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A Zillion reasons to escape from India

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tables have started to turn ... people are coming back to india. salaries in india have increased 10 times. you gotta see to believe
See...these posts make you look like an idiot..you need a mental asylum!

I respectfully disagree.

He is nowhere near so grievously afflicted. It is a fairly simple inferiority complex. It can be treated. The problem is treating the vast numbers of their own little diaspora.
What is the matter with you guys I am not Webby. Now lets talk on topic about a zillion reasons to leave India. where shall we start?
Start with your own home first..oh i see you're in UK,too much delusional!
For reasons ranging from bad (the dotcom fallout and the still-hurting knock-on effects) to good (the engineer/mba path is still a safe career bet, and if you're into anything radical, India's never been a better place to set up shop), NRIs have been returning to India in huge numbers. In Bangalore alone, something like 35,000 ex-NRIs have 'returned' over the past five years. This may dwarf the number in other metros, but the total for India over this period is at least 50,000.

And the numbers are growing. Last July, nearly 1,000 people of Indian origin, or PIOs, attended a job fair organised by a magazine in Santa Clara, California, and offered their resumes to companies planning operations in India. A Wipro job fair too met with similar enthusiastic results. Bhaskar Sanyal of IBM, who returned six months back from Singapore to manage a global IT project out of Bangalore, confirms the growth: "In the SAP community alone, we recruited 10-12 returned NRIs in the last three months." He also receives a lot of e-mail enquiries because he is known in the techie community to be pretty thorough with PIO procedures and taxation. CISCO director Srikanth Hoskote, who returned last April, also speaks about the huge volumes of mail from people who want to return.

Still, IT isn't quite the international meal ticket it was during the boom towards the end of the last decade, so it isn't surprising that most of the returnees are industry professionals. But the numbers are also made up of a number of remarkable artistes, bankers, entrepreneurs, lawyers and teachers, to name just a few. They are coming back to an India that is changed not so much for the Nike or Levi's or a certain quality of life but one which provides the means to the same "fulfilment", material and otherwise. Perhaps, even more crucially, these NRIs are coming back to India because they really want to, and not particularly because they need to.

Consider Ramesh Ramanathan's experience. As head of one of Citibank's key European businesses, this bits Pilani/Yale University alumnus had already stretched the envelope of the South Indian middle-class dream. But his motivations were focused by a deceptively simple issue. He describes NRI gatherings where they would have the usual conversations on India's ills: "The more Swati (his wife) and I thought about it, the more we realised that we were successful not just because of our own effort but because there was an invisible 'system' that enabled this search for excellence and accomplishments...that ensured the streets were clean, the garbage got picked up.... We began to believe that we had to return, that it was the obligation of our generation to build these systems back in India," he writes on the website of Janaagraha, an organisation the Ramanathans started in Bangalore to engage citizens, government, NGOs and the corporate world with a view to achieving greater citizens' participation in local government. In practice, this means the often difficult task of finding effective ways of working towards laudable goals such as a demonstrably usable implementation of the 'Right To Information' legislation, for instance.

Nevertheless, it would be naive to suggest that India's infamous brain drain is about to get reversed anytime soon.Intangibles like nostalgia may play a role, but for the most part these individuals make a success out of coming back to the motherland since hard facts back it up, like the exposure, education, growth, and not least, earnings that they got out of their foreign stays. In recent years, a two- to three-year India stint with a multinational firm has emerged as a challenging but potentially rewarding attraction. Many NRIs have found the luxury of living in India on a dollar-denominated salary impossible to resist when there's a career opportunity thrown in.

Certainly, when the money is there, the living can get a lot easier. Techie Aravind Sitaram and his artiste wife Soumya sold their Silicon Valley home and their cabin in California's Stanislaus national forest to move to a farmhouse outside Bangalore which hardly offers less in terms of "connectivity". Not far away is Adarsh Palm Meadows, a plush returnee NRI colony similar to gated communities in other metros. Architect Vankulapathi Vinay even moved from Sydney to Bangalore because he sensed correctly that there would be a demand for people who could design houses similar to what NRIs had seen abroad.

But not everybody is looking at India with the sort of long-term vision that encompasses house-building. While the number of successful returnees is significant, the majority, especially in cities like Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, are from the infotech industry, and it's unlikely that the hiring triggered by, say, a jump in the tech-heavy Nasdaq index would necessarily keep many of them in India for very long. Certainly not as long as Java remains the second language of choice after Telugu, Kannada or Tamil. Economic opportunity is still the most potent of all motivations.

Such opportunity is certainly emerging in India, but it is still some way off the phenomenal transition that hit cities like Shanghai a decade ago; Viya's Goyal describes how overseas Chinese brought themselves-and their money-in hordes when they scented the sheer scale of big bucks to be made from a giant and fast-growing economy. No one's doubting India's potential, but the reality could take a while yet. Which is why many NRIs are still hedging their bets, short of making a clear commitment to India. It's also why people like Shivram, much feared by luckless fellow students at both bits Pilani and IIM Calcutta for his sharp tongue, cheerfully lets slip a suitably tart acid drop about the hypocrisy inherent in the biological impossibility of hearts in one place and heads in another!

Luckily, there has been a seismic change which has revolutionised Indian society in between; an emergence of realistic career opportunities that veer radically away from the doctors, lawyers and engineers so beloved of middle-class India. That's why a former investment banker like Goyal can find both meaning and money out of selling Vietnamese lacquer bowls, while another, like Ramanathan, finds comparable if rather different fulfilment in helping local governments become more transparent to their citizens. Perhaps even more importantly, India has shed enough socialist baggage that it no longer necessarily sees some trades as being morally superior to others. There's hope yet for India's emergence as a legitimate professional goal, it's certainly no longer a place to flee.

Sugata Srinivasaraju with inputs from Labonita Ghosh in Calcutta and Shobita Dhar, Hari Menon in New Delhi
What solution did he give in the post?lol

Overthrow the ruling classes in India. Let those that want to leave India leave India you know like Kashmiris. Then you don't have to spend money on guns to keep them in and you can feed the ones remaining in India with the money you save from not buying guns. Mind you that money goes mainly on bribes anyway. that was my conclusion
Can you really call the west having greener pastures anymore?

Yes, they are greener, albeit just slightly. The gap between living in India and US / UK is reducing quite fast and it is quite evident from the number of IT professionals returning back to Homeland.

In last couple of years the number of Indians returning back has been constantly rising and according to survey recently conducted by Indus ventures around 60,000 professionals settled in US have returned to India in last year alone. That is nearly equal to Indians going to US yearly.

So, what are the reasons that have given rise to this trend?

Here is a brief look at top 5 reasons 8 reasons:

Rapidly decreasing gap between Salaries in India and US. Salaries of Indian IT professionals in last few years. If you compare the living cost and salary ratio, I think an IT professional can lead much higher standard of living in India than he does in the Western countries.
Opportunities! India is full of opportunities, with every MNC globally trying to open shop in India. Infact, the reason for such higher salaries in IT professionals is lack of people in this Industry. According to one recent NASSCOMM survey, India is facing severe shortage of IT professional by nearly 30%. So the IT professionals moving to India get much better growth opportunities than in the West.
Most of the returning Indians are couples in the age group of 27 to 35 having kids. The major factor cited by the survey was to protect their kids from the Western culture. I am not saying Western Culture is bad, however for kids growing up in US with parents having Indian roots creates a lot of problems. Not without reason do they say ABCDs (American born confused Desis).
Education is also one of the foremost reasons for Indians to move back. It is generally believed that Indian schooling system is quite good; however higher education is much better in the West.
Constant feeling of getting back to the roots. You ask any Indian settled in US and you will always hear, “Wish I’d gone back to India”. If you don’t understand, go watch Yash Chopra films and you will know what I am talking about.
Readers contibution

I believe its more of the support system in India that people miss outside. Imagine having a kid and then the whole household looking after the new born without any questions asked. Both in-laws are very eager to take care of the kid so that both parents can go back to work with a peaceful mind that their kid is being looked after by their own people. Outside India, such a thing is a luxury. You can leave your kids in a crèche, but it blows a big hole in the pocket. (Thanks Full2njoy)
The reasons are increasingly for professional challenges too! Some feel that they can ‘break the glass ceiling ‘ by taking up assignments in India-which would also help them propel their career into executive positions-in a few years time. I suspect the dual citizenship helps. (Thanks Achyut)
One of the reasons that I see is People in India are starting to believe in Brand INDIA.Also, with the rupee becoming stronger, there is a phase shift in the Indian Economy as well. The other reason is “Few years back, India was not conducive to Startups and Entrepreneurship but times are changing now.A simple example is the arrival of major Unconferences in India which gives an indication that Indians have become more open minded and many are willing to embrace Entrepreneurship. (Thanks Himanshu Sheth)
If I have missed any other important reasons, please leave a comment and I will be more than happy to add them here.
oh my god. grown up pakistanis still have so much insecurity and obsession with india. its kind of flattering actually. especially considering that old man riaz haq.

On the contrary we are appreciating being Pakistan and thanking Allah that we are not Indian

I think he is mentally unstable,gets pleasure out of talking bad about India...can't really be blamed when his own country doesn't have something to boast off,he is trying hard to get flaws out of the other one.

What you on mate. I am not talking bad about India just bringing facts and articles to your attention. This article was by an Indian and dalit
tribune.com.pk/story/193321/pakistan-ranks-12th-on-failed-states-index-report/ now start barking
Thats why you forcibly convert whatever Hindus you have left in Pakistan to Islam?

the state does not approve of that. We have a few criminal elements and I never said we dont have issues in Pakistan. back to topic where shall we start on reasons to leave India?

Don't you think its a matter of great honor and we should thank Jinnah for separating Pakistan out of us...or we might would have had to burden the tag of terrorism factory of the world..hideout of Osama Bin Laden and the worst performing country in the world!

but you do anyway I suggest you read the article and about insurgency section

If there are zillion reasons to escape from India then why 1 billion people are still living there. .

How? those that can are doing so
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