You look awesome…..with your head in sand permanantly
Let me apprise other forum goers in detail, this seat like others in our urban/rural split comprise of voters who blindly follows personalities over issues and for here these are of Gillanis and Bosans only.
In 1997, this seat won by Sikanday Hayat Bosan on PMLN ticket, in 2002 when new constituent boundaries are drawn, again win by the same person while on PMLQ ticket and in 2008 it won by SYR Gillani with 77K Votes.
In both 2002 and 2008 the vote cast ratio of Sikandar Bosan remains around 45K, on the other hand PMLNs vote bank remains around 14-18 K on both occasion despite trying numerous candidates. PPPP increase its vote bank in 2008 only due to BB’s death from 44K to 77K.
Thus showing maturity while knowing fully of NA-151 seats voting compulsions, PMLN tries to win support of Bosan for their candidate and when it was confirmed that it might not be possible for him then she withheld a given ticket to its previous candidate Ishaq Bucha in order to conjoined both vote banks completely only in order to defeat PPP and the results shows its effects as well.
Abdul Qadir Gillani 64K (Decrease from 77K)
Shaukat Bosan 60K ( 45K Personal as usual, 15K PMLNs)