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Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

this is all happening all bcoz of bast*rd CJ, ISI told him many time dont free these 260 men but he like all Pakistani enemies just thought of his post & freed them, in the case an ISI officer said to him if the casue any damage to this country it will be bcoz of u. i took 6 years for Pakistani agencies to catch these men & now they are spread in Pakistan again.

I HATE LIARS & LAWYERS. this is the slogen i have printer on my Car.

this is all happening all bcoz of bast*rd CJ, ISI told him many time dont free these 260 men but he like all Pakistani enemies just thought of his post & freed them, in the case an ISI officer said to him if the casue any damage to this country it will be bcoz of u. i took 6 years for Pakistani agencies to catch these men & now they are spread in Pakistan again.

I HATE LIARS & LAWYERS. this is the slogen i have printer on my Car.


Champ Bhai, as much as you hate lawyers, you need them to run the justice system.

How are people to resolve disputes with dysfunctional courts?

You must realize that the lack of a functioning civil society is also one of the factors fuelling the extremists.
You must realize that the lack of a functioning civil society is also one of the factors fuelling the extremists.

Not really. Its the other way round. People like Atiaz Ashan who are nothing more then liers running they their dirty work behind this so called movement of free Judiciary and which is the main cause of what we are facing today. People like the CJ who because of his personal enemity towards Musharraf flushed pakistan's interest down the toilet.
Not really. Its the other way round. People like Atiaz Ashan who are nothing more then liers running they their dirty work behind this so called movement of free Judiciary and which is the main cause of what we are facing today. People like the CJ who because of his personal enemity towards Musharraf flushed pakistan's interest down the toilet.

I guess I'm speaking from the experience of India's CJ.
Here, the Chief Justice is a very respected, and highly ethical post.

One of the key factors infact, that keep India ticking.
I HATE LIARS & LAWYERS. this is the slogen i have printer on my Car.

I think i'll print it too on my car and hope i dont get my back window broken.lol it will be damn expensive if that happens:lol:
I think i'll print it too on my car and hope i dont get my back window broken.lol it will be damn expensive if that happens:lol:

Dude you are soo funny iam with you !!!!!!! These liars i mean lawyars should Stop serving outer forces and should benifite Pakistan for god sake this is your country.
Death of 12 persons confirmed in Lahore twin blasts

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
LAHORE: Several people are feared dead as a result of twin blasts in Lahore, eyewitnesses said. The death of 12 people has been confirmed so far.

One blast occurred at Lahore model Town Block-F near to Bilawal House and residence of Lahore City Nazim Amir Mehmood. The other blast occurred at FIA Office near Mayo hospital at Temple road.

According to the preliminary investigation it was suicide attack at FIA Office. The attack occurred at about 920AM.

Over 15 bodies and dozens injured have been shifted Lahore Mayo hospital, the sources said.

According to an eyewitness he saw one person dead and three others critically injured at model town.

The police and rescue team have reached on the spot. The fear has gripped the area due to blasts.
13 People Killed, 100 Hurt, in Twin Bombs in Lahore
By Farhan Sharif

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- At least 13 people were killed and another 100 injured in twin bomb explosions in Pakistan's eastern city of Lahore.

``The death toll is expected to rise sharply,'' Hafiz Faisal, a spokesman for Edhi Foundation, the nation's biggest ambulance service, said on the telephone from Lahore. ``Some people died on the spot from the impact. We are still trying to recover bodies from the debris.''

There were two bomb blasts within moments of each other, the government's emergency service said. The first explosion took place in the building of the Federal Investigation Agency, a government office, and the second blast occurred in the residential area of Model Town.

It was the second attack in Lahore this month. At least four people, including two members of the navy, were killed in a twin suicide attack in the city on March 4. The number of people killed in terrorist attacks in Pakistan more than doubled to 2,116 last year, according to the interior ministry.

``Most of the injured are very badly hurt because of the impact of the bomb blast,'' Fiyaz Ahmed Ranjha, medical superintendent at Mayo Hospital in Lahore, said by telephone. ``The death toll could rise further.''

The first explosion took place when a car full of explosives hit the gates of the building, the emergency service said. The second bomb exploded on a motorbike.

Cars were set ablaze and windows of nearby buildings were shattered by today's blasts, GEO television reported.
I am so sick and tired of all this terrorism......Our people are acting like cowards. If they were like me they would go on protest against GOP for not doing enough in war on terror. If people were like me they will give green signal to GOP to KILL all these terrorists. While GEO was showing news about lahore twin blasts people started fighting with POLICE for not letting them go inside and help their fellow brothers BUT I WILL SAY STUPIDS WHAT ANOTHER SUCIDE BOMBERS SNEEKS IN WITH YOU GUYS THEN WHAT WILL YOU DO. I am so sick of our people and media going against GOP. If people were like me they would support this GOVERMENT and help it everyway to overcome this situations instead of making peace deals with terrorists. If people were like me they would report a single word agaisnt Pakistan to POLICE or any threat. I AM SO SICK OF THIS..................AND YEH IF ANYBODY IS GOING TO CHALLENGE THIS HE/SHE BETTER BE HAVING A STRONG POINT BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO BE A NICE PERSON ON THIS TOPIC. One last thing our all the religous scholars are so fake in pakistan YEH I AM DARE TO SAY THAT ALL THESE RELIGOUS SCHOLARS IN PAKISTAN ARE SO FAKE BECAUSE IF THEY WERE TRUE THEY WOULD OFF CAME ON MEDIA AND TELL THE TRUE MEANINGS OF ISLAM AND COMDEM THESE ACTS AND PASS A FATAWA AGAINST THESE TERRORISTS. YES FATAWA. BUT INSTEAD THEY ARE SO SCARED TO ALL COME ON TV AND TALK AGAINST TERRORISTS. I PRAY TO ALLAH TO BE ON OUR SIDE AND DAMN THESE TERRORISTS. AMIN SUM AMIN
I am so sick and tired of all this terrorism......Our people are acting like cowards. If they were like me they would go on protest against GOP for not doing enough in war on terror. If people were like me they will give green signal to GOP to KILL all these terrorists. While GEO was showing news about lahore twin blasts people started fighting with POLICE for not letting them go inside and help their fellow brothers BUT I WILL SAY STUPIDS WHAT ANOTHER SUCIDE BOMBERS SNEEKS IN WITH YOU GUYS THEN WHAT WILL YOU DO. I am so sick of our people and media going against GOP. If people were like me they would support this GOVERMENT and help it everyway to overcome this situations instead of making peace deals with terrorists. If people were like me they would report a single word agaisnt Pakistan to POLICE or any threat. I AM SO SICK OF THIS..................AND YEH IF ANYBODY IS GOING TO CHALLENGE THIS HE/SHE BETTER BE HAVING A STRONG POINT BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO BE A NICE PERSON ON THIS TOPIC. One last thing our all the religous scholars are so fake in pakistan YEH I AM DARE TO SAY THAT ALL THESE RELIGOUS SCHOLARS IN PAKISTAN ARE SO FAKE BECAUSE IF THEY WERE TRUE THEY WOULD OFF CAME ON MEDIA AND TELL THE TRUE MEANINGS OF ISLAM AND COMDEM THESE ACTS AND PASS A FATAWA AGAINST THESE TERRORISTS. YES FATAWA. BUT INSTEAD THEY ARE SO SCARED TO ALL COME ON TV AND TALK AGAINST TERRORISTS. I PRAY TO ALLAH TO BE ON OUR SIDE AND DAMN THESE TERRORISTS. AMIN SUM AMIN
mroe than 30 dead & more than 150 injured.

i was only 600m away from the place of the blast.

I am sick of these day to day blasts i say finish them off in one strike ok if there are civilian casualities but currently there are more happening then the ones we are avoiding.

I dont know how much more time our nation will take for them to realise that they should be standing against this problem very very strongly.

Our problem is that someone has to dramatize a particular problem in order for the nation to realise the importance of it..like the CJ case. Otherwise our people are ignorant and behiss.

Why dosent any lawyer, any journalist, any civil society comes on street and protest against these bombings??, how come all these people have time to take out rallies only for the lawyers propaganda campaign??
I havent seen any religion scholar come on television and initiate any talks in which he condems these acts and show his support for the government for taking out these people.

Shame on those people who instead are blaming the GoP as the cause of

May they Rest in Peace. Ameen
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