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Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

As Martin Niemöller puts it

First they came for the Ahmedies, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Ahmedy.

Then they came for the Hindus/christen, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Hindu/christen.

Then they came for the shia, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Shia.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
I have taken this from Sir FATMAN post

While the militants continue to present the main physical threat, the military’s poorly conceived counter-insurgency strategies, heavy-handed methods and failure to restore responsive and accountable civilian administration and policing are proving counter-productive, aggravating public resentment and widening the gulf between FATA’s citizens and the state. Meanwhile neither the federal nor the KPK provincial government is fully addressing the security concerns of residents.

Calling it military’s poorly conceived counter-insurgency strategies is an insult to the intelligence of every body with intelligence.

Pakistani Military counter-insurgency strategies is 1000000% responsible for terrorist in pakistan and this is at work as we speak.

Having shias blown to pieces and look the other way is part of the strategy.

heavy-handed methods

what a joke 3 suicide bombers trainers and suicide jacket experts walk out of military jail like they never existed.

well known terrorist continue to send Money to their loved ones every Month How? where is ISI oh yeah dropping the Monthly paychecks to terrorist.

ISI is training and supporting terrorist 100% terrorist.
Why? Why does it have to stop?Islam is being cleansed, so that "Real, True Islam can prevail

Well said..survival of the fittest...by the way have you ever been to Pakistan...why not try to stay for a year...and clean some by yourself too.
This will keep happening until people change their attitude...."they think more about their virtual afterlife...and less about the real world they live in"...if one can make this life worth living, happy and peaceful...things will definitely be better in afterlife.

This is what people in Pakistan are dealing with...

Five dead in militant attack on PA’s office in Peshawar: Officials
Militants including a suicide bomber attacked the office of a senior official on Bara Road in Peshawar on Monday, killing five people, officials said.
The top political official, Mutahir Zeb, for the northwestern tribal district of Khyber was holding a meeting in his office but was not hurt in the attack.
At least five people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the entrance to the Peshawar complex, which also contains cells where police detain suspected militants, officials said.
“We have five dead. Seven are injured. They have been admitted with serious injuries,” Jamal Shah, spokesman for the Lady Reading Hospital.
“The dead include four security officials and one civilian, an old man of about 60,” he added.
Some officials suggested the militants staged the attack to free detainees and unconfirmed reports indicated that some prisoners may have escaped.
Muhammad Iqbal Afridi, local leader in the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), told AFP that he heard heavy gunfire.
“We were inside the office when we heard gun shots. Suddenly firing started and then they hurled some grenades,” Afridi said.
“Then there was intense exchange of firing between the militants and the security forces. Later, security forces evacuated us from the building. While leaving, I saw two dead bodies and blood everywhere,” he added.
Witnesses said there had been three attackers. Security officials told AFP that soldiers were combing the area for the other two.
“One of them blew himself up, killing two local police officials and a search is on for other suspected suicide bombers,” one of the officials said.
“We were holding a meeting and some others were joining us when firing started inside the political compound, and then there was a heavy blast, and again heavy firing began,” said tribal politician Niaz Ahmad Khan.
“We were told by the officials to take shelter inside the office as the terrorists had attacked the political compound.”
He said he saw two bodies and some injured people lying on the ground inside the compound in the northwestern city.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
Note: This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.

Five dead in militant attack on PA
Five dead in militant attack on PA’s office in Peshawar: Officials
Militants including a suicide bomber attacked the office of a senior official on Bara Road in Peshawar on Monday, killing five people, officials said.
The top political official, Mutahir Zeb, for the northwestern tribal district of Khyber was holding a meeting in his office but was not hurt in the attack.
At least five people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the entrance to the Peshawar complex, which also contains cells where police detain suspected militants, officials said.
“We have five dead. Seven are injured. They have been admitted with serious injuries,” Jamal Shah, spokesman for the Lady Reading Hospital.
“The dead include four security officials and one civilian, an old man of about 60,” he added.
Some officials suggested the militants staged the attack to free detainees and unconfirmed reports indicated that some prisoners may have escaped.
Muhammad Iqbal Afridi, local leader in the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), told AFP that he heard heavy gunfire.
“We were inside the office when we heard gun shots. Suddenly firing started and then they hurled some grenades,” Afridi said.
“Then there was intense exchange of firing between the militants and the security forces. Later, security forces evacuated us from the building. While leaving, I saw two dead bodies and blood everywhere,” he added.
Witnesses said there had been three attackers. Security officials told AFP that soldiers were combing the area for the other two.
“One of them blew himself up, killing two local police officials and a search is on for other suspected suicide bombers,” one of the officials said.
“We were holding a meeting and some others were joining us when firing started inside the political compound, and then there was a heavy blast, and again heavy firing began,” said tribal politician Niaz Ahmad Khan.
“We were told by the officials to take shelter inside the office as the terrorists had attacked the political compound.”
He said he saw two bodies and some injured people lying on the ground inside the compound in the northwestern city.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
Note: This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.

Five dead in militant attack on PA

The TTP is becoming bolder and bolder! This time the terrorists announced the Peshawar attacks before even attacking!! See: TTP becoming bolder now? They posted messages before attackin... on Twitpic
Don't know how to post the twitter pic here.

You can follow me on twitter at: www.twitter.com/saraalees
Why? Why does it have to stop?Islam is being cleansed, so that "Real, True Islam can prevail

I am a bit confused here, Muse. I suppose my lack of knowledge on the specifics of Pakistan's situation is to blame but how could a bombing in a public place be acceptable, especially since explosions rarely differentiate between sectarian appurtenance in victims?

I think I missed your point on that ( less it was a jest? ); please explain in greater details.

Thanks in advance, Tay.
I am a bit confused here, Muse. I suppose my lack of knowledge on the specifics of Pakistan's situation is to blame but how could a bombing in a public place be acceptable, especially since explosions rarely differentiate between sectarian appurtenance in victims?

I think I missed your point on that ( less it was a jest? ); please explain in greater details.
Thanks in advance, Tay.

Islam is being cleansed, so that "Real, True Islam can prevail - If you want True Islam to prevail, why would you want this to stop? - Of you think "THE truth" is something we can only see in facets/reflections, then of course, we would want it to stop.
Islam is being cleansed, so that "Real, True Islam can prevail - If you want True Islam to prevail, why would you want this to stop? - Of you think "THE truth" is something we can only see in facets/reflections, then of course, we would want it to stop.

The worrisome part is that a good proportion of the Citizenry/People will get "cleaned/eliminated" before this "cleansing" (as you put it) will happen. What about that? Why on earth are people so bl00dy unmindful of that?

What is all this? Another manifestation of a "scorched earth" policy? Who will be spared from that Armageddon? Who can (in his right mind) think that he or his own will remain "unscorched" from the conflagration?
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The worrisome part is that a good proportion of the Citizenry/People will get "cleaned/eliminated" before this "cleansing" (as you put it) will happen. What about that? Why on earth are people so bl00dy unmindful of that?

What is all this? Another manifestation of a "scorched earth" policy? Who will be spared from that Armageddon? Who can (in his right mind) think that he or his own will remain "unscorched" from the conflagration?

Yeah, what about it?

Who will escape being scorched? No one. And the biggest is loser will the idea of Islam, the "fat cats" of so called Real Islam, they'll escape to the West for asylum
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Yeah, what about it?

Who will escape being scorched? No one. And the biggest is loser will the idea of Islam, the "fat cats" of so called Real Islam, they'll escape to the West for asylum

I can't with any degree of certainty say how it will go; though the scenario that you have sketched is entirely plausible and credible.
All I can see is a huge human tragedy unfolding. Slowly and not so slowly. And honestly, I can't ignore that.
Islam is being cleansed, so that "Real, True Islam can prevail - If you want True Islam to prevail, why would you want this to stop? - Of you think "THE truth" is something we can only see in facets/reflections, then of course, we would want it to stop.

As the learned say "only a crisis will probably change the situation in Pakistan".
All I can see is a huge human tragedy unfolding. Slowly and not so slowly. And honestly, I can't ignore that.

The Wahabi is convinced that this will save them - to them it really is life or death, see, the better you understand the whole "THE Truth" thing, and the employment of Takfir - well, for non-Muslims, really see Utopia and Violence in "the Happiness is.." thread
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