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A100 to Pakistan

AZADPAKISTAN - your question about putting it on PN tub is answered by the inherent inaccuracy of most MLRS, the engagment distances, and spped and mobility of intended targets. Naval Warfare is different than land based one.

Hope this helps!!!
yes if we can get the tot of this system it will be good for our armed force and we can offer to poor countries like in africa and some asia to builed their defences

I don't think the Chinese would let us sell these! Or would they?
yes if we can get the tot of this system it will be good for our armed force and we can offer to poor countries like in africa and some asia to builed their defences

i dont think Pakistan will be in a possition to export this even if we get ToT to build them at home. This in house production will facilitate upgradation and modification to meet the requirment of PA, and, that would be enough.
however i dont thing PA is going for ToT of the launcher and it will be only the rockets that are going to be produced at home and this also makes sense.

for exporting military army, pakistan will first have to eastablish a good name i export market. all of us can see the hurdles that we are currently facing with our APC, Tanks and JF17. this is not because these systems are inferior to something but because pakistan is still a new born baby as far as the arms export is concerned. once we get the stone rolling, the JF17 and Al-Khalid will bring a lot of business. one other potential export technology that we ususlly neglect is the Al-Zarar. with 54~56 upgrades, the concept take the original Type-59 to next level.

there are some 9500 Type-59 tanks and some 100000 typr -54 from which the Type-59 originated from.

this huge number make the Al-Zarar upgrads a potential money generator. :pakistan:

A new AR3 Multiple Launch Rocket System able to fire guided and unguided 300 mm rockets and a new 370 mm calibre guided rocket is being marketed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO).

Designed for deployment at battalion or battery level, the AR3 can also be operated as a stand-alone single launcher. Reaction time is 20 seconds at battalion level or 15 seconds at battery level.

According to NORINCO, it features an advanced meteorological survey system, command-and-control system and support system, as well as a high degree of automation, but no details were given. Company documentation cites a laying accuracy of 1 mil and a circular error probable of less than 50 m

hope pakistan getting this
A new AR3 Multiple Launch Rocket System able to fire guided and unguided 300 mm rockets and a new 370 mm calibre guided rocket is being marketed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO).

Designed for deployment at battalion or battery level, the AR3 can also be operated as a stand-alone single launcher. Reaction time is 20 seconds at battalion level or 15 seconds at battery level.

According to NORINCO, it features an advanced meteorological survey system, command-and-control system and support system, as well as a high degree of automation, but no details were given. Company documentation cites a laying accuracy of 1 mil and a circular error probable of less than 50 m

hope pakistan getting this

As we saw from the pictures of the Pakistan Army exercise, i am guessing we already received a few of them?
As we saw from the pictures of the Pakistan Army exercise, i am guessing we already received a few of them?

yes they are operational with PA.
infact i was reading an article about the A-100 MBRL system where it was stated that they saw there first action with PA in the latest War exercises "Zarb-e-Momin" :pakistan:

its done, pakistan have got the ToT of rockets and ammunitions to be used in A-100 and will be producing this in house.
the battery system and the launchers are however accquired from the source, China.

A-300E Ammunition
The A-100 fires 300mm rocket powered by a solid propellant rocket motor, with a firing range of 40~100km. The A-100 rocket is 7.3m in length and weights 840kg. The rocket carries a 235kg warhead, and is stabilised by spin, thrust, and stabilising fins. It is fitted with a warhead containing 500 HE-FRAG (High Explosive Fragmentation) anti-armour/personnel submunitions. The submunition can penetrate 50mm of armour, and has a blast radius of 7m. The submunitions have a spreading radius of 100 +/- 40 metres.

The rocket consists of the warhead and fuse, a thrust stabilising system, a rocket motor and the tail section. The rocket motor is a single chamber, solid rocket motor with an advanced hydroxy-terminated polybutadine (HTPB) composition rocket propellant. The stabilising fins are folded inside the launch tube and open once the rocket leaves the tube.

The rocket is equipped with an onboard computer to help correct the horizontal and vertical deviations. During the first three seconds of the rocket’s flight, the onboard computer detects the horizontal difference between the programmed trajectory and actual status of the rocket, and controls the rocket’s stabilising thrust system to correct the rocket’s flying direction. The onboard computer corrects the vertical deviation by adjusting the warhead detonation time so that the submunitions are spread with a high accuracy.

i hope you guys find this useful
China...........12......... A-100 300mm........... Self-propelled MRL......2008........2010.........
12 batteries have been delivered during 2010. ordered in 2008.
China...........12......... A-100 300mm........... Self-propelled MRL......2008........2010.........
12 batteries have been delivered during 2010. ordered in 2008.

a total of 36 were put on order and the balance will be delivered by end of 2012.
for the radar, i guess both have been delivered.
can you confirm sir?


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