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A week after New Delhi attacks, India tries to play down Iran link


Jun 10, 2011
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A week after the terror attack in New Delhi, which seriously wounded Tal Yehoshua-Koren, the wife of an Israeli diplomat, the Indian government is still trying to brush over the accumulating evidence that the attack was part of a wider Iranian effort to orchestrate multiple attacks on Israeli targets in different countries. To date, no Indian official has referred to Iran's involvement. Sources in New Delhi explain that the government is concerned that its close relationships with both Israel and Iran are becoming incompatible.

The investigation into the attack is being carried out by the New Delhi Police and the Central Bureau of Investigation, but not by the elite National Security Guard which has the main expertise in investigating bombings. Security sources cited "political and diplomatic reasons" for the government's preference to treat this as a local matter and not an international one. Police sources even leaked to the media that the bomber could have been a local Indian, despite there being little proof for this. Urban Development Minister Kamal Nath insisted that the attack was "an isolated incident."

Members of the ruling Congress Party tried in media appearances to implicate agents of India's rival neighbor, Pakistan, in the attack, claiming that Pakistan was trying to harm India's relations with Iran.

The Indian media is treating is as a regular terrorist attack. Which means they are dependent on police and intel sources for most of the news, which, frankly is not much. But they have some details such as it was a motor cycle guy who planted the bomb etc.

Saikat Datta, a senior defense analyst in New Delhi says that "this is about the relations India shares with Israel and Iran. Our oil comes from Iran and they have always supported us on the Kashmir issue. But Israel is our strongest and staunchest strategic ally and there is a lot of good will towards the Israelis."

Despite the American and European sanctions on Iran, India has no plans to stop importing Iranian oil and the Indian media reported last week that there are plans to work around the restrictions on the Iran's central bank by paying for oil with wheat. Indian companies are rebuilding Iranian ports and a new railway to Afghanistan. Next month a high-level Indian delegation will be visiting Iran while the chief of staff of India's army, General V. K. Singh will be visiting Israel.

India is a major purchaser of Israeli weapons systems, including early-warning aircraft, radars and drones. The two countries cooperate closely on intelligence matters. But the New Delhi government is anxious not to emphasize these relations openly so as not to anger its large Muslim minority which includes 35 million Shias.
But not only India is worried about its interests, Iran has the most to lose from a breakdown in relations, and if it indeed decided to jeopardize those ties and launch an attack an Indian soil, it must be extremely anxious to harm Israelis as soon as possible.

A week after New Delhi attacks, India tries to play down Iran link - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
let me tell you if bjp would have been there those attackers would have been in a **** load of trouble but this kongres stoge party only care for muslim minorities as they are their vote banks
let me tell you if bjp would have been there those attackers would have been in a **** load of trouble but this kongres stoge party only care for muslim minorities as they are their vote banks
hope these cheap vote bank politics dosen't effect indo-israeli relations much
let me tell you if bjp would have been there those attackers would have been in a **** load of trouble but this kongres stoge party only care for muslim minorities as they are their vote banks

i dont think it has much to do with Indian muslims rather our relations with iran. even if iran is involved in this case we wont openly say anything but tell (in protest) them privately to settle their scores with israel elsewhere. bjp would have done the same.
let me tell you if bjp would have been there those attackers would have been in a **** load of trouble but this kongres stoge party only care for muslim minorities as they are their vote banks
International politics is different from your vote bank politics.
BJP would have done exactly same. They invited Iranian President as guest.
Find those people and bring them under the law that will put India in a better light.
Whatever! At least don't drag Pakistan and ISI into this :disagree:
Lol. Nobody is dragging ISI, as trade relation with pakistan is in upswing now. :)
But then, if nothing works, we will use ISI(advance sorry for that) :)

---------- Post added at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 AM ----------

And then there will be no Jewish state.Do you like it?
Yea, fight each other in your own area, in middle east dont fight inside India please.
Iran Should Have not Dragged India into this issue ... They Should have not Done a attack in Indian Soil for the First Place... Although i Support Iran against US sanction ... But it has a Done Huge Mistake here...

If there is a Country that can Mediate with the West & Iran its India... They Lost a Huge Chance Here... But Israel Should not try to Sent there Spies in India to retaliate for This attack even that is not Appreciated...

India Should not Simply become the Battle Field of Iran & Israel... we Dont Support Iran on the Nuclear Issue at the Same Time we Dont Support a West Backed Israeli Attack on Iran... Everything can be Sought out with Talks...

I would Love to See India mediating Between Iran & West on Nuclear Issue... Much can be gained by Both sides by it...
well maybe there is no evidence that relate the attacks to Iran and it make Israel angry so they want too presure India to say what Israel wants and as they didn't bow to the pressure Israel began to publish these lies
There isn't still any proof that Iran did it.If it's proven,then you are right.How do you know Israel itself is not behind attacks?
If it had happened only in India then one could point finger to local Indians, pakistanis, bangladeshis etc.
This happened in 3 countries within one week.
Something is fishy, dont you think?
Indians wont tell(coz they are shy police, :) ) thai police has cracked it already I guess.
If it had happened only in India then one could point finger to local Indians, pakistanis, bangladeshis etc.
This happened in 3 countries within one week.
Something is fishy, dont you think?
Indians wont tell(coz they are shy police, :) ) thai police has cracked it already I guess.

Indians wont Tell it Cozz the Attack was Carried By Indian Shias, backing & Funding from Iran... Due to the On Going election India Government Dont wanna Arrest a local Minority Population & The Another reason is international embarrassment as Indian Locals were involved in it...

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