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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

You are basing this grand claim on?
Because if they had actually tested the MIRV capability,

1. They would have said so. They only mentioned testing a MIRV capable missile, but not the MIRV capability itself.
2. We would have seen it
Indian missile program does not enjoy any friendly love either. As I mentioned India's space program got delayed by years due to sanctions and India had to develop it's own technologies and neither there was any China and Russians were very diplomatic when it comes to sensitive technology.

It may be a threat to Israel because it will take their anti BM weapon time to reach and intercept the missile and may miss it before it gets into terminal phase. MIRV or No MIRV once the warhead is released it is extremely tough to intercept the warhead.

So India's ABM is mainly developed to take down the missile before it gets into terminal phase and when any BM is launched from Pakistan, India has advantage to intercept before it gets into terminal phase due to shorter displacement.

So MIRV is simply more economical than single warhead missile, that's the only use for Pakistan.

So we are already check-mate by India and uselessly achieved MIRV Tech.... I am really afraid and I am sure, there will be no issue in Indian Quarters at all after this test and they will be laughing at us for something which is already obsolete due to Indian BMD.

This is isolation effects bhai and we have to remind world that please don't forget us and we are feeling lonely because of Indian isotation

Sometimes wise-one says, the taste of their own medicine. Such so-called isolation etc were mere claims for the satisfaction of their own populace however, Indian Isolation Call and US sanctions became blessing in disguise for us that at-least felt necessity and pursued the goals without any fear but trust on ALLAH, striving day & night and doing it for the nation.
Maybe Russian's will create something called S-600 which will have laser beam to destroy MIRV. We will buy it. No problem.
Abi kl tk to Modi sahab India ko no 1 defence exporter bnane ka keh rahe te r ap aik aesa system jo bna hi ni pehle hi import krne ja rhe he :D:D:D
Stop please i am begging you!. No more isolation please.

Alhumdullah RAAB-UL-ALAMEEN. Congrats to my whole nation and the whole team of the project as well as institutions involved in it. I wish soon we will have ICBM. We have all technology we just need to add another stage on these missiles. All current Pakistani missiles are single stage.

More isolation. Please!
I am not against any research. I am trying to understand SSM. does it mean Surface to space here.?

Surface to surface missile with multiple warhead on a single missile which through the more than one warhead when its not far away from target
Surface to surface missile with multiple warhead on a single missile which through the more than one warhead when its not far away from target

This is also going to make its way to sea based capability.
Buddy was shaheen 3 mirv or is ababeel our first mirv missle?
Ababeel is the first mirv missile, Pakistan has achieved the range before but the re-entry system and MIRV is what was tested here.
How do you intend to take out a MIRV? Has it ever been done before?

More than the missiles, it needs lots of costly satellites up there, plus lots of other things which costs too much.

Interceptor missile is the most easy part of a BMD.

The target date for first such satellite launch is 2018 end. Lets see what happens.
From terrain hugging cm to MARV to MIRV .... missile developement on right track
It first appears like the Shaheen-3 but a closer look reveals a different weapon altogether.
Awesome, congrats to all my country fellows. :pakistan:

I was wrongfully had an impression for long that they are building MIRV with Shaheen. But when today I heard Ababel I thought man what the heck they are upto and now at DEF-PK I find out its MIRV Ooo Bhains it surprises me. Indeed a whole new level of weapon system altogether.
More than the missiles, it needs lots of costly satellites up there, plus lots of other things which costs too much.

Interceptor missile is the most easy part of a BMD.

The target date for first such satellite launch is 2018 end. Lets see what happens.

I think people need to research what MIRV technology is. The interceptor can only contain one missile while the incoming MIRV contains multiple warheads. Besides, decoys will be used so the interceptor simply can't know what warhead to go for. This is totally a massive game changer. To date no country has demonstrated an ability to take out MIRV technology, if I am not mistaken.

I hope people aren't making knee-jerk reactions instead of well calculated and rational statements.
I was wrongfully had an impression for long that they are building MIRV with Shaheen. But when today I heard Ababel I thought man what the heck they are upto and now at DEF-PK I find out its MIRV Ooo Bhains it surprises me. Indeed a whole new level of weapon system altogether.

Bhains key saath katta bi.. :lol:
India complained about the color of Babur 3. Did you liked it this time??

Good this time we can show them our more colors.
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