeated Marathas expanding to North India but faced as much causalities if not more as Marathas.

i hope you were joking when you said the above statement!:disagree:

A conservative estimate places Maratha losses at 35,000 on the Panipat battlefield itself, and another 10,000 or more in surrounding areas. The Afgans are thought to have lost some 30,000.


@ Abir, I suggest you learn your history before commenting one things you have no knowledge of:disagree:
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