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AAP- the real deal

And Now Shinde calls Kejeriwal "Yeda"

Home minister Sushilkumar Shinde attacked Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday and called the Delhi chief minister a "mad CM" without naming him. He said that he had to cancel the leaves of Delhi policemen because of Kejriwal's sit-in protest, which ended late Tuesday evening.

Speaking at a meeting at Maharashtra's Hingoli, Shinde, recalling his days as a policeman, said, "When I was in Kherwadi my leave was cancelled right after my wedding because there were riots. Now, because of a 'yeda mukhya mantri' (Marathi for 'mad chief minister') on dharna, I had to cancel the leaves of (Delhi) policemen."

Earlier, Kejriwal planned to stage the sit-in protest at the home ministry with his demand that the Delhi government be handed over the control of Delhi Police, which is under the Union home ministry following the recent cases of crimes against women in the city. The Centre cordoned off the area following which, Kejriwal and his supporters staged the protest at Rail Bhavan.

He called off his protest after the Centre sent two police officers on leave against who his government had grievances.
Just want to contradict on this part.

I think you are talking about Operation Parakram?

No, I mean the statements made after 26/11 that asked for an immediate response in form of military attacks, based purely on emotions and not on any facts.

1. So does it not mean that AAP's policy is flawed as far as free water and it's billing is concerned? I would like them to relook such policies and their impact rather than sit on Dharnas over silly reasons.

Yes, at least imo, but they have just started it reconsideration can't be ruled out.
No, I mean the statements made after 26/11 that asked for an immediate response in form of military attacks, based purely on emotions and not on any facts.

Don't EQUATE party in POWER with that of PARTY in OPPOSITION.

They aren't the same things.

The things which Congress accuses of BJP as an opposition are the ones it used to do when it was itself in those benches.

But our Memory is so short that we don't remember what used to happen 10 years back.

Just to make my point clear, It was current PM MMS, who opposed India's nuclear tests of 1998 when he was the leader of opposition in RS & after coming to power, he was the one who signed the nuclear deal.
Don't EQUATE party in POWER with that of PARTY in OPPOSITION.

They aren't the same things.

The things which Congress accuses of BJP as an opposition are the ones it used to do when it was itself in those benches.

But our Memory is so short that we don't remember what used to happen 10 years back.

Just to make my point clear, It was current PM MMS, who opposed India's nuclear tests of 1998 when he was the leader of opposition in RS & after coming to power, he was the one who signed the nuclear deal.

Agree with the first part, but how exactly is testing a Nuclear bomb the same as signing a treaty for nuclear power generation?

Corruption is the simplest example than one can give. Both parties condemn it while in Oppostion, and both parties indulge in it while in power.
Agree with the first part, but how exactly is testing a Nuclear bomb the same as signing a treaty for nuclear power generation?

I knew that would be a tricky one to understand.

Let me ask you a question, why was Pakistan opposing the deal & saying that it will alter the regional power balance?

Nuclear deal wasn't only about Nuclear power but was also about Nuclear weapons as Indian Nuclear fuel gets free to be used in nuclear weapons since the fuel for power reactors are imported from foreign countries, but earlier, Indian Nuclear fuel was used for both purpose. More Fuel, More Weapons.
I knew that would be a tricky one to understand.

Let me ask you a question, why was Pakistan opposing the deal & saying that it will alter the regional power balance?

Nuclear deal wasn't only about Nuclear power but was also about Nuclear weapons as Indian Nuclear fuel gets free to be used in nuclear weapons since the fuel for power reactors are imported from foreign countries, but earlier, Indian Nuclear fuel was used for both purpose. More Fuel, More Weapons.

Actually, even before the deal materialized, India was rumoured to have enough enriched plutonium and thorium to construct at least 200 more 50kt yield devices. And I don't think any more than that number will ever be needed by India.
With AAP fumbling, BJP tries to
wean away middle class

NEW DELHI: BJP senses an opportunity
to wean middle class support from the
Aam Aadmi Party in the wake of AAP's
dharna that the saffron outfit feels
bolsters its appeal as a party committed
to stable and orderly governance.
AAP's street tactics, while attracting
media attention, have not gone down
well with voters looking for policies and
solutions that address their problems
rather than a state of continuous tumult,
BJP leaders feel.
Stock taking in BJP has led the party to
believe that Delhi chief minister Arvind
Kejriwal's image as a committed anti-
corruption crusader has been hurt by
his maverick tactics and intemperate
language during the dharna.
BJP leader Arun Jaitley set the tone,
saying Kejirwal threatened to disrupt
Republic Day for the transfer of an SHO
and other party leaders felt arrogant
language cost AAP support at home and
abroad despite the grandstanding.
BJP intends to focus on the governance
agenda set out by its prime ministerial
candidate Narendra Modi, with
particular focus on issues like urban
renewal, law and order, accountable
government, economic growth and
social stability.
BJP sources feel a significant section of
middle class voters has been
disillusioned by Kejriwal's
brinksmanship and does not support
vigilante methods adopted by AAP
leaders while intervening in local
The demand for transfer or suspension
of police officials for alleged negligence
and mobilizing mobs has not gone
down well with the voters who
preferred AAP over BJP in the recent
assembly elections, BJP leaders feel.
"The disrespectful comments about
Republic Day, staging political drama
and seeking rule of the mob has shown
that AAP has no interest in providing
solutions. Rather, it believes in chaos,"
leader of opposition in Delhi assembly
Harsh Vardhan said.
BJP is looking to work on the themes
outlined by Modi at the party's recent
national council in a bid to break what
it sees a harmful disconnect between
the Gujarat chief minister's high ratings
not translating adequately into votes in
The weaker appeal of the BJP brand as
compared to support for Modi as PM is
worrying BJP and it sees a chance to
correct the dichotomy by approaching
voters with well fleshed out proposals
for Delhi's urban needs.
At the national level, BJP feels AAP's
overreach has left its likely supporters
puzzled, wondering if the dispute with
the Centre over police officials was
worth the confrontation. BJP also feels
that AAP's decision to make Delhi Police
a political target might recoil as
Kejriwal and his colleagues will find it
difficult to redress the sheer volume of
Don't EQUATE party in POWER with that of PARTY in OPPOSITION...

...Just to make my point clear, It was current PM MMS, who opposed India's nuclear tests of 1998 when he was the leader of opposition in RS & after coming to power, he was the one who signed the nuclear deal.

I don't but you stated that the AAP would react out of emotions and the BJP and their allies are often doing exactly the same and back then, their reactions were as emotional as the AAP reacts today.
And please, what has a nuclear weapon test to do with the civil nuclear deal? :rolleyes:

Nuclear deal wasn't only about Nuclear power but was also about Nuclear weapons as Indian Nuclear fuel gets free to be used in nuclear weapons since the fuel for power reactors are imported from foreign countries, but earlier, Indian Nuclear fuel was used for both purpose. More Fuel, More Weapons.

So MMS was for improving our access to nuclear fuel, but against a basically useless weapon test, that got us the sanctions afterwards. And what exactly is the part where he was wrong?
I don't but you stated that the AAP would react out of emotions and the BJP and their allies are often doing exactly the same and back then, their reactions were as emotional as the AAP reacts today.
And please, what has a nuclear weapon test to do with the civil nuclear deal? :rolleyes:

So MMS was for improving our access to nuclear fuel, but against a basically useless weapon test, that got us the sanctions afterwards. And what exactly is the part where he was wrong?

Sirjee, I really like you & respect you, but with full respect, POLITICS isn't your forte :D

Comparing A party which is hardly came into being 1.5 years ago & is in power hardly for a month to that of a party which is decades older & has been in power in no. of states & center doesn't make any sense & believe me, i would have said this even when there was comparison b/w AAP & Congress, I, a congress hater, is ready to even vote congress if given choice b/w AAP & Congress. As I know, that a Known Devil is Always better than Unknown Devil & I guess 1 month of being in power, AAP is proving me absolutely RIGHT.

1. I talked about AAP will declare war b'coz of emotions IS BECAUSE of the fact that they for the first time in the history of India they conducted a referendum to form govt or not, they talk about referendum on Kashmir, they want referendum on everything. This referendum was clearly a JOKE since it was conducted immediately after the people gave there verdict in assembly elections :lol:

Have BJP EVER done something like this???

& BJP never started a war with Pakistan in there 6 years of being in power, when there were same allies like SS, etc., when there were Kandhar, Kargil 13th Dec, etc. So there is no reason to assume that they will do something like this based on ONLY emotions in future.

2. SIR, how was Nuclear weapon test USELESS?? atleast, i din't thought you will be saying this. Every nuclear power, has conducted tests, in fact US, USSR, China, France are notoriously known for nuclear tests, each of greater yield than previous one, & our JUST one nuclear test to prove the working of weapon was useless??? Is it just a coincidence that P-5 in UNSC are all nuclear weapons power??? or am I missing the trick here?

Civil nuclear deal, as i said before, wasn't just "civil":

Pakistani officials have argued that the deal would free up India’s domestic uranium for weapons

The U.S.-Indian Deal and Its Impact | Arms Control Association
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Sirjee, I really like you & respect you, but with full respect, POLITICS isn't your forte :D

:-) Only because you have a different opinion, doesn't mean that I don't have a clue about politics. I have admitted that I don't have much insight of Indian politics, but you are contradicting yourself by taking on AAP because of their emotions and not taking the same stand for similar reactions of other parties.

Comparing A party

I didn't compared any party! I refered to the change the AAP can bring to Indian politics, because other parties would have to change their policies too. Also I refered to "your" point of emotional reaction and showed you that this is not typical for AAP alone, infact that's sadly a problem for many parties in India.
As I said, I don't have enough insights to compare the parties with each other, but I can compare the effects to democracy a reasonable AAP can bring to India, no matter if I like or support them or not!

2. SIR, how was Nuclear weapon test USELESS??

It is useless when it's done only to show of power, although we were able to simulate such test and it was useless when we knew that the outcome of the techs will be sanctions that will hurt us economically and technologically. So the benefit of showing of power was negative!

Civil nuclear deal, as i said before, wasn't just "civil":

But you critizised MMS for voting against the nuclear test and claimed that there was a change in mind wrt the civil nuclear deal, which is completely wrong. In fact MMS showed his forsight in both cases, because he knew that the tests will hurt Indias upcoming economy and growth and how many time do we see justifications for the Kaveri or LCA development delays, because of the sanctions? While on the other side India has tremendously benefitted from the civil nuclear deal.
=> MMS was right in his decisions and India would be way further ahead now, if we didn't went for the test.

The U.S.-Indian Deal and Its Impact | Arms Control Association[/quote]
News is just breaking....
  • FIR against Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal for violation of Section 144, inciting mob and violence: CNN-IBN
Also I refered to "your" point of emotional reaction and showed you that this is not typical for AAP alone, infact that's sadly a problem for many parties in India.

I raised it simply b'coz you were asking for Direct Democracy like AAP wants, I mean, do we really have to ask to people to make defense, home affairs, foreign affairs, economic policies??? Don't you think for a country like India (120 crore people), even excluding these issues & asking people's opinion on other daily Govt. functions can become a very very COSTLY affair??

In JUST ONE of the referendum as part of there goal of DIRECT DEMOCRACY, they did the following:

The party has got 25 lakh pamphlets printed to reach out to the people. Our next course of action would be a door-to-door survey. The exercise will commence on Thursday. Public meetings attended by senior leaders will also be organised in all municipal wards. The data collected will be analysed and the results are expected to be out in the public domain next Monday

Massive response to AAP referendum - The Hindu

was just wondering how much 25 lackh pamphlets, organizing door-to-door survey, Public meetings, etc. Costs??? Multiply that COST to 365 for a year. This I call a TYPE of CORRUPTION with some fancy name.

@sancho, I accept that I am a BJP supporter, but believe me, I am ready to vote for any party in India except AAP, why?? B'coz they are just a bunch of Inexperienced/greedy/power hungry people who will take back India to good old days of Pre-1990s where everything will be free - electricity, water, etc. & CM of states would be doing DHARNAS on streets rather than provide Governance to the people.

News is just breaking....
  • FIR against Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal for violation of Section 144, inciting mob and violence: CNN-IBN

Even the most hated politician by SOME Mr. Narendra Modi don't have any FIR against him ANYWHERE. Great Going Mr. CM Kejriwal, soon you will be giving Lalus, Mulayams & Mayawatis of Indian Politics a run for there money :tup:
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