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Abdul Malik Ragi executed

pasban you are smtg else man lol
Before I thought you were just a disgruntled war veteran. It seems I was wrong. You're a full blown IR supporter and I wouldn't be surprised if you were on the regime's payroll as it is often the case with people like you. Anyways, as long as me and you know what the deal is in Iran I am happy. Instead of trying to advertise Iran on a Pakistani site why don't you advertise it to the MILLIONS of Iroonis that are sick and tired of your bull ****.

Adame kheily kasifi bayad bashi ke vase in regime kesafat hazeri dorogh begi. Vaghean ke bayad adam bi vojdan bashe ke betoone az ye mosht ghaltagh injoory defa kone. Vali eshkal nadare, darin nafasaye akharetoone mikeshin badbakhta.



Firstly, I've spent a lifetime dishing out explanations to people so I can't let myself be bothered much any longer, by you or anyone else.

Secondly, as I stated earlier, you're much too quick to jump to conclusions, such as labeling me an ardent regime supporter, which is untrue. I believe I am more aware of the flaws than yourself. Yes, I am religiously observant, if that is a fault for some, then so be it. I suggest you not see the world in black and white alone.

Thirdly, the discussion was about sectarian persecution, which as such is not evident in Iran. There is no purposeful attempt to discredit the minority sect in Iran. I speak of facts alone.

Lastly, I'm not here to advertise Iran or the IR, I'm learning Urdu so I joined some Pakistani forums. I try to clear misconceptions alone. So talk to someone else about defending every tenant of the IR.
Founded in 2003, Jundullah (Soldiers of God) says it is fighting to defend the human rights, culture and faith of ethnic Baluchis.
What bastards these BBC journalists

Jundullah is shown by them, not the first time, and by some fake opposition green in UK for exemple .. as nice people
It is a terrorist group who beheaded people, put bomb in a mosque and many other bombs
How to name this "a cultural and human rights" !!!?????

A Shame :hitwall:
Welcome to the Club - Same Propaganda by Western Media is used against Pakistan too.
@ cheetah 786.
2 Million innocent Muslims killed by America in Iraq & afghanistan , muslims r under siege in Kashmir, Chechniya , palestine , if some one is fighting against Kufar Countries then he is a Mujahid A Freedom fighter , who ever a afghan taliban, a kashmiri mujahid, A palestini freedom fighter , i respect them and i support them, and if u think this is Terrorism then i m terrorist.


Firstly, I've spent a lifetime dishing out explanations to people so I can't let myself be bothered much any longer, by you or anyone else.

Secondly, as I stated earlier, you're much too quick to jump to conclusions, such as labeling me an ardent regime supporter, which is untrue. I believe I am more aware of the flaws than yourself. Yes, I am religiously observant, if that is a fault for some, then so be it. I suggest you not see the world in black and white alone.

Thirdly, the discussion was about sectarian persecution, which as such is not evident in Iran. There is no purposeful attempt to discredit the minority sect in Iran. I speak of facts alone.

Lastly, I'm not here to advertise Iran or the IR, I'm learning Urdu so I joined some Pakistani forums. I try to clear misconceptions alone. So talk to someone else about defending every tenant of the IR.

of course there isn't :disagree:
The only ppl that can convert other people to their religion are shias! No persecution what so ever! :rofl:
Also, many people are hanged each year for converting to Christianity. This is what I mean by advertising on a Pakistani site. You are trying to white wash everything. why? of course you're a full blown IR supporter.

I'm sure you know about the "Islamic penal code" that was passed in Majlis a few years ago. The penal code codifies "the death penalty for any male Iranian who leaves his Islamic faith.Women would get life imprisonment. The majority in favour of the new law was overwhelming: 196 votes for, with just seven against."

Do you want me to name the people who have been hanged for converting to Christianity over the past 31 years??? You're the definition of scum. A man who doesn't give a flying **** about the suffering of his own country men and women under the hands of these arab Islamists. And war veterans wonder why we are loosing respect you mother fuckers.
This is a very repulsive act by these people in Pakistan to protest against the trial and execution of a mass-murderer like Abdolmalek Rigi. It is none of their business either. This is one of the reasons why Pakistanis have a negative image. They literally celebrate extremism and defend criminality and terrorism. This is really shameful and disgusting behaviour and will not go down well in Iran. It confirms the suspicions everybody has that Jundullah is sheltered and supported from Pakistanis.


BBC News - Pakistan protest over Iran hanging

Pakistan protest over Iran hanging
By Syed Shoaib Hasan

BBC News, Karachi


Protesters say that Mr Rigi was a hero

Demonstrations have taken place in Pakistan's port city of Karachi against the hanging of a militant leader by Iran.

Abdolmalek Rigi was head of the Jundullah militant group.

It says that it is fighting for the rights of minority Sunni Muslims in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province.

Iranian authorities say the group is involved in dozens of deadly attacks, including one which killed 40 members of the Revolutionary Guard in 2009.

Impoverished province

Iran says the group, which operates out of Pakistan's Balochistan province, has the support of Pakistani, US and British intelligence agencies.

"Abdolmalek Rigi's only fault was that he spoke for the rights of the Baloch," Abdul Wahab Baloch, who led the demonstration, told the BBC.

Mr Baloch is a leader of the Baloch National Front, an alliance fighting for the rights of the impoverished province.

He was speaking as demonstrators holding posters of Mr Rigi stood by, chanting anti-Iranian slogans.

Mr Baloch said that Mr Rigi was a Baloch hero.

"Jundullah is a Baloch nationalist organisation - it has wrongly been labelled a sectarian group," he said.

"It is fighting for the rights of the Baloch in Iran, which is a largely Shia country.

"That is why we have been called a Sunni group."

Mr Baloch said that Iran had used large-scale repression to crush the Baloch.

"At least 700 Baloch have been hanged in Iran during the last two years," he said.

"They include religious leaders, politicians and intellectuals."

He said his party was in touch with Jundullah and they planned to launch a united front in both Pakistan and Iran.

"We are fighting both Iran and Pakistan for our rights and control of our land," he added.

Nationalist groups in Pakistan have been a thorn in the side of the government for several years.

However, this is the first time they had expressed solidarity with secessionist groups in Iran.
ای ایران;951355 said:
This is a very repulsive act by these people in Pakistan to protest against the trial and execution of a mass-murderer like Abdolmalek Rigi. It is none of their business either. This is one of the reasons why Pakistanis have a negative image. They literally celebrate extremism and defend criminality and terrorism. This is really shameful and disgusting behaviour and will not go down well in Iran. It confirms the suspicions everybody has that Jundullah is sheltered and supported from Pakistanis.


let me remind you iranian, pakistanis have given you nuke technology, so that you can save you sh1ty iranian arse!!

this is not an iranian forum god damnit!!! that you can "literally" curse on pakistanis here, remain within your limits understand, and the image which pakistanis have is none of fcuking iranian business, you have graver image problems than pakistanis boy!! atleast we are not the one with global sanctions so that we cant even sh1t without being worried.

if you have some frustration, go to some sh1ty iranian forum where you can curse at will
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of course there isn't :disagree:
The only ppl that can convert other people to their religion are shias! No persecution what so ever! :rofl:

False. I can attest to this personally. My family is all Muslim but not all of the Shi'ah school.

Also, many people are hanged each year for converting to Christianity. This is what I mean by advertising on a Pakistani site. You are trying to white wash everything. why? of course you're a full blown IR supporter.

Numerous hangings do occur in Iran. I'm not denying that. Yet, I do not believe they are in particular or are systematic to persecute Iran's Christian minority or other groups. The majority of the hangings are rather political, as you may know well. As I said earlier, I'm not here to advertise anything or white-wash. There are purposeful campaigns to discredit Iran and create a negative image of it. I only attempt to balance out keeping that in mind and use my local knowledge. Also, you musn't take my being religious as being overly supportive of the government. IR external politics is a somewhat different matter, it's internal governance stands in contradiction to my own stance much. Like I said, if you want defense of every tenant of the IR, talk to someone else.

I'm sure you know about the "Islamic penal code" that was passed in Majlis a few years ago. The penal code codifies "the death penalty for any male Iranian who leaves his Islamic faith.Women would get life imprisonment. The majority in favour of the new law was overwhelming: 196 votes for, with just seven against."

I am aware of the penal code for I've seen the prison from behind the bars also. Do post your source though for I do personally know some Iranian Christians and within Iran. Most of the new-converts or ex-Muslims are rather secretive though so if that is the actual text, the law is a failure-- given the trend in the IR, I'm not surprised at having ineffectual or poorly-studied laws that incite negativity. This act is ridiculous and offensive at it's best then.

Do you want me to name the people who have been hanged for converting to Christianity over the past 31 years??? You're the definition of scum. A man who doesn't give a flying **** about the suffering of his own country men and women under the hands of these arab Islamists. And war veterans wonder why we are loosing respect you mother fuckers.

I'm not even going to bother answering this rubbish in detail! Your tongue, lack of understanding and disrespect for our martyrs is appalling! If you and other bache soosol like yourself feel nothing for those who bled at the front to protect Iran, then that is your own thing and you are at best ungrateful for their sacrifices. You will surely never equal them moreover! You know nothing of me or of my feelings towards my hmvatan-- which is one of the reasons why I even chose to bother with you.
ای ایران;951355 said:
This is a very repulsive act by these people in Pakistan to protest against the trial and execution of a mass-murderer like Abdolmalek Rigi. It is none of their business either. This is one of the reasons why Pakistanis have a negative image. They literally celebrate extremism and defend criminality and terrorism. This is really shameful and disgusting behaviour and will not go down well in Iran. It confirms the suspicions everybody has that Jundullah is sheltered and supported from Pakistanis.


it should make a difference between some pakistanis
and all pakistanis and "Pakistan" (government?)
we have as well our bastards in Iran. Rigi is one of them and he is IRANIAN. Radjavi is the worst with his(her :D) group of brainwashed people.
it should make a difference between some pakistanis
and all pakistanis and "Pakistan" (government?)
we have as well our bastards in Iran. Rigi is one of them and he is IRANIAN. Radjavi is the worst with his(her :D) group of brainwashed people.

My friend have some self-respect and dont act apologetic towards those despicable people who were protesting against Rigi's trial and execution just because this is a Pakistani website. And who cares about Rajavi and his cult? I dont understand why you even mentioned them. Is it because you got worried that i came here to call a spade a spade?

You know Iranians better than to keep quiet about something like that surely.
ای ایران;951355 said:
...very repulsive act by these people in Pakistan to protest ... is one of the reasons why Pakistanis have a negative image. ... It confirms the suspicions everybody has that Jundullah is sheltered and supported from Pakistanis.


My My My! Hold your repulsion untill AFTER you have read the news at least!

I trust you know how to read. And that you have seen enough of your countrymen to recognize a baloch.

One look at the picture in the post (I didn't bother reading it after I saw the picture), and you'll be khajil at your ability of jumping to conclusions.

It reads: "Baloch national Front" on the bottom over a Azaad Baluchistan flag, and on top "shahiid baloch guerrila commander AMR". The person on the left is a central-southern balochi/brahawi by face. These are the people who are fighting both Iran and Pakistan. Are you surprised they're enraged their leader was taken out?

Now tell me, pashiimoon astii? You don't need to be, you just need to keep your eyes in the front and your tongue at the back!

Good day.

Please keep in mind I am not against the baloch people. About twice of the baloch population than that of entire Baluchistan lives in my province. I am trying to enlighten you to the fact that a section of them is leading an armed campaign against yours and my countries, and AMR was one of these.
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ای ایران;951355 said:
This is a very repulsive act by these people in Pakistan to protest against the trial and execution of a mass-murderer like Abdolmalek Rigi. It is none of their business either. This is one of the reasons why Pakistanis have a negative image. They literally celebrate extremism and defend criminality and terrorism. This is really shameful and disgusting behaviour and will not go down well in Iran. It confirms the suspicions everybody has that Jundullah is sheltered and supported from Pakistanis.


A terrorist to you is not a terrorist to others, so rigi might be a terrorist to Iran & you, but to some on this side of the border, those who were of his clan, he was a hero as he was fighting Iranian injustice on the baloch people living on that side of the border. Do remember he was supported from the Iranians of his clan from that side of the border, so does that means all of Iran and Iranians supported his actions, don't think so. Understand the difference and then utter the rubbish.

Robin Hood is a terrorist to the England King, but he is a hero for the poor people for whom he was fighting for and killing King's soldiers. Similarly, rigi was a villain for you, but a hero for others, who will protest about his death.

So before you come up with your rubbish about Pakistan and its people, do consider the above facts, otherwise you all Iranians are the same as there were Iranians who supported Rigi and his men, if that had not been the case, he would not have been launching his attacks on Iranians security forces and killing them at will, he had support of Iranians, so what does that makes the iranian people as a whole ???

The govt of Pakistan did not object to his execution, out of the 170Million Pakistanis, hardly a few hundred of them belonging to his clan for whom he was fighting did the objection, so the few hundred does not represent the whole of Pakistan and its people.

So next time, take care with your opinion about Pakistan and its people, as this same Pakistan gave Rigi to you, which your security forces couldn't catch for years.
My My My! Hold your repulsion untill AFTER you have read the news at least!

I trust you know how to read. And that you have seen enough of your countrymen to recognize a baloch.

One look at the picture in the post (I didn't bother reading it after I saw the picture), and you'll be khajil at your ability of jumping to conclusions.

It reads: "Baloch national Front" on the bottom over a Azaad Baluchistan flag, and on top "shahiid baloch guerrila commander AMR". The person on the left is a central-southern balochi/brahawi by face. These are the people who are fighting both Iran and Pakistan. Are you surprised they're enraged their leader was taken out?

Now tell me, pashiimoon astii? You don't need to be, you just need to keep your eyes in the front and your tongue at the back!

Good day.


No those people are not my country-men, they are Pakistanis so they are your country-men. And no i wouldn’t be able to recognize them as Balouchis because those people dont (at least in Iran) have a common “look” to them. Some Balouch look Iranian, others look Afghan, the rest look Indian. Besides they are only a very, very small minority in our country and the majority of Iranians never see or much of them.

And i can see on a map where Karachi is and it is very far away from Iran and is not in Baluchestan.
ای ایران;953587 said:

No those people are not my country-men, they are Pakistanis so they are your country-men. And no i wouldn’t be able to recognize them as Balouchis because those people dont (at least in Iran) have a common “look” to them. Some Balouch look Iranian, others look Afghan, the rest look Indian. Besides they are only a very, very small minority in our country and the majority of Iranians never see or much of them.

And i can see on a map where Karachi is and it is very far away from Iran and is not in Baluchestan.
Pakistan isn't a police state like Iran where you can shut everybody up. There would have been demonstrations in Iran's Baluchistan too if they weren't scared for their lives. And anyways how is this diff then Iraqi Kurds or Turkish Kurds demonstrating against Iran's execution of Kurds? Is it Turkey's fault that the Kurds over there are sympathetic to terrorists?
Robin Hood is a terrorist to the England King, but he is a hero for the poor people for whom he was fighting for and killing King's soldiers. Similarly, rigi was a villain for you, but a hero for others, who will protest about his death.

Look if you have something sensible to say i would be willing to debate with you but your entire response has no clarity or coherence to it and i quote only the above paragraph for its comical value.

I write about those Pakistanis who were protesting, and you and others read into that as 170 million or whatever your population is. Perhaps it is you and others who need to re-read what i wrote and not ask me to re-read that article.

Whatever, the negative image that such protests leave on the minds of Iranians and other peoples exists because they are so frequently reported as taking place in Pakistan and there has been no redress to the concerns of governments in Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere about the extremism, criminality and terrorism that has been emanating from parts of Pakistan for a number of years now. If you cant understand that, then you will just never understand how the outside World perceives you and why it is becoming hostile to you. Thats unfortunate because you have millions and poor and starving people in your country who get ignored because all we see are the Taleban etc and their gullible supporters protesting in Pakistani cities.
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