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Actresses Sara Chaudhry and Sataesh Khan Left showbiz for Islam.

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Me ? :D Well come visit the country back , some day and I promise you will not call the overdoses of religion - irrational anymore ,
My last visit was 2 yrs back and before that I had visited every 1-2 yrs...believe me the thing I see in that mate of yours is something else it is the other end of the spectrum..Unless some family member was shot in front of him by a militant I dont see any excuses for such behaviour!
Mademoiselle . Its not the religion to be phobic of , rather its the extremist thought and well actions . You know well where she went with that thought , too .
Read his post in EVERY thread that is RELATED to Islam...Or ARABS or Pakistan's religion...
Ok, I haven't read the whole article, nor I really know who these people are, but am I suppose to care about what they do or don't do?
Ok, I haven't read the whole article, nor I really know who these people are, but am I suppose to care about what they do or don't do?
Well if you want to take part in the thread...I supposed so...
@Secur bro! Difference in opinion doesnt come with EVERY THREAD with Islam written on with going down the drain when a certain someone comes on it....and esp not when what a certain someone wrote something (in EVERY single thread) had nothing to do with what the thread was about! You can announce your differences but plastering off topic phobia ON EVERY THREAD is insane...You study psychology or something? What is the term for such a mania?! :enjoy:

Yes it doesn't . I know some people start to see a problem with " fundamentalism " but @Talon trust me , its because of what is happening in the country . Its a cause and effect to speak it loud , the extremists and the liberals have both gone further extreme . You see I immediately pointed out the ' red line ' at her idea of stress relieving oneself technique by distancing from T.V . @FaujHistorian Be a little more positive and it wont hurt , I can promise you that :D

i know what your saying, but can you counter a bigot in?
i told him he judging a entire religion and group of people from the actions a very small group, and still in the end of the day just because somebody is religious he goes ranting oh heres the mullahs fanatics and all that non sense. some people are just void of commonsense.
he might know something about history or what not but going in circles and in the end of the day blame every problem on islam? lol common just think about it logically there is no reason him to do that when clearly its false.

A bigot ? To be really honest , @qamar1990 and I wish not to ruin this thread . This isn't a really small group of people , we are currently facing problem with , we have a radicalized masses here who wont appreciate what you are free to express here in any form . We seriously have a problem with extremism in this country which causes people to act/respond that way . I can understand your point of view , but going abusive/getting personal seriously doesn't help your argument in any way . Counter the argument by a counter argument . You know to debate for one .
Yes it doesn't . I know some people start to see a problem with " fundamentalism " but @Talon trust me , its because of what is happening in the country . Its a cause and effect to speak it loud , the extremists and the liberals have both gone further extreme . You see I immediately pointed out the ' red line ' at her idea of stress relieving oneself technique by distancing from T.V . @FaujHistorian Be a little more positive and it wont hurt , I can promise you that :D
Well, like I said in my previous post, when one is depressed or a life changing incident occurs (near death, loss of loved one or any such thing) it is HUMAN NATURE to turn to the creator....Many in the West turn to become a Nun or a monk or to Hinduism or Buddhism, then why is it wrong when this 1 turned to Islam?

2ndly, she has been in the media business and prob knows it way better than any of us...If she finds it filthy now or address something wrong then that is CLEARLY her opinion, why the harshness towards it by your mate there?

3rdly, I dont get how some of these things came into the thread:

No opinion.

Was she hindu/Chrisitian/Sikh etc. That she converted to Islam?

Or she was Muslim

And became Mullahni

What's the fuss about.

Personal choice is personal choice.

Tomorrow someone converts to Christianity

So people will open a troll thread on that too.

Personal faith should not be discussed in public.

Thank you

where does it say she "converted" ?

Did she call herself MULLAHNI? If no then why is this guy judging when in the same post he writes no opinion and about personal choice...then he goes to call it a troll thread just because it is about Islam? And why is it that when Aishwairia Rai had a baby it was PUBLIC's discussion, when Crown Princess had a baby it was PUBLIC's discussion when Angelina Jolie got married, it was everyone's business, when she said she wanted to remove her breast it was EVERYONE's discussion topic

but when it comes to Islam, lock it in your homes? THEN say women are not allowed to talk? Man doesnt that sound like crap?!

Islam cannot be helped with opening new threads in a forum

if you want to help Islam

Go tell Islamists to open their hearts to enlightenment, tolerance, and knowledge.
Why dont you practice what you preach...it aint helping no one with your phobia too...

I opened this thread to show them Islam is not that what these fanatics do who try to escape the security agencies in a woman's disguise but Islam is this who inspires u.........

And u ruined all that by starting to Judge them and their choice.

Kids now adays :disagree: they dont read the thread...You apparently need to write a summary so they dont go around bouncing and throwing their weight around ;)
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Well, like I said in my previous post, when one is depressed or a life changing incident occurs (near death, loss of loved one or any such thing) it is HUMAN NATURE to turn to the creator....Many in the West turn to become a Nun or a monk or to Hinduism or Buddhism, then why is it wrong when this 1 turned to Islam?

2ndly, she has been in the media business and prob knows it way better than any of us...If she finds it filthy now or address something wrong then that is CLEARLY her opinion, why the harshness towards it by your mate there?

3rdly, I dont get how some of these things came into the thread:

where does it say she "converted" ?

Did she call herself MULLAHNI? If no then why is this guy judging when in the same post he writes no opinion and about personal choice...then he goes to call it a troll thread just because it is about Islam? And why is it that when Aishwairia Rai had a baby it was PUBLIC's discussion, when Crown Princess had a baby it was PUBLIC's discussion when Angelina Jolie got married, it was everyone's business, when she said she wanted to remove her breast it was EVERYONE's discussion topic

but when it comes to Islam, lock it in your homes? THEN say women are not allowed to talk? Man doesnt that sound like crap?!

Why dont you practice what you preach...it aint helping no one with your phobia too...


No more discussion on someone's personal faith.

May she get the spiritual enlightenment and become a good humble citizen of Pakistan. Who loves Pakistan more than some religious mumbo jumbo ummambo jumbo. Ameen!

To all those in this thread are jumping up and down in the name of one religion or the other,
May you all get some drop in your fever and other body part temps. Summa Ameen!

If not, do not forget to drink lots of fluids.

peace to all.
Well everyone's entitled to his/her opinion but hey its the same liberals/seculars guaranteeing that , I know the immediate response of the other side quite well . I know she's young and coming out of a different world altogether but why does practicing the faith is somehow associated always , in one way or other , with ridiculing/dismissing/criticizing/disowning the modern technologies and sciences ? I do not seem to understand that pattern of thought ever ! One goes to the extreme himself/herself , he/she is not forced on gun point . I know what you are talking about there , but it doesn't mean that you start doing the same thing that has " ruined the Muslims " .

Well, can we analyze that point then? Why she said that can ONLY be answered by her and HER direct experience with the media...like not long ago we had a thread about how women were "harassed" in media world....well, maybe she sees that bad...or maybe she sees the channels showing 1 sided stories or HIGHLIGHTING a 1 off incident as bad...Must I go on? I am not her...we all can tell why she got pissed at our media...Apart from that only she can answer WHAT SHE REALLY MEANT
Well, like I said in my previous post, when one is depressed or a life changing incident occurs (near death, loss of loved one or any such thing) it is HUMAN NATURE to turn to the creator....Many in the West turn to become a Nun or a monk or to Hinduism or Buddhism, then why is it wrong when this 1 turned to Islam?

Nothing , please discuss the topic . Leave anyone else's opinion .

There children will march among the ranks of alqaida and taliban.

Why ? Mate , honestly . :what:
Kids now adays :disagree: they dont read the thread...You apparently need to write a summary so they dont go around bouncing and throwing their weight around ;)
I actually had mentioned this in the thread that why i opened and posted her interview as some sort of summery so if they dont watch that long video they can read the short interview.

But like u said they dont read the thread.
Well, can we analyze that point then? Why she said that can ONLY be answered by her and HER direct experience with the media...like not long ago we had a thread about how women were "harassed" in media world....well, maybe she sees that bad...or maybe she sees the channels showing 1 sided stories or HIGHLIGHTING a 1 off incident as bad...Must I go on? I am not her...we all can tell why she got pissed at our media...Apart from that only she can answer WHAT SHE REALLY MEANT

Yes , we can . I specified that " she doesn't necessarily " mean anything wrong by it in the previous post . Her opinion is much respected but the usual hate/disdain for modernity and sciences , we see once one turns religious ( at least from what I have seen ) is alarming for me . Having a lot of first hand experiences with it , I will just say that it isn't healthy by any means . What she had to say , she knows better .
First those Islam is personal choice their knowledge off Islam is worse than Abu Juhal and all enemies off Islam and Prophets that is why they stood against it because they knew it was complete system yes sataesh left show biz when her career was rising and Sarah left when she was ruling showbiz and many more will leave this evil false carrier really soon May Allah guide us all ameen @Umair Nawaz @Talon @HRK
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