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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

why do you want to invade Vietnam just because we seek alliance with other countries?
Many countries have security alliance with America. When will you invade S Korea, Japan, Taiwan and many other in the region and the world?

If you haven´t noticed: Vietnam is a sovereign nation. We do what we like. Do you ask us for permission if you do military excises or make alliances with others? Do you respect us at all?

No, You have no say. You are zero. Don´t pretend you are God.

as for Japan, Vietnam has just proposed a field defence cooperation. That means, we would soon see Japanese army in Vietnam and vice versa, Vietnam army in Japan. Exciting times ahead.

Vietnam wants field defense cooperation with Japan - News VietNamNet
Have you ever heard about Cuba crisis? stupid viets. why US care so much about USSR and Cuba alliance,why Russia object Ukraine joining Nato? learn some international politics before your BS.

Actually, we are not like US. we don't care your alliance. we encourage you to do that. As I said, we could do whatever we want then because we are single-handedly confronted a powerful alliance, nobody would say us bullying.

as long as US or jap army in our neigbour, we will strike for sure, just like korea war and vietnam war. That is our bottom line. why did you scare of? you have the most powful allies to protect you.

again, the same apply to you: You have no say. You are zero. Don´t pretend you are innocent victim
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This is a complete and utter BS lie. India has been at war with all its neighbors since the country came into existence in 1947. But this is not surprising coming from an Indian, most of them are habitual and deceptive liars. Using some of our own traitors within our country they have destroyed democracy and installed their puppet dictator in Bangladesh. That is why we Bangladeshi people, as well as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan (if they still have a choice) will ally with China to balance the threat coming from India. If possible we will help China to make India disintegrate into many manageable pieces, specially we will hope that China supports the independence of North East states and let them free themselves from the colonial occupation of "mainland" India.

Also Pakistan and Bangladesh will hope that all Muslim countries of the world ally with China. The only exceptions are NATO member Turkey and small European Muslim majority countries like Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo.

I am glad that Japan is coming out strongly with their remilitarization, it will also make China think about creating their own alliance based on SCO, which I hope all Muslim countries will join, except for the above mentioned countries.

Within 10 years Russian weapons will loose their edge compared to Chinese weapons tech, so India will be forced to give up their deceptive Non-aligned foreign policy (mainly based on Russian weapons tech superiority over China) and will be forced to join the US led alliance of Asian Pivot, which will include US, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Philippines and India.

And in the end the US led alliance will lose, bringing misery to all the countries included in this alliance, that is my humble prediction.
In fact,most neighbours of China live peaceful with us
central asian five countries: all peaceful with us
Afghanistan:no problem with them
Pakistan:no need to say
Napal:no problem
Laos:no problem
Burma:small problem,but not too important
Bhutan::India's vassal state
Then look at India
China:no need to say
Pakistan:no need to say
Bangladesh:you know it very well
Sri Lanka:....................
Bhutan:India's vassal state
In fact,most neighbours of China live peaceful with us
central asian five countries: all peaceful with us
Afghanistan:no problem with them
Pakistan:no need to say
Napal:no problem
Laos:no problem
Burma:small problem,but not too important
Bhutan::India's vassal state
Then look at India
China:no need to say
Pakistan:no need to say
Bangladesh:you know it very well
Sri Lanka:....................
Bhutan:India's vassal state
except irritating vietnam and stupid india, all our other 12 neigbours are good friends. I think we can easily handle the former two clowns.
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Abe vows support for Viet Nam, Philippines in first Shangri-La speech
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged yesterday to support Viet Nam and the Philippines in their territorial disputes with China, saying the use of force and intimidation to change the status quo cannot be justified.


In a speech at the Asia Security Summit in Singapore, Abe said the rule of law is what makes the Asia-Pacific region stable, adding countries should adhere to international law, avoid resorting to force, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

The speech, the first by a Japanese prime minister at the forum also known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, came amid a recent spike in regional tensions as China deployed an oil rig on VietNam's continental shelf. Abe expressed hope that a code of conduct will be put in place in the South China Sea soon, adding Japan is studying the possibility of providing patrol ships to Viet Nam.

Tokyo and Beijing remain at odds over the sovereignty of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea, with Chinese fighter jets recently flying very close to Japanese Self-Defence Forces aircraft in the area.

To avoid contingencies at sea and in the skies, Abe urged China to keep its promise made in 2007 to set up a communications mechanism, and pursue dialogue.

Abe is trying to bolster Japan's defence capabilities as part of his broader remodelling of the country's security architecture to better address China's growing assertiveness and North Korea's missile and nuclear development programmes.

At the same time, he is strengthening bilateral ties not just with Japan's traditional ally the United States, but also with Southeast Asian countries and Australia to counterbalance the rise of China.

The Shangri-La Dialogue is being held as domestic debate intensifies over whether Japan should exercise the right to collective self-defence, in what would be a major departure from its postwar pacifist policy.

But Abe emphasised Japan will continue to be a pacifist state that makes a greater contribution to global peace.

Vietnamese delegation

The Vietnamese delegation to the dialogue held several meetings with foreign partners on the sidelines of the 13th IISS Asia Security Summit after their arrival in Singapore yesterday.

Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh held separate meetings with his counterparts from New Zealand, Jonathan Coleman, and Singapore, Ng Eng Heng.

Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh met with the head of the Russian delegation, Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov, and the head of the Chinese delegation, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong.

Minister Thanh and other members of the Vietnamese delegation also held a working session with officials of US company Lockheed Martin. He is scheduled to deliver a speech at the dialogue's third plenary session today and will also hold more bilateral meetings with the heads of some delegations to the event.

Hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the annual dialogue will have five plenary sessions. Participants will focus on the US's contributions to regional stability, the process of advancing military-to-military co-operation and the handling of tensions and conflict in the Asia-Pacific.

why do we only have 60 and Chinese 500 ships?

I can tell you. China is a pathetic country.

China has around 500 naval ships because china is a super power. Its the unofficially the 2nd or 3rd strongest country in the world. Vietnam is no where near that. Don't get me wrong I am not taking sides but I am only telling you the facts.

Regarding what happened with the fishing boat sinking, no one will know the truth but what we all know is that the fishing boat went fishing near the Chinese oil rig. The boat was warned not to come near. What if the boat was filled with explosives? Why would China not want t protect themselves?
I have expressed a 10-point plan long a while how Vietnam and China can settle the dispute in the SC Sea. But you rather want to dictate than negotiate the terms. Hopeless.
What 10 points? Do you have the capacity to understand international politics? I ask because you don't seem to understand what is going on.
I will never understand why some here seem to think they have personal control over their countries military. As if they have any power outside of PDF to make their country attack another country.
why do you want to invade Vietnam just because we seek alliance with other countries?
Many countries have security alliance with America. When will you invade S Korea, Japan, Taiwan and many other in the region and the world?

If you haven´t noticed: Vietnam is a sovereign nation. We do what we like. Do you ask us for permission if you do military excises or make alliances with others? Do you respect us at all?

No, You have no say. You are zero. Don´t pretend you are God.

as for Japan, Vietnam has just proposed a field defence cooperation. That means, we would soon see Japanese army in Vietnam and vice versa, Vietnam army in Japan. Exciting times ahead.

Vietnam wants field defense cooperation with Japan - News VietNamNet
Consider our warning to you. Once you head in the wrong path, you will be official enemy and we will make your country into a proxy battlefield.
except irritating vietnam and stupid india, all our other 12 neigbours are good friends. I think we can easily handle the former two.

Dude...yes...u can easily handle a nation whose population is going to be more than yours..shortly.
Let me try to draw a parallel between the Eastern and Western theatre. The EU seems to have some problems with Russia (in fact, we don't, but that's a different story), East and Southeast Asia seem to have problems with China. Both regions rely on the US to counter these two countries. Now, take away the US (more likely than you think) and the only one caught with its pants down are the Asian countries.

Why? The only capable country (technology, economy and manpower wise) in the East is Japan, the rest, in fact only Vietnam and Philippines are against China, are dirt poor and lack any technology. All these two countries have is low quality manpower.

The EU on the other hand has Germany, France, Italy and the Benelux (leave the US mole UK outside) with all the high-tech, economic and high quality manpower clout to build up a formidable military if there arises a need. That's why more and more people come to realize the need to get out of US-led NATO and form our own alliance, not to counter Russia but to form an even greater Eurasian economic zone spanning from Lisbon to Shanghai without the US being able to play dirty tricks.

Without the US, Japan is pretty much on its own and with a stagflationary economy going well into its third decade, I don't see anything positive for Japan in its future.
Let me try to draw a parallel between the Eastern and Western theatre. The EU seems to have some problems with Russia (in fact, we don't, but that's a different story), East and Southeast Asia seem to have problems with China. Both regions rely on the US to counter these two countries. Now, take away the US (more likely than you think) and the only one caught with its pants down are the Asian countries.

Why? The only capable country (technology, economy and manpower wise) in the East is Japan, the rest, in fact only Vietnam and Philippines are against China, are dirt poor and lack any technology. All these two countries have is low quality manpower.

The EU on the other hand has Germany, France, Italy and the Benelux (leave the US mole UK outside) with all the high-tech, economic and high quality manpower clout to build up a formidable military if there arises a need. That's why more and more people come to realize the need to get out of US-led NATO and form our own alliance, not to counter Russia but to form an even greater Eurasian economic zone spanning from Lisbon to Shanghai without the US being able to play dirty tricks.

Without the US, Japan is pretty much on its own and with a stagflationary economy going well into its third decade, I don't see anything positive for Japan in its future.
I believe Germany should rearm itself. We support German because it demonstrated responsibility of past and present. And Germany is powerful enough to have independent policy. German should not fear the US. They cannot retaliate if German breaks out of US's led order. Build a future for EU itself to be an independent bloc.
I believe Germany should rearm itself. We support German because it demonstrated responsibility of past and present. And Germany is powerful enough to have independent policy. German should not fear the US. They cannot retaliate if German breaks out of US's led order. Build a future for EU itself to be an independent bloc.
You live in America? Uh, what possible source do you get your news from? o_O 1. Germany has been rearmed for decades now and has one of the largest and most capable armed forces in the democratic world. 2. Why would Germany "fear" US retaliation? The US is who largely re-armed Germany and they are one of our closest allies. Something the Germans are quite happy with. Heck the Luftwaffe actually has their own training center in the USA at Holloman AFB.

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Contrary to popular belief, South Korea is slowly believing in our vision. Sooner or later, they will side with the Asia interest. They already don't believe their future lie with US's as global leader. There are some doubts within the Korean academics as whom really caused tension in Korea and kept their country split. They are doubting the US as the main force keeping the Korea from reunification. However SK currently in US's camp because we haven't demonstrate the kind of military power yet. They are on the gray scale, ready to side with our vision once we become stronger and can guarantee their safety from US's retaliation.

NK had been on China side, and compare it with SK.
Without China, All Korea is now a quite wealthy country like SK. I right?

Japan is a lost cause. They are island country and historically outcast. I find island states are not dependable.

perhaps Japan dominates your country until today if it did not have to deal with both US and SU in ww2.

Vietnam is an interesting case. Consider they are like a mini China, we know them better than anyone. They can be easily persuaded. The tough talk is from these Vietnamese rat without a deep understanding of geopolitical landscape and future are currently shaping out. They can't comprehend the magnitude and would need our guidance. We need to ensure we don't lose the Vietnamese as they are very important actor in maintaining the Asian interest from outside force.

It is not the Han invaded our country total 17 times? If we are easily persuaded, why the Han had to invade our country by military then they were defeated by us? Why did not use your big mouth instead of your military?
It's highly laughable that some USAremicans are questioning the source of information of other forum members when all they can quote are US sources without one ounce of understanding what is happening on the ground in many old EU countries.

Reading articles about the relationship between the US and EU-countries does not reflect the true sentiment of the vast majority either, because our mainstream news media are all controlled by transatlantists. But go into the comment sector and you will more likely see what most people think about the US. The sentiment has turned dramatically ever since the banking crisis. The NSA scandals plus the Ukraine crisis were the last drops to bring the bucket to overflow.
Nice to see that Indonesia is being courted. Unlike courting Vietnam or Philippines the side who manages to get Indonesia on their side will automatically have South-East Asia region on their palm.

Indeed. I hope that the Indonesian side remembers the contribution Japan gave to Indonesia during its plight against the Dutch imperialists.

Indonesiya Raya!
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