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Advance Variant of Pinaka fails to meet Mission parameters


Nov 6, 2012
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After nearly 20 years into development, indigenously developed Pinaka rocket system failed to meet mission parameters during a trial from Chandipur base on Wednesday, putting the reliability on the weaponry system at a stake.

Sources said two rounds of an advanced version of Pinaka rocket were test-fired from a multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) positioned in the testing range of Proof and Experimental Establishment (PXE) between 11 am and 12 noon.

Both the rockets failed to provide the desired result as expected by the mission team. “The experimental trials were carried out by the DRDO. The rockets could not cover the designed distance and some of their sub-systems too did not function properly. Further analysis was on,” the sources said.

Wednesday’s tests were conducted by personnel of Pune-based Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) at the PXE firing point-2. Pinaka rocket system, which has already undergone several tough tests since 1995 and inducted in the armed forces, has been drawing criticism for over a decade for its poor show during the Kargil war.

The tests were, however, conducted nearly two weeks after similar trials of the Pinaka Mark-II Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher System from Chandhan area in Pokhran field firing ranges of Rajasthan, which were stated as ‘successful’ by the DRDO. The trials were conducted by the DRDO and Indian Army.

Contacted, a DRDO official neither confirmed the ‘failure’ nor did he deny it. He, however, said data on the trials could not be collected due to bad weather. “The trials were conducted for a longer range than its previous trails. The inclement weather came as a hindrance for retrieving data,” he said.

Describing the tests as routine, he said earlier this year, 10 rounds of Pinaka rockets were tested from the same base on January 30 and 31, and February 28. “The developmental trials of the advanced system will continue and the rocket is expected to be pressed into service very soon,” he added.

While the older version of the rocket system has a strike range of 40 km, its advanced version can strike a target beyond 55 km and is capable of acting as a force-multiplier. It has been developed to supplement artillery guns. The system can be operated in four modes __ autonomous, stand-alone mode, remote and manual.

Advance Variant of Pinaka fails to meet Mission parameters | idrw.org
I really hope this news is real.

Now we cannot even trust the commission-hungry babus who want to cancel indigenous projects in favour of imports with fat under-the-table commissions.

I am appreciative of the fact that they at least tried.
They try always
yeah thats best part
but US too tried forst and many times failed yeah approved
but soo much gailures make me wonder whats up with DRDO as it has soo much advance tech labs……
ok yeah i have nothing to do with this thread and India soo if someone isn't willing to reply properly or being rude then he shouldn't quote me and accept my heartly appologies for quoting on this thread……:coffee:
They try always
yeah thats best part
but US too tried forst and many times failed yeah approved
but soo much gailures make me wonder whats up with DRDO as it has soo much advance tech labs……
ok yeah i have nothing to do with this thread and India soo if someone isn't willing to reply properly or being rude then he shouldn't quote me and accept my heartly appologies for quoting on this thread……:coffee:

And what makes you say that?
Perhaps u say that coz you have seen only failures and chose to ignore the successes?

But maybe I am wrong and you are not being unbiased, however then you can surely name a "few" of DRDO's successes.
They try always
yeah thats best part
but US too tried forst and many times failed yeah approved
but soo much gailures make me wonder whats up with DRDO as it has soo much advance tech labs……
ok yeah i have nothing to do with this thread and India soo if someone isn't willing to reply properly or being rude then he shouldn't quote me and accept my heartly appologies for quoting on this thread……:coffee:

It is a very complicated question. If you want to compare DRDO with other companies, there is much to equate.
As an example, it was in 1975 did the French decided they need to design a new aircraft. They had technological base, a scientific pool, money, experience everything. It was in 2001 that Rafale was introduced in service. Much happened behind the scene!

Now compare, each of the participant in Rafale: Dassault, Snecma, Thales etc. Each individually have more experience, more money than entire DRDO while it tries to do work of many more companies than above mentioned, developing from pin to plane. Dassault alone has more than 80 year history, and about $5.3 billion revenues, compared to $1.7 billion budget of post independence establishment DRDO. Dasault makes only planes, DRDO develops even food. But the burden is the same for individual systems. DRDO too has to make a 4rth gen plane, and is already burdened with designing a 5th gen.

Despite all the failures, the systems developed by DRDO are maturing and gaining acceptance. A big problem is, Indian forces dont have to rely on indigenous development. They compare each DRDO product with the foreign system offered, and slight advantage of foreign system means rejection of DRDO one.

Another problem is, failures are highlighted more than success. In other countries, since companies are developing only one system, their failure rate is much lower. For DRDO, the failures are accumulated for all systems it is trying to develop, thus seems many times more than other companies.
What kind of tatpunjiya tests are they performing by firing 2 units - bancho? I must remember not to check news whenever pinaka is mentioned. 20 years of development. Life ban gayee DRDO ke babuon ki. Raat bhar biwi ko thoko, din mein office mein aaram karo, fir wohi purana rocket chala ke bolo "partial success."
Whats wrong with defense jurnos?? 20 years into development?? WTF!! These a**holes dont even know that Pinaka is already inducted system. These development tests are done on a new variation, that is a regular practice and nothing new. DRDO keeps testing new improvements like warheads, guidance etc. They are even improving its range. So if tomorrow Pinaka mk3 fails or Akash mk2 fails in its first trials the headline will be "After 3 decades under development, indigenous pinaka/ Akash fails trials" seriously?
Whats wrong with defense jurnos?? 20 years into development?? WTF!! These a**holes dont even know that Pinaka is already inducted system. These development tests are done on a new variation, that is a regular practice and nothing new. DRDO keeps testing new improvements like warheads, guidance etc. They are even improving its range. So if tomorrow Pinaka mk3 fails or Akash mk2 fails in its first trials the headline will be "After 3 decades under development, indigenous pinaka/ Akash fails trials" seriously?

The distance they travel for sensationalism.
Very Good. Good Move . This will make our Pinaka Perfect in the Future . We must have range more than 60 kms . But i thought MK2 will have 80-90 kms ... ? !

This dude written this article need to get life . Moron is even a Jurno ? He things If Hypersonic Tejas fails he will say the same . 30 years of development but Hypersonic tejas failed ! Shame ! Bla bla bla and finally buy Russian one. Its better for IA ... " CRAP
They try always
yeah thats best part
but US too tried forst and many times failed yeah approved
but soo much gailures make me wonder whats up with DRDO as it has soo much advance tech labs……
ok yeah i have nothing to do with this thread and India soo if someone isn't willing to reply properly or being rude then he shouldn't quote me and accept my heartly appologies for quoting on this thread……:coffee:

Pakistan the Great never has a FAILED PROJECT----
Gouhri Missile was a Dud Hidden by Musharaff ....

All Pakistani missiles Hit the pin Head with Zero Error....
Lord China--Always fail safe not even any news ever on even a Single J-6/7 Crash.....lets not talk CopyCating
(as China when copys is called Gods Gift)

Pakistan Pakistan --No issues they have Launched Satellites/Helicopters etc without any Failed PROJECT......

JF17 never flies above 500 Knots...If its is that Good then Why no Vertical Charlie or Immelman done to show case A/c P:W Ratio.

Rationale being is a Project to satisfy False Glory to do these basic manvers you need to come to 500Kts and accelerate....... you know your Bird will shred..

Pakistani Af Pilots have been instructed not to Cross 500Kts to be safe. Dudd MACHINE in War. JF17 still doesnt have a PESA Radar--put ina Kyoppo and call F22 of Muslim Ummah

I am scared of your skills-- Can I apply for Pak.i/Chinese Nationality!!

India successfully test fired indigenously developed “Pinaka” rockets from a multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) from a defence base in Chandipur-on-sea today.
“Two rounds of the rockets were fired as part of the routine training programme. The tests were conducted by personnel from Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune unit at Proof and Experimental Establishment (PXE) firing point-2 at Chandipur,” said a senior defence official.
Ten rounds of Pinaka rockets were tested from the same base on 30 and 31 January and 28 February 28 this year. The MBRL, capable of acting as a force-multiplier, has been developed to supplement artillery guns.
Pinaka is an area weapon system with a range of 40 km. The quick reaction time and high rate of fire of the system gives an edge to the army during a low-intensity conflict situation, a defence source claimed.
“The Pinaka system can fire a salvo of 12 rockets in 44 seconds. The battery of six launchers can neutralise at a time a target area of 3.9 sq km. The system’s capability to incorporate several types of warheads makes it deadly for the enemy as it can even destroy solid structures and bunkers,” he maintained. Pinaka which has undergone several tough tests since 1995, has already been inducted into the armed forces. “A second generation Pinaka multi rocket system having advance system ~ The Pinaka Mark II Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher System ~ which is in development stage had undergone successful trials in Pokhran field firing ranges in Western Rajasthan in July.The rocket is expected to be pressed into service very soon after the trials of the advanced system,” another top defence scientist said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rocket-testfire-successful.html#ixzz2bTQb4qLd
They try always
yeah thats best part
but US too tried forst and many times failed yeah approved
but soo much gailures make me wonder whats up with DRDO as it has soo much advance tech labs……
ok yeah i have nothing to do with this thread and India soo if someone isn't willing to reply properly or being rude then he shouldn't quote me and accept my heartly appologies for quoting on this thread……:coffee:

you have every right to say anything you want.

buddy the thing is people study real hard to get into PSU's so that they can be sarkari babu(government employee).

after that they don't give a damn.ever wondered why every one of our senior scientists are south indians???
because they study for the sake of making a difference.most of the people in drdo are there to get permanent government job so they don't work like others do.

also they don't have no competition.i would like to see private sectors in defence as they are more capable than these sh8tty government organisations but this won't happen because politicians in india are sh8t and they want money(& u thought pakistani politicians are sh8t.right)

look at ISRO man they make us indian proud.they do impossible things in such low budget.it's all because they want to be there.they want to explore the space.they are doing it for there own curiosity on the other hand people in drdo and bhel are there just for the sake of getting money monthly.iam not saying they all are like this but most of them are like this.
What kind of tatpunjiya tests are they performing by firing 2 units - bancho? I must remember not to check news whenever pinaka is mentioned. 20 years of development. Life ban gayee DRDO ke babuon ki. Raat bhar biwi ko thoko, din mein office mein aaram karo, fir wohi purana rocket chala ke bolo "partial success."

Please get the information before posting yaar, Pinaka was successfully used in Kargil war also, this one is an advanced version of the system.

Pinaka Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every research organization fails, you only get to see the finished products, and our Govt. organizations like DRDO, HAL, ISRO, etc. has many success stories to show, just Google for it. Trust me, you have enough reasons to be proud of them.
@bloo @Kloitra @Alphacharlie @angeldude13 thanks for your replies………
Blooo learn from Kloitra……
yeah I know about sucesses but soo much budget spending on some projects and still no result…
but i bleive the enginiers work is supers but its control management and politicians messing with projects like LCA……
I means man LCA can fly let it induced then test other systems onboard onwards……
It has many benifits…
1.secracy (noone knows its true capability)
2.man machine interface and better understanding
3.training benificial
well whatever your officials are doing I hope they know about it……
Kloitra,angle dude I appriciate you for understanding ny point and givibg sencible replies……:tup:

@Alphacharlie you got me all wrong dude……
you should talk with facts rather than roaming about here and there to increase your no of posts…
learn from your fellows bro……:coffee:
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