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Acts of Terrorism in pakistan I

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Just let me summarize. A typical madrassah in no way offers a standard of teaching equivalent to a Pakistani university. This is undeniable. A Madrassah only offers a specific interpretation of Islam, I'd call it brainwashing. Parents send kids to these poorly qualified schools because they have no money. The brainwashing is acceptable since some education is better than none. I would no class someone as educated who has attended a Madrassah. You only have to look at some of those sites to realize the people writing them do not even have a firm grasp of English or of computer technicality. To summarize again what started all this off, Mullah Omar is not educated..he is a product of a madrassah and decades of war.

The "shuttlecock burkha" is worn by a minority of people generally from villages in the tribal region, it is not mainstream. Mainstream in Pakistan is on the whole no head covering except for some occasions when duputta is worn for some events that require modesty. The mainstream is what is important in this case.
Just let me summarize. A typical madrassah in no way offers a standard of teaching equivalent to a Pakistani university. This is undeniable. A Madrassah only offers a specific interpretation of Islam, I'd call it brainwashing. Parents send kids to these poorly qualified schools because they have no money. The brainwashing is acceptable since some education is better than none. I would no class someone as educated who has attended a Madrassah. You only have to look at some of those sites to realize the people writing them do not even have a firm grasp of English or of computer technicality.
That's where i differ, yes there is a certain amount of lack of critical judgement/thinking installed, but these guys are perfectly educated, 12 years of grueling learning in the disciplines mentioned above certainly constitute to a higher education. They have every right to consider themselves as scholars. They have every right to compare themselves with those students who have studied religious education in conventional Uni's. They have every right to protest when others discriminate and call them uneducated.
Not all parents send their Children to Madrassah's because they are poor. If there was a proper life outside Madrassah, meaning if they were appeciated, recognised, integrated and decently paid alot more middle class people might send their kids their IMO.
i still maintain that mainstream Pakistani women donot go out with their heads uncovered.
Um i think your out of your mind. have you ever taken a look see into the ALIM course in madrassah's or religeous school of Pakistan? They have a grueling 6 year course are subject to examinations to an independat board and have to learn many things in accordance such as , Islamic law, juridsperence, lanuguages, Persian,arabic, Quaranic interpreations, theology ect. I think we have to dispell the "uneducated mullah" syndrome here. If you guys ever studied or took interest in what these guys go through then you'd realise the level of difficulty of their studies is much harder than yor average open uni degree or your run of the milll diplomas. There is a meticulous syllabi that these guys adhere to and is probably the best institute in Pakistan to teach basic education to impoverished children who if didn't attend these madrassah's wouldn'y be able to spell there own names. Nowonder the Alim degree is now officially recognised as the equivelance to a BA.
That's not to say they don't have a plethora of downsides to them, im just saying that these Madrassah's are real educational institutes in every sense of the word.

That's where i differ, yes there is a certain amount of lack of critical judgement/thinking installed, but these guys are perfectly educated, 12 years of grueling learning in the disciplines mentioned above certainly constitute to a higher education. They have every right to consider themselves as scholars. They have every right to compare themselves with those students who have studied religious education in conventional Uni's. They have every right to protest when others discriminate and call them uneducated.
Not all parents send their Children to Madrassah's because they are poor. If there was a proper life outside Madrassah, meaning if they were appeciated, recognised, integrated and decently paid alot more middle class people might send their kids their IMO.
i still maintain that mainstream Pakistani women donot go out with their heads uncovered.

I think the problem with Madrassa education is not that the material they study does not require hard work, but that the education is so unidimensional, throughout the educational life of the child/teen, that they grow up ignorant of the complexities and diversity of the world.

When you talk about the absence of a "proper life outside the Madrassa", it is not the fault of society that the administrators of these Madrassa's chose not to educate them in any thing other than "Islamic theology". Why should a bank, an engineering firm, a software house hire a person whose mind has only been exposed to, and trained in, Islam? That was the reason Musharraf wanted to introduce mathematics and the sciences into Madrassa curriculum, so that this stigma the Taliba face could be diminished as they too are able to compete in a modern, technology based world. You know very well what the response of most of the Madrassa's was. Even those that agreed, wanted the money, but no oversight.

If the Madrassa's choose to restrict their curriculum to only that which you stated in your post, then the only opportunities for them will continue to remain the "neighborhood mosque", or the odd job as a Persian/Urdu/Arabic interpreter. Don't blame society for this. The Madrassa's have the money, if they don't, the government has offered the money provided they accept oversight (which is a completely reasonable demand). The ball is in the Madrassa's court, will they choose to reform and once more become bastions of education, or remain ossified in preaching their unidimensional world view?
but i personally would not have a single mullah in charge of any setting up of a sharia system.
There job would be only to see if under scrutiny the could prove any legislation was unislamic.

I would leave the setting up of a islamic welfare state "sharia" to the prof,scientist,scholars,economist ect.
I do not understand where the notion of having mullahs running the country came from.......i have never read in the koran the the mullahs should be judge and jury.
The perfect sharia state for me would be a cross between turkey,malayasia,scandinavia.
The way i have been told a islamic state would work is for example on TV make sure all the woman cover there hair with a hijad,headscrarf,baseball cap whatever they choose.This will send a message to society on what it thinks is acceptable.
Rather then forcing woman to cover there hair let them choose,after a while the influence of the media will change the womans view on fashion and rather then today where the nmedia wants you to show everything, you bring back modesty/family values using the media.

Do you not see the contradictions here? A State is governed by laws, a constitution; that is the essence of a State. How can you say that the Mullahs will not be in charge of setting up a Sharia system when, as you suggest, they will have the authority to declare laws as un-Islamic? The process essentially gives them veto power over the constitution. The Mullahs will either formulate the constitution, in which case I will go back to my earlier argument of "they need to universalize this Sharia system", and present some sort of document detailing the systems salient points, that is acceptable to all the sects; or they need to stay out of it completely and work on peacefully influencing society towards being "moral" and "ethical".
How generous of the Taliban.

Recommend them for the Nobel Peace Prize!
How generous of the Taliban.

Recommend them for the Nobel Peace Prize!

Why would you agree with it anyways? Specially when india is behind it.
How generous of the Taliban.

Recommend them for the Nobel Peace Prize!

The routine all over the world.
All such claims are trusted without any hesitation.
Why would you agree with it anyways? Specially when india is behind it.

Of course. India must be behind all this!

India was also the cause of WWII.

Remember the Swatika?

India sure inspires the world. Great country, I must say!

Only thing is it was a cockeyed Swastika. I am sure you will say that the West is full of idiots!

I am sure that will give immense delight to your troubled soul!

Sadly Musharraf does not feel the way you do, but then I reckon you sure must be knowing the Taliban better. Not that I am suggesting you are one.

Just for your information, Musharraf is the last bet for India. BB and NS have been seen. They are the only other options and they haven't done much (because they are answerable to people like you). Musharraf has at least thawed the ICECOLD equation.

We would hardly like to destablise him to ensure another decade of horrific life!

Why are you so keen to support terrorists who are plaguing your country?

It is 'anyway' in English and not 'anyways' That is American. You are a loyal follower of the USA?

Don't mind, if you get personal, then I can match you too. Please note I have always avoided personal attacks.

Could we stop being personal?
SARGODHA, Aug 2: A suicide bomber and a police officer were killed and a constable was injured when an attempt to blow up the Police Training School here was foiled on Thursday.

The suicide bomber who had climbed the wall of the school early in the morning was gunned down after he opened fire with a pistol and started running towards the parade ground when policemen tried to stop him.

He was wearing a jacket packed with explosives and detonator and carried a Russian-made hand-grenade. About 950 recruits were to attend a parade 10 minutes later.

Assistant Sub-Inspector Zakaullah was killed in the exchange of fire.

District Police Officer Sheikh Mohammad Umer told Dawn that the assailant might have been accompanied by other people. He said the young assailant did not appear to be from tribal area.

At a press briefing later, the DPO said that the suicide bomber was carrying explosive material of high intensity weighing about 6kg, a hand-grenade and a pistol.

He said Punjab police chief Naseem Ahmed had announced Rs1 million compensation for heirs of the ASI killed in the attack. He will be posthumously awarded the Quaid-i-Azam Police Medal.

He said the attacker seemed to hail from the Seraiki belt. A team of the National Database and Registration Authority has been called to identify the bomber with the help of fingerprints.

Great action by a brave policeman.

He deserves all the honours.


Just for your information, Musharraf is the last bet for India. BB and NS have been seen. They are the only other options and they haven't done much (because they are answerable to people like you). Musharraf has at least thawed the ICECOLD equation.

We would hardly like to destablise him to ensure another decade of horrific life!

It is 'anyway' in English and not 'anyways' That is American. You are a loyal follower of the USA?

Don't mind, if you get personal, then I can match you too. Please note I have always avoided personal attacks.

Could we stop being personal?

Well what are the personal remarks for? If i am a loyal follower is it a problem with you regarding that? Musharraf is the best option for india what really makes you think 1 cares wht is and wht is not best for india. The interior minister said the guys caught from peshwar, they all linked towards a foreign hand, i believe it wouldnt be india coz then again musharraf is the best option for them.
I'm not getting personal with you, i dnt need too specially with a minority in india.
Well what are the personal remarks for? If i am a loyal follower is it a problem with you regarding that? Musharraf is the best option for india what really makes you think 1 cares wht is and wht is not best for india. The interior minister said the guys caught from peshwar, they all linked towards a foreign hand, i believe it wouldnt be india coz then again musharraf is the best option for them.
I'm not getting personal with you, i dnt need too specially with a minority in india.

What are you talking about.

Get a hold of yourself.

Why would you agree with it anyways? Specially when india is behind it

Isn't that personal to my:

Originally Posted by Salim View Post
How generous of the Taliban.

Recommend them for the Nobel Peace Prize!

I have no problem to your being a Taliban. It will be of interest to Musharraf however.

You don't have to care about what is best for India. But unlike you, I care what is best for India and Pakistan because it affects both our countries. I am not driven by any 'hate' instincts.

If you don't like Musharraf, then you are entitled to your hate India post.

I like Musharraf.

Also don't use 'anyways'. It is American and since you don't like America, don't copycat them and show that their way is the best and what all like. Unlike you, I don't like American English!

But if you are head over heels in love with Bush and the US, then please don't post anything against Bush or the US. Or else it will be hypocritical!
What are you talking about.

Get a hold of yourself.

Isn't that personal to my:

I have no problem to your being a Taliban. It will be of interest to Musharraf however.

You don't have to care about what is best for India. But unlike you, I care what is best for India and Pakistan because it affects both our countries. I am not driven by any 'hate' instincts.

If you don't like Musharraf, then you are entitled to your hate India post.

I like Musharraf.

Also don't use 'anyways'. It is American and since you don't like America, don't copycat them and show that their way is the best and what all like. Unlike you, I don't like American English!

But if you are head over heels in love with Bush and the US, then please don't post anything against Bush or the US. Or else it will be hypocritical!

!st of all what i wrote above was in context it wasnt a personal remark, anyhow you are entitled to whatever u think.Where did i say that i dislike musharraf, you have a problem understanding my post, i said we dont do things according to indian wishes.
I being a tailban, you can go to hell, anyways u are in hell.
I can post anything i like if i use an american way of writing that makes me bush lover! cut the crap.
And finally i dont have a harted towards india, i have towards anti pakistan policy and attitude of you and ur kind sitting on this forum.
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