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Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

You don't need to look far, the intolerant response he has got for his comments itself has shown how much the country has changed. and this 'actor' has also done a lot for the country. while others like him have preferred to live a life of endless money, he has spent a lot of his energy trying to bring social issues to the people through his programs and movies. as a creative person he has contributed a lot. but bhakt will immediately ask him to go to Pakistan.

The very fact that he can air his views in a platform critical of present government in presence of govt. functionaries SHOWS THAT the country is NOT intolerant.

The fact that even after this he WILL BE FREE to air his views SHOWS THAT the country is NOT intolerant.

The fact that his movie PK which was majorly based upon criticism of Hindu Gods was passed by censors and was accepted by the majority hindu country and he continued and continues to be loved by masses and intellectuals alike SHOWS THAT the country is NOT intolerant.

There is a need to differentiate between objection and intolerance. The subject has been hijacked by some people with pathological hatred for anything BJP does or stand for.

I am strongly convinced that a very well funded and competently backed background campaign is underway to undermine present government and to ensure Modi doesn't return to power next time.
I hope someone is doing something about this otherwise we might have to live under the proxy rule of that italian woman and her retarded son and watch this country going to dogs.
Die Bitch. (Thats objection btw)
All those who are afraid should try to go for counselling.

If unsuccessful and if they can afford it, they should relocate where they feel safer. We have no right to force them to stay here.
You don't need to look far, the intolerant response he has got for his comments itself has shown how much the country has changed. and this 'actor' has also done a lot for the country. while others like him have preferred to live a life of endless money, he has spent a lot of his energy trying to bring social issues to the people through his programs and movies. as a creative person he has contributed a lot.
Amir? He charges Rs. 3 crore for each episode of Satyameva Jayate. He is NOT doing charity.

And if THEY don't want, why force them to stay here? They should be free to go where they feel safer. Why do you have to impose their expectations on all Indians?

Typical bhakt finding moral equivalency on death of innocent people
I have seen your writing before.

a) BJP ran an illegal mining scam of 10,000 truck per day in bellary for well over 5 years. Reddy Brothers personally protected by none other than Rajmata Sushma Swaraj. Your assertion that Amir Khan did not express outrage in favour of BJP despite congress scams is laughable- everyone knows that BJP is just as bad. As per a new audit report it has been established that Reliance has been smartly stealing billions of BTUs of Natural Gas from ONGC. Now that the report has come out you think Modi will actually take action against the Ambanis- my @$$ he wll.

b) Terrorism- nonsense. No one has described any of those terrorists as peaceniks.
c) I don't even know what the rest of it is supposed to mean. If you're saying that Amir Khan can talk about insecurity only if he talks about a riot that happened when he was a child that's stupid. He's talking about how he feels right now and he has every right to express what he wants and feels. constitutionally that is his right.

Aamir khan never liked Modi to begin with, When US refused visa to Modi and Manmohan singh raised his voice in support of Modi Aamir signed a petition condmening Manmohan singh. it's more personal than anything else. plus he has very strong views about modi since Gurjarat riots. It's but natural that he is finding India intolerant.

Typical bhakt finding moral equivalency on death of innocent people
Unfortunately for some people innocent belong to only one religion, I am not one of them.
All those who are afraid should try to go for counselling.

If unsuccessful and if they can afford it, they should relocate where they feel safer. We have no right to force them to stay here.
Why don't you try it bhakts ,you people seriously needs a thorough checkup in my opinion
Well, one comment and whole of India goes crazy.
Not surprised by the way with this furore, but a surprising act apart from the furore happened this time which was pretty surprising.
Here's World's largest democracy for you.
@IndoCarib look at the post above- and you think intolerance is not rising?

Such rhetorics are intolerence enough to make anyone quit his country? Social media is full of such diatribe. Modi should have left this country long time ago, if had taken such posts on FB or on forums seriously!!
Well, one comment and whole of India goes crazy.
Not surprised by the way with this furore, but a surprising act apart from the furore happened this time which was pretty surprising.
Here's World's largest democracy for you.

You mean we cant express our opinions in worlds largest democracy now?

How intolerant of you.
Nice. absolutely agree, Solution to Indira Gandhi being assassinated, should not to riot and kill Sikhs, where was the outrage back then?

Look up the comments of your legendary leader Mani shankar Aiyar and your ally Azam khan.

You're saying that Amir Khan should not comment on 2015 intolerance because he didn't talk about 1980. Nice.

Lemme ask you, as per the CAG audit report Delhi Electricity Boards have been swindled and overcharged by 8000 crores- thereby validating AAPs assertion that people of delhi have been massively swindled by a conspiracy between Congrss, BJP, Reliance and other private players. The 'taxpayer money outrge' from you against BJP isn't suddenly being seen in 2015 for events that happened in 2013 and 14.
Aamir khan never liked Modi to begin with, When US refused visa to Modi and Manmohan singh raised his voice in support of Modi Aamir signed a petition condmening Manmohan singh. it's more personal than anything else. plus he has very strong views about modi since Gurjarat riots. It's but natural that he is finding India intolerant.
So if I don't like modi I must go to Pakistan,I am anti Hindu anti nation @Guynextdoor2 see the comment no wonder bhakts are so dumb ,there only moto is my way or the highway
Unfortunately for some people innocent belong to only one religion, I am not one of them.
You don't care about any religion or any community ,you only care about saving or making your own political carrier on death of innocent people
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