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Ababeel Missile Tested

Isn't this the compromised missile system about which the rumor were that the Brig. Caught and sentenced to death in fact leaked information of this missile.
Anyone wondering can read the link though it does not specify which information was leaked.

And Brig was just an accomplice for the one you are referring about. Humans are vulnerable to money, lust and whatnot. Damn the FVEY!
CI did a good job in the end. Pakistan is not perfect. No country is in this respect.

And, flight tests are pre-planned way in advance. It has nothing to do with internal politics or geopolitics.

Not all tests are announced. Hopefully, you might hear more news this winter. It will be a resurrection.

Also, most rumors even by credible journos regarding COAS, politicians etc diminishing capability of any strategic weapon for any reason is utter bullshit.

Overall, Pakistan has a very qualitative strategic program, well better than what is to be publicly believed about major powers in the club.

Ababeel is a great addition. The more the merrier. : )

As for ICBM, no requirement right now in the calculus but we are not oblivious. Follow progress on our SLV project first.

Our focus right now is on sea-based deterrence.

No further comments from my side to this thread.
Our focus right now is on sea-based deterrence.
Babur-III aside, Ababeel should have an anti ship role, similar to India's Agni-P

Need Hatf-XI "Qassai" Hypersonic counterforce missile for PAF, PN and PA. Reserve Hatf-X designation for ICBM/SLBM

Western Analysts call Ababeel the "ULTIMATE NUCLEAR MISSILE"

Understandably our eastern neigbhours are also scared sh!tless and working overtime with fake newj
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Ugly and poor aerodynamic design. It looks like they cut the top of Shaheen II and replaced it with larger nose cone.

Why not just make a wider and longer missile like an ICBM? To be a true nuclear power, you need an ICBM or SLBM to reach any place on earth. Every other nuclear power, including North Korea, Israel, and India have built ICBMs. Only the colonized Pakistan refuses to build an ICBM because it's sold out army doesn't want to upset its colonizers.
Actually Ababeel is very beautiful design
But it's bad video quality that makes it look poor
Sputnik India and some posters have concluded that it was a failed test. Guess we will have to invite these experts and re-perform the test under their supervision.
Brains are there balls aren't. If they show will in less than a year ICBM will be ready for test
Don't bother. The brains in Pakistan are smaller than balls. The people running Pakistan lost half the country, thousands of lives in WoT because they bred snakes in their backyard, and bankrupted Pakistan into a trash bin. Yet they talk as if they are all-knowing beings with intelligence far beyond other life forms.

Actually Ababeel is very beautiful design
But it's bad video quality that makes it look poor
View attachment 963199
I'm not sure if I have ever seen a design like this anywhere else? What I do know is that other missiles are manufactured without fins, have multiple rocket engines, and are more aerodynamically streamlined without the abrupt top section of Ababeel. I also know that Pakistan is far behind other countries like India or even North Korea in missile and rocket technology.
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I'm not sure if I have ever seen a design like this anywhere else? What I do know is that other missiles are manufactured without fins, have multiple rocket engines, and are more aerodynamically streamlined without the abrupt top section of Ababeel. I also know that Pakistan is far behind other countries like India or even North Korea in missile and rocket technology.
You are not a rocket scientist. I'm sure the people with PhDs know more than you...

And by the way, Pakistan's missile program is considered superior to India's

Indians have a lot of show and little substance

Their missiles have a mind of their own. One day they misfire at their own heli, the next day at Mian Channu, the day after at Rajasthan, and soon they will nuke Bombay on their own.
Because you are a colony. As per your own admission, Imran Khan was removed due to foreign pressure. Bhutto was hanged because a foreign power found his independence and nuclear program intolerable. It seems whenever a foreign power gets uncomfortable, your democratically elected leaders are removed or killed.

Pakistan doesn't need to "stupidly announce its intent". It can build with deniability. It is and will always be a threat with or without ICBMs. Israel has planned to bomb Pakistan's nuclear facilities in the past and is suspected to have assassinated the French engineers on the Agosta project. So why didn't Pakistan just give up on building nuclear weapons and submarines then?

You argue that Pakistan doesn't need ICBM capability because it will aggravate Israel and in the same breath, you urge Iran and Turkey to build nuclear weapons? Which country do you support? Do you see the double standards here?

This has nothing to do with the West or Israel. It's a matter of becoming a recognized and respected nuclear power with the capability to strike any country. You can't boast about being a nuclear power when other countries literally threaten to take your nuclear weapons like some candy.
Bhutto was a bad leader and did more harm than good. His hanging was controversial though.

US have accepted Pakistan as a nuclear power and both US (click) and IAEA (click) have worked to improve Pakistani nuclear safeguards. It is surprising to see scores of members not being aware of this fact.

Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Libya could not become one due to actual attempts to stop them.

Pakistan should focus on how to create a sustainable economy. New weapon systems = more funds. But WE need to develop weapon systems as per our needs and not get sucked into a costly arms race that will put unnecessary strain on the economy. Pakistan already spends too much on defense and feels like a security state.

Pakistan should not join the list of countries who are viewed as a threat in more than half of the world but a responsible nuclear power like in the present.
Is it answer to whole world muslim ummah is not sleeping. I dont see any other cause first COAS speech then this.
it is sleeping.. lol

Can it reach Israel, if it can then yes pakistan is showing teeth.. if it does not, then Jarnail can suck it up.

Don't bother. The brains in Pakistan are smaller than balls. The people running Pakistan lost half the country, thousands of lives in WoT because they bred snakes in their backyard, and bankrupted Pakistan into a trash bin. Yet they talk as if they are all-knowing beings with intelligence far beyond other life forms.

I'm not sure if I have ever seen a design like this anywhere else? What I do know is that other missiles are manufactured without fins, have multiple rocket engines, and are more aerodynamically streamlined without the abrupt top section of Ababeel. I also know that Pakistan is far behind other countries like India or even North Korea in missile and rocket technology.
i agree reality check for Pakistan.. They are one of the most corrupt countries i have seen in my life, unfortunately. top to bottom and bottom to top..

Their leadership, only produced one good leader who is in jail, and their institutions are corrupt to the bone.

A nation who does not take care of its own people cannot fight any war.. There is no justice in society, these are hollow talks, cowards.
Bhutto was a bad leader and did more harm than good. His hanging was controversial though.

US have accepted Pakistan as a nuclear power and both US (click) and IAEA (click) have worked to improve Pakistani nuclear safeguards. It is surprising to see scores of members not being aware of this fact.

Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Libya could not become one due to actual attempts to stop them.

Pakistan should focus on how to create a sustainable economy. New weapon systems = more funds. But WE need to develop weapon systems as per our needs and not get sucked into a costly arms race that will put unnecessary strain on the economy. Pakistan already spends too much on defense and feels like a security state.

Pakistan should not join the list of countries who are viewed as a threat in more than half of the world but a responsible nuclear power like in the present.
It was for the people of Pakistan to remove Bhutto or Khan. It was not for the army and certainly not for foreign powers to decide on the removal of an elected leader.

The US accepted Pakistan as a nuclear power and even looked the other way as it developed weapons during the Soviet-Afghan period. However, it initially was against the program for which Bhutto paid dearly for.

Agreement with you on the economy. However, it seems that every step forward results in ten steps back as long as the establishment keeps intervening. PTI increase exports by over $8 billion and the fundamentals were being improved until foreign powers colluding with the establishment removed him.

Which makes you wonder? Was it really Imran Khan that they wanted gone or any leader that is independent and can make Pakistan economically independent from foreign powers?
Because you are a colony. As per your own admission, Imran Khan was removed due to foreign pressure. Bhutto was hanged because a foreign power found his independence and nuclear program intolerable. It seems whenever a foreign power gets uncomfortable, your democratically elected leaders are removed or killed.

Pakistan doesn't need to "stupidly announce its intent". It can build with deniability. It is and will always be a threat with or without ICBMs. Israel has planned to bomb Pakistan's nuclear facilities in the past and is suspected to have assassinated the French engineers on the Agosta project. So why didn't Pakistan just give up on building nuclear weapons and submarines then?

You argue that Pakistan doesn't need ICBM capability because it will aggravate Israel and in the same breath, you urge Iran and Turkey to build nuclear weapons? Which country do you support? Do you see the double standards here?

This has nothing to do with the West or Israel. It's a matter of becoming a recognized and respected nuclear power with the capability to strike any country. You can't boast about being a nuclear power when other countries literally threaten to take your nuclear weapons like some candy.
I am not sure what to make of your post with all these bold points.

What/who does Pakistan need an ICBM for? First define that. Your entire post is about some issue related to pride and respect which won't come just because we have an ICBM arsenal.

Pakistan's MRBM program offers us the security that you want without threatening the entire world.

You argue that Pakistan doesn't need ICBM capability because it will aggravate Israel and in the same breath, you urge Iran and Turkey to build nuclear weapons? Which country do you support? Do you see the double standards here?

Because Pakistan is not in a direct conflict with Israel. KSA/Iran/Turkey need equal leverage as Israel's to move peace forward. Israel will never agree to peace unless it faces mutual destruction at the hands of other ME powers. For that to happen, these countries will need their own nuclear arsenals. It would be easier for Pakistan to advise these countries instead of jumping into the fray directly.

Also, just because it's not in the public domain, don't assume Pakistan is not building/enhancing capability. It is one thing to declare your missile's range to be x in the public, and an entirely different issue on the absolute capability of the platform. The same goes for second strike capability and other strategic programs. In these matters, the adage, "speak little and carry a big stick" applies along with this apt movie line "Don't ever let them see you coming."
Is it just me or the stage separation is a different mechanism?
Hot stage separation.
India in Agni series and K series does cold stage separation.
Pakistani Shaheen series and this one are Hot stage.
I am not sure what to make of your post with all these bold points.

What/who does Pakistan need an ICBM for? First define that. Your entire post is about some issue related to pride and respect which won't come just because we have an ICBM arsenal.

Pakistan's MRBM program offers us the security that you want without threatening the entire world.
The bold points were emphasizing a rebuttal to your points. But if you want to the answer as to why Pakistan needs an ICBM, you can answer this, what defines a nuclear power in the current era? What is the common denominator that all nuclear powers have today that Pakistan does not have?

As for threatening the world, must I really remind you that foreign powers flew choppers near your large bases to kill people on your territory without your permission? Did foreign powers not kill your soldiers, the same soldiers fighting against their own citizens to protect that very same foreign power? Did foreign powers not threaten to take over your nuclear weapons? Did foreign powers other than India not assassinate people on your soil? Did foreign powers not conduct drone strikes killing your citizens? Or are these offenses acceptable to you? If so why?
Because Pakistan is not in a direct conflict with Israel. KSA/Iran/Turkey need equal leverage as Israel's to move peace forward. Israel will never agree to peace unless it faces mutual destruction at the hands of other ME powers. For that to happen, these countries will need their own nuclear arsenals. It would be easier for Pakistan to advise these countries instead of jumping into the fray directly.
So you want Pakistan to advise them? In what? Do you want Pakistan to proliferate nuclear technology to other countries? Did you know that the establishment's stupid decision to transfer nuclear weapons technology to so-called brotherly nations like Iran or pariah like North Korea damaged its reputation far more than an ICBM could have? Pakistanis like to help others at their own expense in exchange for nothing or worse.
just because it's not in the public domain, don't assume Pakistan is not building/enhancing capability. It is one thing to declare your missile's range to be x in the public, and an entirely different issue on the absolute capability of the platform. The same goes for second strike capability and other strategic programs. In these matters, the adage, "speak little and carry a big stick" applies along with this apt movie line "Don't ever let them see you coming."
Agree with you here. I never said Pakistan should declare that its working on an ICBM or anything for that matter. Its good to keep the mouth shut, but work relentlessly to ensure the country is secure from all threats, not just India.
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Accidentally made a second thread in excitement.. Mods pls merge

Yes, it carries enough nuclear warheads to wipe a small country off the face of the earth. A scary weapon, but one whose creation was necessitated by India's BMD program.

@LeGenD how long was the NOTAM length?
It appears that MIRV breakthrough has been achieved after 5 years of development. Ababeel appears to be an experimental testbed for validating disruptive tech, aimed at modernizing strategic delivery options. The end product might be different when the testing regime is done.

Overall, super happy to see this thing hot tested after a long gap.
Actually Ababeel is very beautiful design
But it's bad video quality that makes it look poor
View attachment 963199
Some people have issues with everything under the sun. Be thankful for this deterrence which is our own. AH!

It appears that MIRV breakthrough has been achieved after 5 years of development. Ababeel appears to be an experimental testbed for validating disruptive tech, aimed at modernizing strategic delivery options. The end product might be different when the testing regime is done.

Overall, super happy to see this thing hot tested after a long gap.
This is not new. Ababeel with MIRV has been under development/testing since 2017.
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